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Everything posted by emh9009

  1. emh9009

    is something wrong with my btl

    i was talking about the terminals on the sub itself
  2. emh9009

    is something wrong with my btl

    i think i've seen something like this on here before. the VC may be backwards or something. when looking at the terminals i think the + should always be on the left, maybe check that out?
  3. emh9009

    Help choosing sub(s)/amp for new build

    X2 on the massive amount of research you should do! two speakers will have more cone area, dissipate heat better. but they will take up more room, it sounds like you have enough of that to spare. between fi and audioque i would go fi. if youre going two subs i would go bl, just to be easier on your electrical and such. of course one of either of fi's subs will be lotsa' bass (even the SSD if you haven't looked at that) there are plenty of quality brands out there, just do some more searching. (check out SSA ! ) i would buy quality>quantity, and i dont think i would buy any qudioque stuff. but thats just me for some unknown reason maybe just a new box will fix your problem, but i've heard two 12" KFCs and wasnt impressed at all lol (in a pre-fab box though) i hope you get at least something out of this post lol
  4. emh9009

    Good or bad?

    just because people on a website say they may not/dont sound good doesnt mean you will think the same as them. you may love them but i would def. build/get a box built to their specs. or you could try and sell them as a package deal for a couple hundred and get a sub you would feel more confident in.
  5. emh9009

    8 12s, 6 15s, or 4 18

    6 15s. i dont see very many 15s being used. maybe im just not paying attention lol
  6. emh9009

    SSA Forum T-shirt Design Vote

    X2, if 8 were black it would have been much harder to choose. i like two.. if it were black/gray haha
  7. i say build a ported box for the subs you have now and then see if you want anymore after that. could save you money, and if you still want more it will give you more time to save for a new sub(s)
  8. emh9009

    wiring subs to amp

    it doesnt matter, both + and both - meet inside anyways so there is really just 1+ and 1-. they put 2 there in case you have two subs, resulting in split power between the two if you use both. or other various wiring configs.
  9. emh9009

    A vid of the Geo demmoing

    still.. taking off a shift knob is something to see ill look it up after class
  10. emh9009

    A vid of the Geo demmoing

    "shot" off? ill have to go look that up!
  11. emh9009

    Enclosure Build for Deezy Dee (One 15 Inch Fi BL)

    das a lot of baffle
  12. emh9009

    A vid of the Geo demmoing

    no shift knob? lol ouch. that is crazy, im in awe makes me want to convert to some icons...
  13. emh9009

    Daily driving sub stage

    remember, with the right electrical the 3kD can possibly do more than "just" 3k watts, so either way you will be happy with the xcons
  14. emh9009

    Daily driving sub stage

    just because you dont meet the exact rms rating, doesnt mean the subs aren't going to be moving a ton of air. you will do fine with a pair on a 3kD.
  15. emh9009

    Btl 18 power handling..

    you're always going to get drops, lets get some numbers
  16. emh9009

    Need to talk to Scott

    be patient. they have a big ass business to run. they cant answer every email they get every day. they have a set time each morning/mid afternoon to do it. just wait before you e-mail everyone on the team. you WILL get a reply. its worth the wait. and the more patient you are, the easier it is on them. the less emailing they have to do=more time to build your custom sub
  17. emh9009

    Elblako's SA-8 build log

    please do, with pics!
  18. this^ and X3 on that ultima very nice youtube video. that thing is mean... sexy piping on it
  19. emh9009

    Btl 18 power handling..

    first thing you need to do is install a voltmeter and see what your voltage is at to see if you really NEED the alt. maybe just another battery will do, if you're sticking around 2k (which i recommend)
  20. emh9009

    "The Pimp Van" Rebuild

    cover that thing in shag red carpet lol kidding. what color are you painting it?
  21. emh9009

    Xcon 15 4.2 cu in a scion

    dust that beast off! lol
  22. emh9009

    Need to talk to Scott

    fancy pants...
  23. Yeah I've also come to the conclusion that they suck. So what don't you guys like about them? Compression fitting? Or don't they tighten enough around the post? They dont tighten up on the post and if you try to give it half turn more it strips. X2 i stripped both of mine, have diff. screws in there now and they seem to be fine. but they still dont get eight enough it seems... i definitely wont buy them again.