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Everything posted by playmysong

  1. playmysong

    subwoofer unloading

    Yes sir it does. It puts an easy picture to remember in my head. Thanks
  2. playmysong

    subwoofer unloading

    It acts like another woofer according to dd so 2 subs in a sealed enclosure would be the same as 1 sub in a vented enclosure but that's not the case. It works by the Helmholtz resonance, right? The air mass in the port resonates with the air in the box itself and the frequency it does it at is your Fb. More mass in the port makes it slower to get going but has more inertia so it takes slower to get back so more mass or longer port is lower tuning and vice versa. More air in the box makes the springiness of the box weaker so the spring or air doesn't fight back as hard or as fast so tuning is lower and vice versa. I don't know if im making any sense. It's hard for me to explain stuff which is why im on this forum, to learn not to explain.
  3. playmysong

    subwoofer unloading

    Well i don't know anything but ill try to define unloading to what i think it means. Unloading is what subs do in vented enclosures when run below the tuning frequency of the port. When unloading, the sub has no back pressure from the enclosure and excurts uncontrollably acting as if it were in free air. Am i somewhat right?
  4. playmysong

    subwoofer unloading

    Well hey hey hey look what i found. Its some pretty good information on resonance if anyone else would like to take a look. Here's the website: http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_5_2/cmilleressayporting.html
  5. playmysong

    AudioQue Build

    its called the Helmholtz resonating effect or something like that. Its like blowing over a bottle, depending on how much volume is in the bottle and the area of the opening the pitch will change. I don't know how it works, i just heard it explained like that.
  6. playmysong

    More port area.

    Is that because the fb is so low?
  7. playmysong

    More port area.

    I was wondering how much of an audible difference more port area would make. For instance my 12 is in a 2 cu. ft box with 2X13 port area which is 26 sq. inches of port. Would a 3x13 port make it that much louder or is more port area just desirable for chasing tenths on the tl. More port means a bigger box but is it worth it? I know higher tuning will definitely make it louder but i don't compete so i would never tune above 35 hz. Or perhaps i need a bigger sub . I'm more of a basshead than i thought.
  8. playmysong


    http://www.royaldevice.com/custom.htm i believe is the website. Not working for me. that's weird. If you're actually looking for it just google royal device and it should be one of the first ones.
  9. playmysong


    http://www.royaldevice.com/custom.htm i believe is the website.
  10. playmysong

    More port area.

    Cool. My box is already tuned to 32 hz and i was thinking of tuning just a little higher. Most music doesn't go that low but when it does, man is it fun.
  11. playmysong

    More port area.

    Thanks for the reply. I don't think i would want that much port area for a 12 for my tuning habits because that's a big box. Is 24 mm xmax enough throw for your tuning suggestion? I have the Soundsplinter rlp-12.
  12. playmysong

    I want to play a game....

    801. Hope no one posted this one before me.
  13. playmysong

    12" Xcon Flared Port

    The white stuff is not spread evenly i can see in the second picture. What a bad job. No just kidding, you could build a better box blindfolded than i ever could, puts mine to shame. Nice work.
  14. playmysong

    FI IB3 no cu. feet for ported?????

    Well when its sealed the only sound made is coming from the cone and the more the cone moves the more sound it will make. If given two drivers one with 10 and the other 20 mm xmax wouldn't the 20 mm xmax get louder or would it just sound cleaner at higher volume levels. How wrong am i?
  15. playmysong

    FI IB3 no cu. feet for ported?????

    Well that makes me look smart. I shoulda said that xmax is not that important when the driver is ported and going for spl but more xmax in a sealed application would help or better yet i should just zip tie my fingers and quit typing before i make i make myself look even smarter.
  16. playmysong

    FI IB3 no cu. feet for ported?????

    I bet their subs wouldn't get very loud sealed though.
  17. playmysong

    How to add pics

    The only way I know how is to make a photobucket account and upload images there then paste the img url on here.
  18. playmysong

    Why tinsel leads?

    I was wondering why subwoofers use tinsel leads to carry the current to the voice coil. Wouldn't copper be better because the resistance to electricity flow is lower? What makes the tinsel leads better for that part of the sub.?
  19. playmysong

    When Killer Dogs Attack

    Its an optical illusion. After 18 seconds you'll notice there's a dog in the way.
  20. playmysong

    New Mach 5 Build - Zero Power Compression

    Is that the advantage of bigger voice coils? Less power compression? That thing is huge. Someones gonna use it as a circle template to cut out speaker holes.
  21. playmysong

    Why tinsel leads?

    Thanks. I was curious about that and now i know.
  22. playmysong

    Looking to upgrade and learn

    Welcome and no need to use the cap at all if your electrical is done right.
  23. playmysong

    Few questions on the FlatLyne

    The term """SQL""" is not very accepted here and i think 3 15's in any application will be plenty loud. Wth. It capitalizes automatically, that's funny.
  24. playmysong

    DD T1508

    What do you mean by faster?
  25. Good luck with your system.