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Everything posted by Slumpin

  1. this box im making for my ta is a PITA. having to make all sorts of corners and angles to utilize every inch of space in my well. coming along good so far, i've got the bottom half done, and im coming to where it angles and comes to the top of the box. how do i go about screwing in the angle? do i just countersink it further in on the outside of the box, so it doesnt poke out under the carpet, and put the screw in at the same angle as the wood?
  2. Slumpin

    keep cracking mdf, what gives?

    what kind of screws should i use for the subs?
  3. Slumpin

    keep cracking mdf, what gives?

    yes i drilled before i put the screws in, like i said the drill bit is the proper size. i guess i'll just have to go pick up some smaller screws tomorrow. thanks
  4. Slumpin

    does a sealed box have to be symetrical?

    it is, my old car was a 1990 camaro iroc-z. i had 2 jl 10w3's in a sealed box behind the seat, facing backwards, and 2 12w3's in an "enclosure" like that down in the well. honestly, the 10's hit harder than the 12's lol. a lot harder. both pairs had plenty of power. i've already started building it, sure its a pain in the ass, but its gonna sound NICE.
  5. im building a sealed box for the well of my 87 trans am for 2 rl-p 12s. i'm having a bit of trouble getting 1.25 cubic feet for each speaker but i think i've found a way. however, im not sure if it will screw the sound up. im using a single chamber, not one for each speaker. does if matter if i have a bit more of the airspace on one side of the box? http://thirdgen.org/techbb2/showthread.php...threadid=306257 here is the link to the plans. what i want to do is extend the bottom section so that it comes over further at the bottom, where it sits way down in the well. the dimension on there that says 22 1/2 i want to extend to the left side of the box about 2.5 or 3 inches. this shouldnt matter in a sealed box right? thanks, Shaun
  6. Slumpin

    does a sealed box have to be symetrical?

    by the way, i suppose i should ask before i redesign the thing and start cutting. net airspace is with the speakers factored in right? about how much difference does polyfill make? like say i could get 1.17 cubic feet per sub. could 16 oz of polyfill make it sound like 1.25?
  7. have you checked out the elemental designs nine.1? 300 bucks brand spankin new, 1200 watts @ 1 ohm, 900 @ 2
  8. Slumpin

    here i am

    i am here. saw over on caraudioforums this was THE forum so i have come. just wanted to sound off like i got a pair.
  9. i'm thinking about making a box for my trans am to these specs, but i dont know if its going to be big enough for my rl-p's. i know it should be simple, but i've tried for hours and can't figure this out for myself. could someone please tell me how many cubic feet per side i'm going to get out of this box if i build it? i would REALLY appreciate it. http://thirdgen.org/techbb2/showthread.php...threadid=306257
  10. wth, i didnt post this one someone must have moved it here for some reason sorry i posted the other 2 though, was sort of drunk that night
  11. Slumpin

    sealed box for 87 trans am?

    scratches head... lol
  12. im getting ready to build a sealed for for an 87 trans am, for 2 soundsplitter rl-p 12's. i think i'm going to have to use the entire well to get over 1 cubic foot per speaker, but i'm not sure exactly what im going to be working with, and this will be my first custom box. any tips, hints, blueprints, pictures, any kind of help anyone with a third generation f-body can give me? any thoughts on ideal air specs for running about 700 watts to each sub? i want to use 2 separate chambers right? thanks, Shaun
  13. Slumpin

    having trouble with box for 87 ta

    i believe the drops have the same well as hardtops, just under a trunk lid rather than a hatch.
  14. apparently there isnt enough room for a ported enclosure for my 2 rl-p 12's in my 87 trans am. i'm putting them in the well facing straight up, i THINK this will sound the best. thing is i havent built a box in years, and i only helped with a simple sealed box for a trunk, this one will be a lot more complex getting it to fit snug. i've got an elemental designs nine.1 amp, and i think the 12s should be right in their sweet spot with it turned up all the way at 1 ohm, right? they're d4s. i want as much space as possible right, and separate chambers for each 12? http://thirdgen.org/techbb2/showthread.php...threadid=306257 here is a design for a generic sealed box that was posted over at another forum im on, i think it will be roughly what i need, but its been a while since high school, and for the life of me, i couldnt figure out the cubic feet of that box. could someone help me please? i mostly listen to rap so i want a deep, low bass. thanks a lot, Shaun
  15. Slumpin

    sealed box for 87 trans am?

    im an idiot, what do you mean by reduce transients?
  16. Slumpin

    sealed box for 87 trans am?

    so it makes no difference in the sound, other than taking up a bit of airspace for the separating piece?
  17. im pretty sure that i want to go with infinity kappa speakers to match my 463.7 front speakers that sound AWESOME. right now i have a plate made for 4 4's that i have 4 proaudio speakers in it, that sound alright, but 2 of them are blown. so im probably either going with 2 693.7i kappa 6x9s, or 4 42.7i kappa 4's. im kind of leaning towards the 4's sounding better, what do you all think?
  18. Slumpin

    sealed box for 87 trans am?

    and i do want to use separate chambers for each sub right?
  19. Slumpin

    sealed box for 87 trans am?

    lmao how did you manage to get banned from there?
  20. Slumpin

    sealed box for 87 trans am?

    http://thirdgen.org/techbb2/showthread.php...threadid=306257 here are the plans from a third gen website to build a box for the well. i tried for hours, but couldnt figure out how many cubic ft. this would yield me. could someone please take a look at this and tell me if it will give me enough for my rl-p's? thanks a lot, Shaun