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Everything posted by emh9009

  1. emh9009

    Random YouTubes

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptLT0GnSC94&feature=related Watched this thinking, "ok, what's the purpose to this, why didn't he try to run away or something?" Then I read a comment, "excuss : o sorry officer you knocked my wing off and i lost traction"
  2. emh9009

    MECHMAN T-SHirts!!!

    The Mediums were more like a Small, so Large is the way to go. Looks like I should have more large soon. Got my shirt today. Definitely a large! Bit too big for me, maybe ill have my girlfriend do some sewing to it.
  3. emh9009

    im thinkin 8 sa-10s ported....

    remember the port and driver displacement.
  4. Damn, that sucks. But you have a good outlook on it, so keep that up!
  5. emh9009

    Component speakers

    Can usually find some bravox for sale in the classifieds section. Check these out
  6. emh9009

    Component speakers

    Not distributing is USA anymore. That's why SSA had such good pricing on them; to sell them out and be done with them.
  7. emh9009

    Component speakers

    Just because you hear something from one guy doesn't mean its going to be the same situation in your vehicle. Just get a cheap ~100.2 amp. Will make the world of difference.
  8. emh9009

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    That's what we like to hear! What kind of troubles?
  9. emh9009

    Volkswagen Lupo build log

    Really diggin' the car. Coil overs really did help a lot! Plan to do any other mods to it other than the system?
  10. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Got ahold of Mechman. They said stock length No idea how I'm able to get that length on. I may just fab up a new bracket, unless someone has any reason why that would be a bad idea? Searching for a cheap OEM adjustment bracket. A guy on youtube told me what he did; chopped 2 up and welded them together to get one monster oem bracket! Should work perfect! Found one on ebay for $15 shipped. Thought that was a little high so I've PMed a couple people parting out their CRX on a CRX forum to see what kind of deals I can get from fellow CRX owners
  11. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Called the company who had the smaller belt, turns out it's the same size as the one I have on now. The smaller size in an inch smaller... Tried calling Mechman to see if they had any advise on what to do but they didn't answer (for the first time). On a hunt now to see if there is a different adjustment bracket (the part that I painted in the video) that I can swap from another honda to allow for more movement to get the belt tighter..
  12. emh9009

    Emperors Daily driver tp the dealers

    Worry about the amps overheating, or did you place some fans in there somewhere? Looks flush though, good work
  13. emh9009

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Holy chit, that's large. Take 2 inches off and all that is going to fit in your trunk?? Your trunk lid is going to break off and run away hurt and violated!
  14. emh9009

    Volkswagen Lupo build log

    Wish I could give you some rep for this! Why did you junk that box? Looks great!
  15. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    If you can tighten the belt, by all means do it. The belt conditioner makes everything tackier, helps get some grip. May check that out. I have a gates 3pk790 belt on now, just found a site that has 3pk787. I just hope it's not too short to get on. That's not much of a difference, but I really don't need that much! Looking good so far, may call them tomorrow.
  16. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Even on a brand new belt? What exactly does that stuff do? Make it have more grip or something?
  17. emh9009

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Definitely! haha Thanks for the kudos! I like waking up to 14.6V every morning I may look to see if there is an adjustment bracket that give me more room to adjust so i can get the belt a little tighter, kinda' annoying when it squeaks
  18. emh9009

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Should get a little loud
  19. emh9009

    Volkswagen Lupo build log

    Wow, those are some sick full range speakers! Love these little cars, I'll be watching this closely. Keep up the great work!
  20. emh9009

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Look forward to progress!
  21. emh9009

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    oh the bed intruder song, many laughs Get to work!
  22. emh9009

    Strappin 2 1500's

    That may just be the angle they're at, Stefan. I wouldn't strap the 2. Even if it does "work", it's not risk I'd be willing to take.. And i trust 98GMC
  23. emh9009

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    I think you may need some heavy bracing on that roof, it's turned to water!
  24. emh9009

    SAZ-1500D keeps going into protect mode. help!

    Just because everything looks fine doesn't mean it really is all fine and dandy. Looks can be deceiving.