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Everything posted by emh9009

  1. emh9009

    BanginGMC's Build Log | The Rebuild

    are you going to keep the cardboard? wood would look much nicer doors look super clean, did you try aiming the mids up a little, like jroad suggested, before you made the baffles?
  2. emh9009

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    they look so little in there! very clean box. love your work... someday ill be in line
  3. emh9009

    Word on the Street

    i like the ban idea if there is no videos
  4. i just used some 16g speaker wire or something i got at napa, wired directly to the amp. tint is a good idea, but mine doesnt blind me, its located low, but still visible.
  5. emh9009

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    lol ask an admin. thats around? any progress/plans for the weekend?
  6. emh9009

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    this needs to be renamed to ... EPIC MID-BASS BUILD!!!
  7. emh9009

    noob entering spl competition.

    i believe it changes your class or something
  8. emh9009

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    what are you going to put in it, speaker/amp wise?
  9. emh9009


    grats on the new amp, and smooth transaction! good job, Bigrank on happy customers!
  10. emh9009

    Word on the Street

    anyone know what the guy hits, something to compare to? it better be more that 150 if Jacob is going!
  11. emh9009

    New Member From Camp Geiger

    i promise you can complete your goals with the available information and tech. here! welcome to SSA.com
  12. emh9009

    Now Playing!

    i told yall - lil wayne
  13. emh9009


    just rolled over 150K yesterday... time to change the oil, timing belt, water pump, various seals or something. was at the auto store today and they gave me a list of what i should do when i change the belt. only 150$ soon... soon and i need front break pads i guess maintenance>audio for now, darn it. still waiting for the MLI 6.5s to be restocked anyways.
  14. emh9009

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    great build. 5*'s every time i come in here i get inspired to do something crazy haha but then i get scared.
  15. emh9009

    Best songs for xcon demo's

    I'm kinda wondering why this post for voted down :/ i think someone was just going around dowing everyone else's posts... i upped a couple of them to 0.. this thread is crazy.
  16. emh9009

    should i still consider AQ

    ^^ this ^^ and you cant "underpower" a sub. they play what you tell them to, and if that is only 600 watts, thats what they will play with. It only becomes a problem when you start throwing too much at them and you dont know what you're doing. the box has a lot to do with it.
  17. emh9009

    Couple of my installs....

    that MX looks super sick. i like the rounded basket look. go through 4 different sub setups in 6 months... mine still feels new and i got it a year ago! whats next?
  18. emh9009

    2x SA-8s + My CRX

    woot, another crx! haha sweet score
  19. emh9009

    Loudest in 4 cubes?

    im pretty sure you have to contact a dealer directly. email or something. email link
  20. emh9009

    re audio mt 18

    instead of having the chance of choking it in the smallest box you can get for it, why not get a fifteen? you would be able to let that size breathe
  21. emh9009

    2~15" Icon's Build

    lol you've got this sick ass box build in front of you, and you're admiring their grass? Check those flares out, not what makes a weekly chore what is this going into? tuning, volume, wrapping/paint/texture? oops, didnt read
  22. emh9009

    Dcon stuff

    I was thinking the same! They are a lowpoweredsoundqualityhighoutputeconomical driver! my bad, you said it much better than i did, for sure
  23. emh9009

    Tips for recording youtube videos.

    get an actual film recorder with high FPS, not just a camera that is meant to take pictures. as for songs, this is the second time you have asked for "loud" songs. did you notice what happened last thread? you need to go through the list we have on here, search around youtube or something and test many different songs and see what works well for YOU. a song that is loud in my car may not be for you.
  24. emh9009

    Where did my thread go?!

    lol the search feature is great. or go to your profile and click "posts" or "threads". but you already know this
  25. just goes to show they aren't trying to make money, they want what's best for the customer. if their product isn't what someone is looking for, they have backup arsenal with great service and products to boot! AKA (as you so greatly stated it) SSA= Best Community. i love this place!