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Everything posted by inkfx

  1. inkfx

    Ads in posts.

    We will find a good mixture, just bare with us. Thanks. Not a problem. I like this forum, that's why I was curious. Thank you.
  2. inkfx

    Ads in posts.

    Lucky you. For me they are in the first 2 posts of every page.
  3. inkfx

    Ads in posts.

    Yeah I understand a forum takes a lot of time and money to put together. Good servers aren't cheap, I know that. I guess its just one of those pet peeve things. I just don't have the money to pay for a subscription or I would. Times are tough, I'm sure everyone knows that.
  4. inkfx

    Ads in posts.

    Oh, ok. Well hopefully it doesn't stick around. lol. With the great help this place is I'd hate to see something like this stay for good.
  5. inkfx

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    Well you kind of do need one right now. I know my DMM has been useful more times than I can count. Best 20 bucks I ever spent.
  6. inkfx

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    You can get one at Wal-Mart for like $15.
  7. inkfx

    DC lvl 4xl 10 tuning and port area

    I'm getting a new car soon so I may be going down to 10s. Interested to hear how you like the LVL4XL as I'm pretty set on DC for my next sub(s).
  8. inkfx

    Nocturnal =/

    I wish. Too bad im out on the couch.
  9. inkfx

    Nocturnal =/

    I still haven't gone to sleep. I've tried a few times already tonight. lol. It's starting to get light out now so I probably wont fall asleep until my body shuts down. For some reason, it's especially hard for me to sleep unless its totally dark. Which sucks because I can never sleep at night.
  10. inkfx

    whats the best way to burn disks

    It's definitely the computer then. Any DVD burning software will be just as slow.
  11. inkfx

    whats the best way to burn disks

    Drag n drop would not work in this scenario. If he simply opens a folder with the blank DVD and moves the video file, he just created a data disc which most likely wont play on a home theater or on the deck in your car.
  12. inkfx

    whats the best way to burn disks

    It may not be because of a fault with Nero. What kind of computer hardware are you working with? Encoding a DVD takes a lot of processing power. The only PC I've ever had that tore through encoding was my overclocked Q6600 @ 3.8Ghz. Your DVD burner could also be the culprit by have a slow burn speed.
  13. inkfx

    Worstenemy Is Here

    Ahoy matie.
  14. inkfx

    Who Here hates M5?

    Just stop it. Threads like this don't make it any better. If you have a problem take it up with him or a moderator. I hate seeing these drama-fest discussions.
  15. inkfx

    FI BTL 15" On SAZ3000D Final Instal

    How thick is the plexi and where did you buy it? Looks good. Only thing left to do is clean up the wires a bit but that's not hard.
  16. inkfx

    Team Sundown Expedition

    holy shit. that is going to be a sick build. 4 21s is just ridunkulous.
  17. inkfx

    F150 Lightning build up.

    Great work man. That install is hella clean. After I saw you use the plasti-dip I went out and got some today. My local Home Depot only had the spray can in-stock but for only $5 I couldn't resist. If the weather permits, I'll be trying it out tomorrow.
  18. i may be wrong but i believe both the alpine ixa-w407 and pioneer avh 4100 have 7" screens Yup, you're right. I was looking at the wrong Alpine.
  19. Id go with the 4100 just because of the larger screen. If that isn't a problem for you then you could save some bucks and go with one of the other two. Although with backup camera in mind it would probably be nice to have the larger screen.
  20. inkfx

    will it be worth it?

    Really they say my amp puts out around 800 watts rms and the saz1500 puts out 1800 wouldnt that 1000 watts be a big diffrence? If that thing is only putting out 800rms then going to the SAZ-1500 would be noticeable.
  21. I didn't think the silver solder was much more expensive. Last time I checked that's the stuff I buy at Lowes and it's only a couple bucks for a small roll. Maybe I'm wrong, I'd have to check over at Lowes since I'm out of it.
  22. inkfx

    Addiction sucks.

    Actually, it is exactly that, a lack of will power. "You're powerless to your addiction." I heard that shit a hundred times a day. I can tell you've never been to a treatment center. Addicition is more than a weak will and being lazy. If that was it, i'd be cured by now. As to your Triple C's comment? Ffirstly wrong chemical, secondly, i'd like you to find ten square miles, outside of unihabited land, where you can't find huge amounts this crap. It's everywhere. Not easy. I'm willing to work, but people like you make it easy to not want to. If you have nothing productive to say, don't say it. Edit: I want to smack you with my NA book. I can't make you use, no matter what I do or say. You are the only person who can help yourself. In the end, your actions will decide your fate. Take responsibility and think about what you're doing. I don't care what you say, lack of will power is the #1 reason for using. Yes, there may be other contributing factors as well but when it comes down to it, it is still your choice to use. It's not like the drugs help with problems, they just mask the problem for the meantime then come back worse when you come down from your high. Sorry I wont hug and kiss you like other people will, I'd rather give it to you straight.
  23. inkfx

    Addiction sucks.

    Actually, it is exactly that, a lack of will power. "You're powerless to your addiction." I heard that shit a hundred times a day. I can tell you've never been to a treatment center.
  24. inkfx

    Addiction sucks.

    You sir, are an ass hole. You obviously have no understanding of the human body or it's reaction to addiction. Addiction is a very powerful feeling to overcome by itself in a psychological way, that doesn't compare to chemical addiction. If you understood your own body you'd feel differently and probably appreciate how lucky you are to not have a psychological or physiological addiction. That's a pretty bold statement considering you don't know me nor do you know the things I've been through in my life. The OP is only 16 years old, he is simply going through a phase in his life which he needs to grow out of. It's all fun and games until someones eyes roll back into their head. Its a pretty bold thing to say when no one else knows the circumstances you do. The things you have been through dont have anything to do with his post. He said that because it was an extremely rude thing to say when someone is reaching out. Point blank. Sorry, the truth hurts. He needs a reality check, not a bunch of sympathy and crying in a camp fire. I've been through plenty of rehab and bullshit to know what's going on here.
  25. inkfx

    Addiction sucks.

    You sir, are an ass hole. You obviously have no understanding of the human body or it's reaction to addiction. Addiction is a very powerful feeling to overcome by itself in a psychological way, that doesn't compare to chemical addiction. If you understood your own body you'd feel differently and probably appreciate how lucky you are to not have a psychological or physiological addiction. That's a pretty bold statement considering you don't know me nor do you know the things I've been through in my life. The OP is only 16 years old, he is simply going through a phase in his life which he needs to grow out of. It's all fun and games until someones eyes roll back into their head.