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Everything posted by emh9009

  1. SOUNDS like the remote wire came loose or grounded out somewhere. Hope it just came loose from the receiver though.
  2. go buy a DMM, they are cheap haha. Check your remote turn on connections and let us know what happens
  3. emh9009

    I did not receive my order

    Don't blame Fi for UPS screw up. They did everything right. UPS is at fault, not them. Unless you gave the wrong address (which still isn't Fi's fault) i blame UPS. Take it up with them
  4. emh9009

    Big Will 150.9db @ 39hz, only 3k

    Putting that meter to work! Can't wait 'till i hear some Xcons. Will
  5. emh9009

    Now Playing!

    Lil Wayne - Right above it It's alright... Edit: Not going to go out of my way to listen to it again haha
  6. emh9009

    ohio checkin in

    This is SSA? OP: Welcome!
  7. emh9009

    4th order bandpass in Cavalier trunk?

    just make sure you give the subs the right space to dance.
  8. emh9009

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Subs > Grill?
  9. emh9009

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    High school can suck because stuff like that. Stupid kids..
  10. emh9009

    facing box up in the trunk

    We don't know. Try it and you tell us what you think
  11. emh9009

    facing box up in the trunk

    Face it whichever way you want. It's your setup. It may make a difference on the meter, who knows what you will actually hear as a DD though. Try different positions and see what you want most.
  12. emh9009

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Honestly, after sitting 2 full days 10 feet away from the start line of a drifting track I'm disgusted by obnoxiously loud exhausts. Did you go to a formula D event? I want to go watch one, but it seems like whenever there is one "close" to me i'm a weekend behind it.
  13. emh9009

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    Beefy drivers, lets see them movin'!
  14. emh9009

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    That hatch is looking pristine! I would be scared to have it as a DD haha :fing34:
  15. you really need to research some more before you buy anything. Is this your first system? if so you need to slow wayyy down. Search the forum, look around. READ. Learn. Before spending 2k on anything i would be researching for months. I can't stress this enough. 2k watts on a system is a lot; you have a lot to prep for, and obviously don't know the basics, so get to reading! Here is a good site for electrical and lots of other stuff Car Alarm, Car Stereo, Mobile Video, and Cruise Control Info for Installers
  16. emh9009

    Guess what I got today?

  17. emh9009

    Video of my crew in action

    Nice footage! Everything looks great!
  18. emh9009

    Now Playing!

    Eminem - Almost Famous
  19. It's convenient, a lot easier than going through my deck's menu to turn the sub level down. I just have to open my ashtray and turn a little knob
  20. emh9009

    Big 3

    Almost every product is going to have people that don't like it, or think it sucks. If you have used it before and haven't had any problems so far then i say go for it. Someone who may not like the product may have misused/installed it wrong which caused problems, so it isn't always the product it can be user error very easily.
  21. emh9009

    How to wire a DVC in parallel.

    lower ohm of resistance => the more the amp/your electrical has to work
  22. Had wisdom teeth removed yesterday. not feeling so great. i hate taking pills...

    1. jcarter1885


      i remember when I went through the same thing, to help it heal better gargle with warm water and salt as much as you can. the more you do it the quicker it will heal.

    2. stevemead08


      x2 on what jay-cee said. that helped me real good also. it will only last a day or so

  23. emh9009

    How to wire a DVC in parallel.

    second link, first option Edit: Why did you ask this is Fi's section?
  24. emh9009

    Big 3

    i was able to get all my power wire ran, do the big 3, and still have about a foot and a half of wire left with just the 0 gauge kit from knu. But this is in a CRX, super short wire run! If you really want to measure it, get a string and route where the wire will go. Easy
  25. emh9009

    Is something wrong with 15 ssd?

    They said they were fine with the output, just wanting to fix that weird noise. It kinda' sounds like it's bottoming out. Does it only make the noise at high volumes, or can you always hear it, just not as loud?