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Everything posted by inkfx

  1. inkfx

    LMAO! GTO Malibu?

    ^^X2 Even when they make a nice pattern with them? Damn yo, that chrome is nice!
  2. inkfx

    another centex meet???

    Any updates? This is coming up pretty quickly and I still need to request off of work if it's a for sure thing. Hopefully I can even get the day off! I got promoted to staff manager so maybe I can swindle myself out of a day on the schedule. If there is any help you need let me know. I lost all of my numbers when I replaced my phone about a week ago. If you need my number again just shoot me a PM.
  3. inkfx

    wrecks wrecks wrecks

    Wooo buddy. I can't even imagine how bad that must have hurt. Get well soon.
  4. Hahaha i liked the last few seconds of that vid.
  5. inkfx

    Hello from San Antonio Tx!!!!

    Welcome bro! We have a meet coming up sometime in October and you are welcome to join. Still working out a few kinks as far as location goes. What kind of system do you have?
  6. inkfx

    IAK, here is that trophy

    That's standard downtown San Antonio. It seems like every time I ride down there I get pulled out at gun point on my way home. They never even have a reason either. The cops go straight to pulling me and whoever else out of the car and detaining us with no explanation. All I want to do is ride around and have a good time but no. Fuckin haters. The part of town I'm at sucks as far as cars go. I know one other dude around here and he has a 04 Crown Vic on 22s. We ride around on weekends and don't really get bothered so that's pretty cool. The NE was tight while I was there but now there are cops EVERYWHERE so it's not even worth going over there.
  7. inkfx

    another centex meet???

    October 2nd works for me as well. Looks like we have a date, just need a location now.
  8. inkfx

    another centex meet???

    October 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd are all Saturdays. I can do any of those days as long as I let my GM know in advance.
  9. inkfx

    another centex meet???

    Maybe we should repost this in the Off-Topic section? It got a LOT of attention there. I'd like to know as early as possible on a date so I can get it sorted out at work. I usually work 10-12 hour days on Saturday & Sunday so I need to get my hours moved around. Can't afford to lose out on work.
  10. inkfx

    Street Havoc Car Show @ San Antonio

    I was going to go but I worked an 8am-7pm shift today.
  11. Damn I wish I could grab a 2nd 1500D. Why isn't my money tree working?!?!
  12. inkfx

    crazy crazy night.

    This happened in the Navi? That is some crazy shit bro.
  13. On another note, will the new owners continue to keep us posted here at SSA with updates and such?
  14. Best of luck to you man. Enjoy the world! Austin, TX is a pretty cool place to live/visit. You'll have to make the 30 minute trip down to San Antonio to check the sites as well. Oh and beware of the TERRRRRRRRRRIBLE drivers around here. Apparently road markings are invisible to most eyes around here.
  15. inkfx

    new scores!!!

    The Grand Am almost beat me. haha. Nice score on the Navigator. What did you change up to increase the score like that? I wonder if my score changed any moving up to this SAZ-1500D.
  16. inkfx

    Infinitely Baffled The Do-Over. :P

    I'll let you know when it's done. We'll have a little mini meet. Mini meet!!!!
  17. inkfx

    another centex meet???

    I say 2nd or 16th. The 30th is too close to Halloween.
  18. inkfx

    another centex meet???

    What days in October would work best for you guys? I'm sure most will agree on a weekend.
  19. inkfx

    Just some odd shots to kill time

    Spiders scare the poop out of me. The sunrises were very nice.
  20. Is it a daily driver? You need to give more information...
  21. inkfx

    question for sundownz

    Agreed. So far, Sundown has been the easiest and best company I've ever dealt with. His products are top notch and customer service is even better. I will always consider Sundown first before others just based on my personal experience. There is a lot of competition, though. So we'll just have to wait and see what Jacob will bring us.
  22. inkfx

    another centex meet???

    Lookin' like it's gonna be October.
  23. You could carpet or vinyl the roof after you do what you need to do.
  24. inkfx

    Infinitely Baffled The Do-Over. :P

    Hell ya. I want to hear this beast when it's done. If you need an extra set of hands let me know.