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Everything posted by playmysong

  1. playmysong

    a new box design?

    A lot of times its much easier to incorporate a slot port in a box than pvc tubes.
  2. playmysong

    problem with rlp 12

    On certain bass beats my rlp 12 makes a funny noise. Its the kick drum or bass punch type that makes it do the sounds. Its being run by a saz 1000d. Blowjob unit . . i mean head unit is the discontinued pioneer deh-p440 if that helps any. It runs through test tones without making the sound. I took it out of the box and visually nothing looks wrong. I pushed down on the cone and heard no scraping. It makes the sound at not even half excursion and can only be heard when i come close to it but i know its not healthy for the sub. It sounds like its heavily distorting but with a more metallic sound to it if that makes sense. Does anybody have any ideas? Did something get stuck inside of the magnet where the voice coil is? Is the color of my wiring wrong? Im stumped. heres some pics
  3. playmysong

    problem with rlp 12

    Thanks. I was heartbroken that a sq sub was making that noise. I buy sq subs because i like to hear sound, not noise. Now all i hear is wonderful bass.
  4. playmysong

    SAE 1200D Wiring

  5. playmysong

    problem with rlp 12

    Why do manufacturers put that on headunits if that makes distortion come easier. Marketing gimmick?
  6. playmysong

    problem with rlp 12

    Actually someone did help me. Not directly though. After i posted i read a thread that said to turn the loud setting off and i did that among other things and now everythings fine. And sorry i came off like that, i do that a lot.
  7. playmysong

    problem with rlp 12

    I had the loud setting on and all the settings that would boost bass were turned up so when i turned the headunit past 20 distortion set in. It wasn't noticeable until i got close but it was there. now its not.
  8. playmysong

    problem with rlp 12

    I found the problem and i probably shortened the life on my sub. It was the settings on the h/u. Thanks for helping me guys, that's why i like this place. Such prompt helpful advice.
  9. playmysong

    probably a pretty dumb question but.

    There are never dumb questions, only dumb answers and i don't know the answer to yours. Sorry for not helping you at all.
  10. playmysong

    Sealed or Ported

    I'd say port it and tune it to 32 hz or around there so you can hit those lows in some of those rap songs.
  11. playmysong

    15" btl vs 18"BTL w/ same RMS???

    Depends on the box. But really? 15" or 18" whats louder? Please ask yourself that question again. I did ask myself that question, but since its going to be the same rms maybe the 15" will have an advantage and move more freely and create more spl since its smaller while the 18" would move slower due to more mass??? the confusing part is not the size of the subs. its that they will be using the same rms. idk thats why im asking. And its going in a 2005 4runner. [/quote The only difference between a 15 and a 18 within a same model of sub should be loudness, after all they play the same notes. 18's don't move any slower than 10's unless you're using a super cheap and crappy type of sub which the btl is definitely not. Its made with 2 cups of awesome.
  12. playmysong

    15" btl vs 18"BTL w/ same RMS???

    What kind of vehicle is this going in?
  13. playmysong

    RL-p12 experts

    How wide is that port, 3-4 inches? How did you tune that to 32 hz with 1.75 cubes? How long is your port, 50 inches cuz your box doesn't even look that big.
  14. ...you wake my brother up who is now currently working in Canada. ...cars next to you rattle more than yours ...i'm tempted to come up there and see it
  15. playmysong

    What software would i need ???

    For a t- line you stick the sub in what is essentially a long port with port area going down to 100% - 125 % of Sd of the sub. Tuning depends on the length of the chamber. A length of 7 ft will tune it to 40 hz and if built correctly it should give good response to about an octave lower than the tuning frequency, this calls for stuffing the line to get rid of unwanted noise that the sub makes. You can tune lower but the box starts becoming even bigger the lower the tuning goes. Usually they are tuned to the resonant frequency of the sub making your chamber 6.25 ft long. Due to how usually subs are put in boxes its impossible to start with Sd of the sub so just taper it down to Sd of the sub unless you invert the sub. should look something like this: Go to www.quarter-wave.com www.t-linespeakers.org for more information.
  16. ... you make a video showing us all this damage
  17. playmysong

    RL-p12 experts

    That sub is sexy. How did you get that dent in the cone?
  18. The klmx wire is 90% aluminum.
  19. playmysong

    Setup Help, got questions that need anwsers

    If you ever choose to go with sound deadening, go with Second Skin. dynamat sucks, i wont even capitalize it
  20. playmysong

    running @ .5ohms?

    I thought a lower ohm load would make more power and put more strain on the voltage because of the more current draw.
  21. playmysong

    running @ .5ohms?

    What subs do you have?
  22. playmysong

    running @ .5ohms?

    nevermind. not thinking right
  23. playmysong


    i got a 100 amp fuse on my 4 gauge going to my saz 1000d. i got no problems
  24. playmysong

    how many cu ft?

    I think 1.4 cu. ft. is a little too small for any 12 inch ported woofer. My 12 suggested 1.85 cu ft. but i went with 2.2 cu ft. tuned to around 31 hz and it got plenty loud for me and it sounded just awesome.
  25. playmysong

    Got a Problem - Need Solution

    Why such a low wattage amp for a btl?