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Everything posted by emh9009

  1. emh9009

    Sub listening get-togethers?

    HA! try being on Washington's peninsula...
  2. emh9009

    Sub listening get-togethers?

    isn't FL one of the loudest states? there are comps all over down there, check them out! im not familiar with your location, but it seems there is a comp every weekend there. that would be what i'd do. Hope they help!
  3. people would just automatically post there. meaning more topics which would lead to more traffic and defeat the purpose of the sub catagories i can see both sides, so i'm kind of split. It could be something we try, and if it doesn't work well maybe revert back to how it is now? +1 on the "remove topic" button for pure ease-ability and less work for the mods to do in the long run.
  4. emh9009

    Bought a new house...

    Congrats, looks like a nice and open area. work space FTW!
  5. emh9009

    Ported SA-12... wow

    Looks good! videos? Looks like the bracing would cause a bit of turbulence, epically the one in front of the port. Curious why you didn't use dowel or threaded rod bracing?
  6. that thing is moving... a lot! those subs are pure beast mode. Very nice. i want to see windshield flex? longer videos?
  7. emh9009

    Refurbished SA-8s : $85 + SH

  8. emh9009


    But it's better to have a really good electrical than a poor one. keep a good number being sent to your amp and reduce the chances of anything blowing.
  9. emh9009


    We couldn't really tell you. every car is different, so you're just going to have to try it and see what your voltage does.
  10. emh9009

    2 18's in the accord

    looks good. any previous builds? power being used?
  11. emh9009

    Looking to upgrade...

    post some pics. of what you're working with. People here have a lot of experience and great ideas on installs. should be able to figure something out if you really want to get some 6.5s
  12. You are right I dont know how that thought completely slipped through out of my mind. I guess Im really into car audio these days? LoL The mercedez is a great car and I honestly cant find something else that gives me that WOW impression. Previous cars I liked were the Pacifica, SRX, Cayenne, Equinox, Traverse, RX330, Acadia, Edge but nothing like the ML 350. hey, i bought a CRX haha so im being a hypocrite.
  13. i know it's a good thought to plan ahead. but you shouldn't decide what vehicle you want because of the audio you're putting into it. There are much more crucial factors that are in play. you can put audio in anything, but tens of thousands of dollars you put into buying a car is hard to replace.. just a thought.
  14. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Hey, much appreciated. It's not on your level. but it's workin'!
  15. emh9009

    Chainsaw's Camry(the bigger better version)

    i have my bass knob in the ash tray as well. works really well.
  16. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Thanks for checking the build out man.
  17. Very nice build. Wiring is awesome, great attention to detail. Keep up the skillz! :fing34:
  18. emh9009

    Finally made it here!

    Welcome, i was doing homework and working last night. so that's why i didn't catch this yesterday
  19. Thats one part of the Big 3, which OP should do if they haven't already. I suggest getting 1/0 at least to do it though, with this kind of upgrades/power plans.
  20. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Thanks, guys. I don't know if a brace would do anything. The its the middle section of the tail light that's rattling, the "CRX" part. Maybe a bolt is loose, i haven't been able to look at it much. When i get new subs or have a reason to take these out, ill actually put them in so you can read the logo. Still at angles, just not upside down.
  21. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Ordered some RCAs from monoprice, needed a charging cable and figured i could test these out and make a first purchase from these guys since i've heard such good reviews. Hope i like them better than the Eko Knu ones.
  22. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Took a panel out. rattled too much. put a lil extra deadener i had in place of it, between some other rattle traps as well. with the port unloading on the hatch, my tail lights rattle like crazy. and for fun... Oh, and i finally got my first cut from a rough edge on a CLD tile. moar blood!
  23. house sitting for my girlfriend's sister. So she gave me a zune :)

    1. sefugi


      I've never heard it called that!

    2. emh9009


      HAHA it's new slang ;) get outta' there!

    3. Sir-Lancelot


      can I haz zune?

  24. The remote screws are the worst. I don't understand how you can still blame sundown for this. Even if they had used screws with allen heads on them, you still have the possibility of dropping a metal tool on the same location you did. What's the difference?