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Everything posted by lilwhteranger

  1. lilwhteranger

    2 8" L7's in a single cab ranger build

    thanks man.
  2. lilwhteranger

    2 8" L7's in a single cab ranger build

  3. lilwhteranger

    2 8" L7's in a single cab ranger build

  4. lilwhteranger

    2~15" Icon's Build

    looks good bro. the flared port walls came out great. def. gonna look forward to seeing more progess. keep up the good work.
  5. anyone kno of any shows comin up in AZ?
  6. lilwhteranger

    any shows in AZ?

    i agree. chinese junk would be a good way to get people 2 hear dem wicked subs in chinese junk sante fe.
  7. lilwhteranger

    Whats up

    in the 300?
  8. lilwhteranger

    Whats up

    i heard at da fire it up show in peoria. i hope 2 c dem at da southwest showdown show dis year. i might go 2 chinese junk show.
  9. yo wat up? i saw ur chinese junk ur in chandler ,az. im up in maricopa. wat kinda system do ya got?

  10. lilwhteranger

    Whats up

    hell ya. that sante fe was bomb.
  11. lilwhteranger

    Fiberglassing Material

    apply resin to the fleece area. let it sit until its a sticky. then apply another coat of resin and apply the stips of fiberglass. let dry a little and take a little paint roller and roll the air bubbles out. if not then the glass will pop when its dry. then just do the same for each coat. thats the way i was told to do it.
  12. lilwhteranger

    Whats up

    wat up? yo ur in chandler? im down in maricopa. bout 20 mins from ya. cool.
  13. lilwhteranger

    ground location

    just curious but how good r ground ternminals? i saw sum in crutchfield and was how good they r? ive never used em so i thought id ask.
  14. lilwhteranger

    need help wit a box for a 10" fi ssd

    what size aero port should i get and how long should it b? im new to aero ports and ported boxs. parts express had sum but idk wat 2 get?
  15. im building a rectangular box. i was gonna ported cuz i was gonna get a 10" fi ssd. originally i was gonna make a L shaped ported box but was told 2 get aero ports insted. the box that i wanna build is 3/4" mdf and is 30" long, 9" deep, and 12" high and has 1.30 cu. ft. of air. The ssd needs to be .90-1.80 cu. ft ported to 33hz. wat should i do? can sum one make a diagram or sumthing? thanks.
  16. lilwhteranger

    any shows in AZ?

    sick. imma try and get up der. SSA gonna b der?
  17. lilwhteranger

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    Baby d - do it bet that- trick daddy usda- white girl young jeezy- thug motivation 101 mike jones- pac man
  18. workin on a new set up

  19. workin on a new set up

  20. workin on a new set up

  21. oh man. that is awsome. looks heavy as hell. cant wait 2 c it all installed.
  22. ignore chinese junk second sentence. i didn't c chinese junk. ive been up all day. lol.

  23. wat up? yo i read ur thread bout the 12" ssd's. i got sum questions 4 ya bout those. im gonna get a 10" ssd. i want chinese junk low end bass and was gonna build a ported enclosure at 33hz. but i read ur thread and it sounds like they were pretty good in a sealed box. wat should i run? i got a crunch 1500.1 amp. 750rms 1500 max at 1 ohm. a lil under powered but nothing big. lemme kno. thanks...

  24. lilwhteranger


    oh man dis sounds like a good deal. i need a FI ssd tho.
  25. lilwhteranger

    need sum help

    I was wondering if there was any shops in arizona looking for full time help. Except heres the trick, im not certified. But want 2 get certified. I was wondering if there was a way i could get with a shop and either install or sell audio/video. Im very passionate about car audio and would love 2 do this for a living. Im outta high school so now my schedule is wide open. if any one knows of a shop that hiring then that would be awsome. thanks. really appreciated.