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Everything posted by emh9009

  1. emh9009

    Rick's build log

    Hey, those aren't Gcons! Where is their enclosure? Can your rear seats not fold down; why do you have to port through the rear deck?
  2. emh9009

    Kenwood KAC-8104D

    Still for sale?
  3. emh9009

    Lantz's new season ssa build

    There is no need to be nice to a sub out of the box, or put it on test tones for x hours. Some people do this to "break the sub in". The suspension and everything will loosen up, yes, which is what you've heard, but the "break in period" is not needed to safely play the sub. Box looks like a monster in thtat truck!
  4. emh9009

    Sa12 or Sa15?

    I was talking about the type of box in general. One sub my work well in a Tline, while another prefers a normal ported box. If the T-line offers advantages for the 12 I still don't think it would make up for the cone area the 15 has. I would get the 15.
  5. emh9009

    Sa12 or Sa15?

    Just because it may have worked for one sub doesnt mean it will work for another.
  6. emh9009

    Who says 2 12's can't do hair tricks

    Picture of the box? Haven't heard on subs forward/port up.
  7. emh9009

    Sa12 or Sa15?

    Why do you want to put the 12 in a Tline? What gains do you see from doing that over a regular ported box?
  8. emh9009

    Sa12 or Sa15?

    Cone area is king. In the proper enclosure for each sub on the same power the 15 will most likely be louder.
  9. emh9009

    2 sundown SA-15's, Hifonics HFI 1500d, Honda Crv

    As stated, the big 3 should be your next step, done in at least the 2 gauge you're using for power.
  10. emh9009

    Team SSA Justin's Blazer 4 Zcon 18s

    That wall is so sick.
  11. emh9009

    Happy Birthday Adrian

    Happy birthday!
  12. emh9009

    Tips on starting a wall build?

    Why that sub and amp combo? Youtube?
  13. emh9009

    Video preview of our surf city show.

    Luke just keeps getting better and better and these videos. Can't wait for some more from this show!
  14. emh9009

    Power Handling Fi BTL 18 fully loaded "daily"

    Why? Save a little and get a BTL. No reason to put that much stress on a sub. It's rated for 1k for a reason. Just because one person was able to put a million watts to a sub doesn't mean you will be able to as well. It's going to depend on the install; the box, how hard they play it, how long they did, etc. Also, just because an amp is rated at 2.5k watts doesn't mean that's what the sub is seeing. How do you know how much the sub is seeing? You don't, especially listening to music on a "daily" system.
  15. If people's equipment would stop blowing up...
  16. emh9009

    Hello there, from Idaho.

  17. And the team is starting to head to Lincoln City to kick some ass!
  18. emh9009

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    Wow, every time I look at this log I'm impressed with your work quality. That photo of your dash looks so damn sick. Well done.
  19. ^ quoted from Scott Macrae, the organizer for this show.
  20. Bump! Surf City SoundOff - pre-party Saturday, August 25 2pm to 5/6ish pm 4800 NE Logan Rd Lincoln City, OR 97367 This will be a chance for competitors to meet one another, the judges and our special guests (Gary Killian along with Rusty and Ana & Rob from DC) and a chance for tuning (several TL's will be on hand) and possible a few early inspections if the judges are so inclined. I'm working with Pepsi and a few other companies on getting some food and beverages donated but regardless we will have a BBQ, food and drinks on hand even if I have to pay for it out of my own pocket. Please feel free to bring whatever food and drinks you'd like (nonalcoholic and food that can be prepared on a BBQ). After the pre-party we'll have an after hours pre-party down on the beach (PLEASE FEEL FREE TO BRING PLENTY OF ALCOHOL!!!!!!!).
  21. Taking Taxi's post into consideration, I would suggest the SSD line in either application out of what you've listed. Have you looked at SSA's Gcons? http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/index.php/product-information/gcon.html
  22. emh9009

    Received Q18, terrible packaging

    I've had 4 12" subs from both Fi and SSA shipped this way with no probelms, and one 15" from Fi with their crate method. Didn't see any difference. I thought they did the crate with any thing bigger than 12"s, guess not. Always thought that just the foam was kinda cheesy. Sucks to see this. You have to see that more time to package is more costs, with more materials needed wich add a little as well. Fi is all about getting a great product to the customer for an unbeatable price. Problems like this are "rare", I would assume and it's more the shippers fault than the packagers, so I wouldn't think Fi believes the cost isn't worth it.
  23. emh9009

    How to hookup 100.4 Amp to components and sub?

    What's confusing about this? Put the comps on chanels 1 and 2, and the comp RCAs into the top 2 inputs on the amp (i believe), if you don't get output put them in the others. Then wire the sub to chanels 3 and 4 and put the sub RCAs in the left over amp inputs. Shouldn't have to tune your comps much, other that which slope setting you want if your x-overs have that option. Set the filters on the amp to send all the signals to the xovers and let them do the work. Turn your gain up until you're happy with the output (with your deck at max listening volume) or you hear some distortion. Set the sub's gain the same way as the comps, but have your SSF ~3 hz lower than your box tuning. Have the LPF anywhere from 60-100, it's a personal preferance. Nice car
  24. emh9009

    Neo Pro 6.5 Review?

    I've got them in my car. It doesn't take much to make me happy, but they're my favorite door speakers i've had in my car so far! As stated there isn't crazy midbass, but I'm not/wasn't too worried about that when I got them. They get loud and sound decent, IMO. I'm sure there are better options out there for ya', but from my point of view they kick some ass
  25. emh9009

    liljestrands 72 honda n600 soon to be filled with b2.

    Nice shirt Can't wait to see this build get really rolling!