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Everything posted by emh9009

  1. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Washed the CRX today. Figured I could change up some stickers. Don't know if I like it or not. At least I got some SSA on my ride now, thanks to Aaron!
  2. emh9009

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    did you put the white sticker on those? Mine came with a printed? gray logo. How do you like the Xs?
  3. emh9009

    Sixdogs1 12 8" Sundowns Check it.

    Have subscribed to him for a while, like his videos. Those 8s def. do some work!
  4. emh9009

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    lookin' good!
  5. for learning on the first try, and kickin' ass on the second!
  6. emh9009

    Greetings from SinCity

  7. emh9009

    Alternator '93 Honda Prelude Si!

    Unforeseen delays? I would at least like to see/get updates on what is happening if something did come up.
  8. emh9009

    Alternator '93 Honda Prelude Si!

    Well the alt that i want isn't in stock, this may or may not be the case for yours as well. They are waiting on casings from denso, which are overdue about 3 months from japan. They should be getting a shipment in on the 15th -ish.
  9. emh9009

    Alternator '93 Honda Prelude Si!

    Have you already paid for the alt, or are you waiting to see what they have available?
  10. emh9009

    Alternator '93 Honda Prelude Si!

    Have you tried calling them, if they don't answer leave a message?
  11. emh9009

    fi btl n3 surround ripping

    I don't know how much more "heavy duty" it gets than the N3...
  12. I have heard a lot of people using 100% polyester Ponte with good results. Is that what you used, if not have you looked into it at all? Can pick it up at Joanne's fabrics.
  13. emh9009

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    rounded edges are the sexy.
  14. emh9009

    xs power battery terminal posts shipping?

    get some washers
  15. No angle on the speakers/ports up towards the driver at all?
  16. That's such a sick car. I really like it, would buy it if available!
  17. heat lamp on the doors? Just curious of the benefits of porting the mids VS. IB? Better response curve?
  18. emh9009

    Grasshopper's Hoe

  19. emh9009


    Your call. Personally i would save the 40 and put it towards the zcon funds, but then again I'm a very patient person.
  20. emh9009

    4 SA-15/SAZ3500d Walled GMC Sierra

    Shouldn't have any problems with that front panel flexing!
  21. emh9009

    Fi Bl tuned low?

    Make sure to make measurements 4 times before you order anything or cut anything
  22. emh9009

    Reclaimed box build

    oooh, look prime with the carpet on! About perfect with factory carpet back there.
  23. emh9009

    sa 12's or ssa 12's

    Treat equipment with respect and they will last a long time. I have 4 12s rated half power of SA-12s, and it gets pretty loud (in my opinion), you shouldn't be disappointed with that setup.
  24. emh9009

    sa 12's or ssa 12's

    and which SSA subs are you talking about?