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Everything posted by inkfx

  1. inkfx

    Question for competitors

    As far as hearing safety goes, I believe your ears have a tolerance around 120dB. Past that, you will start to lose your hearing.
  2. You said that nicer than I did, but IMO skill and effort aren't worth shit unless you apply to something worthwhile. The truck to begin with was a major fail, yes I know I have one, and the modifications are absurd and a huge waste of money. Good thing you're not driving it huh
  3. Any pics of the terminals?
  4. inkfx

    UPS and Fedex just keep coming and coming > : )

    I second all of this.
  5. inkfx

    New Enclosure for AQ 15's

    Sounds good. Was going to work on a design tonight but it's my 21st birthday so it's time to go out. I'll work on a design tomorrow and post it up.
  6. inkfx

    New Enclosure for AQ 15's

    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Would I lose a lot of my low end going up to 38hz? Or should I stay around 34-36hz? I do listen to chopped and screwed music now and then so I like my lows.
  7. inkfx

    New Enclosure for AQ 15's

    I could do aero ports. Only thing is I have no idea how to tune it. I would probably have to buy a design from someone unless it can be explained to me. I know parts-express caries the round ports but they are currently out of stock. Parts-Express.com:�Precision Port 6" Flared Port Tube Kit | tubes vent tuned Would some PVC from Lowes/Home Depot be an OK alternative? I've seen a few build logs where people have used PVC and they didn't have complaints. Another bonus to the PVC is I could get it the same time I buy my MDF and paints. As far as enclosure size, I have them in 6.8cu ft and they sound ok to me. Am I really missing out from the extra space? Also, I don't think I would want the ports to be external. I'm not really a fan of how that looks.
  8. inkfx

    1000# club

    You could always get a gym membership.
  9. inkfx

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

    This build is proof that taking your time is the way to go. Great job on everything.
  10. i hope you don't bass boost that SAZ-1500.
  11. inkfx

    I've seen this too many times

    I was just up in San Marcos with a few dudes here on SSA metering our cars when some buddy rolled up and told us we should ditch our shit and get Kicker. Needless to say, when he got a demo from 2 15" Nightshades on a Sundown 3k he changed his mind.
  12. inkfx

    Buying my SSD's tomorrow!!!!!!!!&#

    Yup, get the D1 coils. Check out www.the12volt.com for wiring diagrams.
  13. inkfx

    3rd havoc 15 or 2 new mayhem 15s

    I'd go for more cone area as well.
  14. inkfx

    Term-lab Alternative

    Looks a lot like TermLab. Someone needs to buy one.
  15. inkfx

    Shipping question

    My 15" SDCs cost me $20 or $25 EACH to ship via FedEx. That was in original packaging. I couldn't imagine them asking you for $200 to ship those. "Brandon Daily" most likely got the quotes straight from their websites. (www.fedex.com & www.ups.com)
  16. inkfx

    Water in door panels!

    Oh alright I thought it would have to be really close to the speakers. Well thanks for the help guys. Some people even mount them in the back where the amps are, it is really up to you so get a little creative Yup, you can mount them pretty much anywhere. Just remember, the further you go from the speakers, the longer you need to make your cable runs.
  17. inkfx

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    May sounds good to me. I probably have finals around the end of April/May but I don't care. I'm only taking one class this semester so it's not like I have 50 different things to study. Perhaps we could meet before kids get out of highschool. Should cut down on any summer vacation traffic we could encounter. IIRC, around $250-300 plus shipping from Russia. Still a lot cheaper than a TL.
  18. inkfx

    Water in door panels!

    You can mount it anywhere you have room. Inside under the seats, in the door, or maybe even the kick panel.
  19. inkfx

    SSA South Texas mini-meet

    Ah so they were BOTH blown?? DAMN! The way he described it, I thought it would just be the amp and maybe 1 of those E8s. I wonder what caused them to both go like that.
  20. inkfx

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    If by punch you mean caseloads of beer and by pie you mean BBQ then I am certainly down for that You figured me out. Hopefully we can get a legit spot and it should turn out to be a pretty badass meet.
  21. inkfx

    Water in door panels!

    Try and pinpoint where the leak is coming from. Is there currently any weather stripping in place?
  22. inkfx

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    Mainly because that's where the TermLab is. The way I see it, he already shelled out all the cash for the testing equipment, might as well give him a break on the driving. I hope going to San Marcos doesn't deter you Houston people! ...we'll have punch... and pie... maybe.
  23. inkfx

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    Most likely San Marcos.
  24. inkfx

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    I'm ready whenever. Is that field still a solid spot? I'll probably have a few friends ride with me for this one. Show them what car audio is really about.