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Everything posted by inkfx

  1. inkfx


    Sell the 4s and put the black 22s on it. Money in the bank and a clean black Lincoln.
  2. I'll post a bunch of the show tomorrow.
  3. inkfx


    yaa buddy. glad to see the lincoln back! are those the 4s?
  4. Well I am off to clean and detail my car. If anyone goes out to the show in Converse that I don't know already come say whats up. I'll be in the Caddy. Shouldn't be too hard to miss. lol
  5. I will head out there on the 12th as well.
  6. Hm I may head over there this weekend. I heard about it but didn't know exactly where that one was. Is it right off the highway?
  7. inkfx

    sundown lincoln

    I like the sound of all of that.
  8. inkfx

    sundown lincoln

    I think he is just doing the 1 tweeter with the wide direction. Either way, another pair of 8s would be cool.
  9. inkfx

    sundown lincoln

    Ahh I see. Where you plan on mounting it? Have you heard anything about the subs?
  10. inkfx

    sundown lincoln

    Looks cool. What is it? lol
  11. inkfx

    ICON in the G/fs honda

  12. inkfx

    how to pollish a turd!

    Very cool. Nice trophy! Any pics of the motors?
  13. inkfx

    how hot do HID ballest get?

    I think you would have to ask the company who makes them exactly what they are rated to run at. From my understanding different ballast can range from running at ambient temperatures all the way up to 165C. Did you get projectors or just a bulb/ballast setup?
  14. Just go to Wal-Mart or similar and get a DMM for $10-$15.
  15. inkfx

    whent to my first db comp last night

    Cool whhhip.
  16. I was about to say something very similar so I'll just second this post.
  17. inkfx

    Pioneer h/u Ipod Control

    I found the trick to using my iPhone through my headunit is that I have to open up the iPod app where all my music is. Once there it acts just like an iPod and connects right away.
  18. Very true but it's something I take into account.
  19. Hmm I was just looking at Mechman alts. This kind of worries me. Would hate to shell out almost $500 and have to ship it back like 3-4 times before a working one arrives.
  20. inkfx


    Too small for my resolution. (1920x1200) sadface.
  21. inkfx

    IDK What Happened

    The only way you are going to figure out is by testing everything.
  22. inkfx


    I'm definitely getting one in mid August. This sealed the deal for me.
  23. inkfx

    Why you should just HIT the damn DEER

    Glad he is ok and all but damn I can't get over the fact that yall have driven it so much after the accident.
  24. So they arrived a couple of days ago but my lazy roommate hasn't gone and picked them up yet. About a week and a half ago I talked him into order a pair of 10s to replace the current Kenwoods under his backseats in the GMC Sierra. Today I finally got fed up with it and went to the front office to pick up the pair of Sundown SA-10 D4 B-Stock we ordered from Jacob. So the lady goes to the back to get them and calls me in for help because she claims they are "really heavy". I was thinking to myself, no way are these things THAT heavy. So I go to lift them both up and almost shit my pants. I did NOT expect the weight they have. Jacob sure fed these subs their Wheaties! On top of that, these SA-10s were part of his "B-Stock" collection. On the box it's written that the surround is damaged or has marks. After opening the first package all I can say is these are looking BRAND NEW. B-STOCK??? Some companies would sell this as regular stock!! Now, on to the part everyone comes here for....... PICS!!!!!! DUNNN DUNNN DUNNNNN Tested 6-29-2011 First sight! Even packed up in some fresh plastic. Call me weird but I love the smell of new equipment coming out the box. lol Here are a couple shots of the surround. You be the judge. A lot of mass for a 10