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Everything posted by bbalguna

  1. Dart tournament @ TJs tonight 8pm.

  2. Dart tournament @ TJs tonight 8pm.

  3. Dart tournament @ TJs tonight 8pm.

  4. bbalguna

    SAZ-2500D Pre-Sale OPEN

    Has there been any other testing done with this amp? I'm trying to see if there will be a significant increase from my 2000d.
  5. bbalguna

    Hello from Oahu, Hawaii

    Welcome, where you from oahu? I live there also.
  6. bbalguna

    dd 9512g or 9515g

    both dual 2ohm running at 1ohm. My question, which would be better for numbers. The 9512 in a 2.75cuft box tuned to 37hertz or a 9515 in a 3cuft tuned to 37hertz. My amp is a sundown 2000d. As of right now, my suv peaks at 50hertz with now deadening.
  7. I got a saz-2000d pushing a dd9515g at 1ohm. I was wondering if a kinetik 1400 upfront and a kinetik 2000 in the rear would be enough to help run the system. Big 3 has been done with 1/0, I have 1 run 1/0 front to back, grounds done with 1/0 and a stock alt 90amps. Any recommendations will be taken in consideration.
  8. Jaycee- I ordered a voltmeter. Crazy- In the long run I will buy a h/o alt. I already got a battery charger. I won't be doing any heavy bashing till than. Thanks for you guys input. Ill keep you posted when I get everything in and installed.
  9. Crazy- I have both batteries already. Just don't have a voltmeter. One of my concerns was is the factory alternator could keep up and charge both batts...In the long run I will buy a higher output alt. Done what size to get though. When I listen to music daily the bass is minimal to none. I only crank up the bass for comps. Jaycee- Kinetik calc says I'm good on wattage with the batts I have. The charging of the batts is gonna be an issue. Will the factory alt keep up. I do have a battery charger and recondition batts so often. I will only be running 1 sub amp and 1 4channel in my system.
  10. Can a SAX100.4 handle an 8v input. The deck I plan on using is an Eclipse CD5000. I just want to make sure so I don't burn the inputs on the amp.
  11. What would the best electrical setup for a 2000d? I got a 1800 upfront and a 1400 in the back. Big 3 done with 0awg, 0awg to the amp and a stock 90 amp alternator. Would I be able to use the amp at its full potential? Any recommendations?
  12. bbalguna

    12v or 16v

    all depends on what you want to do. if you want a daily system than stick to 12v. if its just going to be a pure SPL vehicle than 16v. IMO.....switching between 12v to 16v terminals on kinetik batts can be a bishhhh!
  13. I was planning on rewinding the alternator, than possibly upgrading the alt to a bigger one if it doesn't help hold the voltage, anyone tested to see what the amp does at .5 ohms or .3 ohms ?
  14. bbalguna

    Slapping noise?

    1) tinsel slap: older model FI had problems with extra long tinsels, so instead they shortened it and weaved it into the spiders. 2) extra wire from the terminals of the sub moving around
  15. bbalguna

    welcome from Hawaii

    my names brandon. from oahu, hawaii. just wanted to say hi to everyone on the ssa forums.
  16. I know the amp has not been released yet.. But I have preordered the amp through a rep and is expected to come in the beginning of june. Any recomendations of electrical upgrades on my vehicle. batteries, wires, alternator, etc...I have a 2000 Honda passport lx. I will also be running a sax-100.4 also. I'm trying get everything as good as it could get so I can run the amps efficiently and get its full potential without blowing them.
  17. bbalguna

    Electrical for a Sundown 2000d and sax 100.4

    End of June? that kinda sucks because i wanted to meter my system at the Progressive comp. oh well, theres always another one. My plans on electrical changes that i want done in my car before any other installation : Big 3 with 0ga wire, (1)Kinetic 1400 or 1800 upfront, (2)Kinetic 1400 or (1) Kinetic 2400 in the back. I tried searching online for alternators, turns out not much/ if any manufacturers make high output alts for my honda passport. my stock size alt is 75amps. anyone got any other information about electrical upgrades that i could do?
  18. I know the amp has not been released yet.. But I have preordered the amp through a rep and is expected to come in the beginning of june. Any recomendations of electrical upgrades on my vehicle. batteries, wires, alternator, etc...I have a 2000 Honda passport lx. I will also be running a sax-100.4 also. I'm trying get everything as good as it could get so I can run the amps efficiently and get its full potential without blowing them.
  19. bbalguna

    How did you guys find SSA???

    how did i find ssa? through HCA and the sundown website. been under the radar in the forums and just reading up on topics. but i just placed my order on a saz-2000d through a rep on HCA, hopefully i can use this site with all my question on my build