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Everything posted by arthurk

  1. arthurk


    Man I like the way you think! What an eye opener a giant system can be on the ol' wallet!
  2. arthurk

    the most functional english word

    Censorship of any kind is wrong! I didn't think a forum like this would be so lame. And please don't give some crap about younger people being on here.
  3. arthurk

    Can't Believe What I Saw

    Oh yeah, here in Indy they were saying "why don't you ever see fi, Re, Sundown, etc. in car audio mags or stores?" Thay were also saying chit like the same small group of guys on the forums that don't have a clue about quality post the same stuff over and over. I just stood there and grinned in disbelief.
  4. arthurk

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    Man, those doors look sweet! I am so glad that I am having you build my box! Awesome work! Poor van though
  5. arthurk

    THE BIG 3

    So on my 2000 Sebring Convertible, the battery is in the wheel well and there are neg and pos terminals up in the engine compartment where you hook up stereo items and to jump start the car. With this setup would there be more wiring involved? Thanks
  6. arthurk

    Fi BTL 12" common chamber flared port

    Man, your work is awesome! I sent you an email about building my box and I can't wait. Your craftsmanship is superb!
  7. arthurk

    Important Announcement from Fisher Customs

    So can we still order blueprints? If not, does anyone know were to get some?
  8. arthurk

    Ready to buy/Bl or Q series

    Ok guys, I am getting the credit card out this week and have about 5 cu ft of space in my trunk to mess with. I have decided on 2 Fi Bl12's or the Q series. I will be powering them with the sundown Saz-3000D amp. I am a musician and this will be what I listen to music on, mostly rock, but I love bass, so I do throw in the occasional rap disc. It needs to be quite loud, as it is a convertible. It has to be musical and I notice the description of the Bl series doesn't sound very musical. 5 cu ft, 3000 watts, trunk of a convertible, let me hear it! Remember , this will be on for hours at a time!!
  9. arthurk

    Worn out sub?

  10. arthurk

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    What will the price be in June?
  11. arthurk

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    So, since I am new here, do I understand correctly that you only make so many of these amps and then they are gone? I am going to buy either the 3500 or a 3000 but have to wait until June. Will I have to find a used one or what? Thanks