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Everything posted by emh9009

  1. emh9009


    For sure. But if you want headroom or somewhere down the road the ability to throw more power at them i would look at something like the 2500, if you want to stick to sundown. If you got the bigger amp, there is nothing to say you have to use all of the power, just keep the gain down to where you want it.
  2. x100000 Rather my amp go into protect than not and blow something. In the lanes though.... I don't care where i am. Still would rather it go into protect than break something. I meant that it COULD be a disadvantage in some cases. An engine that bogs when you're on it too hard is a plus for inexperienced drivers but a con for ppl at the dragstrip...if you get me. In a way, yeah. We could take this further, but i feel we are too far off topic. I'll leave with the same thoughts though. I don't like breaking stuff.
  3. x100000 Rather my amp go into protect than not and blow something. In the lanes though.... I don't care where i am. Still would rather it go into protect than break something.
  4. x100000 Rather my amp go into protect than not and blow something.
  5. emh9009

    shutting down

    You only THINK they're wired to 1 ohm? May want to check that, like shizz said. Cable, why is 1 ohm low for a DD? Seems to be quite popular last i checked.
  6. Im not worried about the price, im pretty sure pre-order saves me $29.99, would be cool if they emailed me back tonight so I could pay over paypal and hop in line for it. =] Never said anything about the price, just that there is no rush. I'm sure you will make the pre-sale. It's Monday, like you said they're not open. I would expect a reply of some sort tomorrow or wed.
  7. i think there are a couple weeks left before they get them, so there shouldn't be any immediate rush. You should be fine.
  8. emh9009

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Super nano size tanks. I like the relaxation it bring to my room. Turn on my space lights and it's really calming. Then you need a 150 full of live rock and corals. That will relax you. There goes half the room i have in my bedroom haha Ill do a wall Post pics of your tank(s)? I took my last tank down last year, but here is some pictures I put the gallary. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/gallery/album/4966/331-fish-tank/ Also had a 400, but that was for the shop. Got clam? haha Looks good. X2 on the maintenance free tanks, J.
  9. emh9009

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    For sure, 156 @ 27 hz :trippy:
  10. emh9009

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Super nano size tanks. I like the relaxation it bring to my room. Turn on my space lights and it's really calming. Then you need a 150 full of live rock and corals. That will relax you. There goes half the room i have in my bedroom haha Ill do a wall Post pics of your tank(s)?
  11. emh9009

    Me Complaining

    Damn, hope your luck turns around. What did you do to get karma on your bad side?
  12. emh9009

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Super nano size tanks. I like the relaxation it bring to my room. Turn on my space lights and it's really calming.
  13. emh9009

    Happy Birthday Mark LaFountain

    Oh snap! Happy Birthday, Mark. Hope you had some fun!
  14. emh9009

    Welcome to the IHoP

    it's only a 10 gal. The 50 gal. is in the living room, this one is in my bedroom. Got some important papers wet.
  15. emh9009

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There was a little crack on one of the seams when i got it.. 2 years ago. Put some hot glue on it, figured it was only time. Have no idea what caused it to expand like it did though, too much pressure?
  16. emh9009

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Woke up to the sound of dripping water. My fish tank has a massive crack along the face of it, leaking water everywhere. What a mess. Nearest pet supply store doesn't open for another 2 hours. One fish has jumped out of the temp. bowl twice now, have to keep it covered.
  17. emh9009

    1992 volvo 240 wagon build log

    You could fit more sub back there! Looks good, look forward to the pods. Nice to have a guy like lancelot around to help, he seems like he kinda' knows what he is doing Stain/varnish looks pretty clean, dont see that much.
  18. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Y'all are ridiculous. HAHA ON TOPIC - ordered some NGK spark plug wires last night. Get them in a couple days. Now I've got all of NGK's products on my car that i can. Wish we knew when the sundown components were coming out...
  19. I would try another box before you spend hundreds on new subs. Just in case you can still get what you want out of the Q. Try tuning around 35, see if you like it.
  20. emh9009

    problem with my BL

    What's the sub level set at on the headunit? turn that up, and adjust your amp settings before you go crazy so you don;t send it a bazillion wattZ
  21. emh9009

    Sir-Lancelot's 18" Zcons

    Green with envy. Nice ground pounder, sir!
  22. emh9009

    Sundown Audio SAZ-2500D

    Just because it's got a rating of X watts at Y ohms and Z volts doesn't mean that's what it's always going to do when you set YOUR gain, and what YOUR electrical consists of. Like stated before, just watch for signs of stress and it can be done.
  23. emh9009

    Fi btw n2 12 amp options

    No reason not to use the amp you have now. Just dont try to take too much from the amp and start clipping everything. Look for an amp that is in your price range that puts out ~ 2k watts rms