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Everything posted by davidg121

  1. its most likely the amp. Ive seen it happen like this on ALOT of factory amps.
  2. so when you faded it, it stopped buzzing?
  3. davidg121

    Which game console to put in car?

    oh boy!!! Throw a wii in it!!!! omggggg lol wii tennis in the car!!! kickass!!!!
  4. davidg121

    Graduated today

    kind of.... unless u busted ur ass through high school, and then u realise that most classes you took in highschool were a waste of time... not sure if i was the only one but once i was picking classes, most had pre reqs that i had taken in highschool, but the college doesnt accept that... lovely...
  5. Maybe ill rephrase it for him again What does he need in order to hook up and amp, so that it is powered by the car, and connected to the radio and READY to have some subs plugged in . i do know that that is not all that you need for what he is asking.
  6. davidg121


    really hoping im one of those 8
  7. All honesty, it seems as if hes looking for EVERY SINGLE THING that he would need for wires... Perhaps maybe someone more experienced than me can now list up some things for him (and me ). Ex. Power wire from batt to amp, ground, RCA, dist block, terminals, etc?
  8. davidg121

    Tech2332 Short Review (Pics)

    Grats on the new setup!!!
  9. davidg121

    Final decision maker

    Going to make my order tomorrow for my sub(s). I want some final opinions before i do this... 1 15" Deathrow or 2 12" Lethal Injections Comparing the two what do you guys think are the pros and cons of each.
  10. Hey guys, i was thinking about getting a Powermaster D1200 for my system... As of right now... i have a RF p5002 going to a 12" w3. When i have everything cranked up i notice my lights dimming a little bit... Yes i have factory wiring... but also i have a peice of junk battery (not sure exactly what it is but it was the cheapest thing i could find when i bought the car) although the car does have a 110amp alt. (i will be replacing the battery i have right now) My question is this... Will that help out my dimming situation with such a small amount of power being taken from the p5002. Within the next couple weeks (once my turn comes up in quentins long line) ill be switching to an SAE 1200d with two 12" LI's, so i am hoping that this will be a nice step in the right direction for that.
  11. well if you are thinking sub wise... i kinda think like this... Make it too big/heavy for them to take it out haha
  12. only bumped it bcuz like 5 other posts were created at the same time and i automatically got kicked off the front page sorry. I was planning to do the Big three first, and then get the battery and then i was hoping that would be all that i would have to do. Ive seen a few topics here about how to do the big three, but im not too car savvy under the hood, are there any sites with like really detailed information on how to do the big 3? If it helps i have an 98 infiniti i30. The wire that i have running to my amp right now i believe is 8 gauge wire, i did not do the install originally, and i dont see wasting the money on some 4 guage wire for the p5002 when im upgrading my amp within the next week or two, of which then ill be using 2 gauge for it. The p5002 will only accept 4-8 gauge.
  13. davidg121

    Audible Customs * Free Enclosure* Review

    Looks like it matches pretty well! Get ur subs yet?
  14. davidg121

    IA warden vs DDz

    possibly hinting at the warden...? lol
  15. davidg121

    Big Dave's Truck Project

    go on.... lol
  16. davidg121

    dual ICON 10s

    Amazing, your doin all this and still dealing with me/answerin all my questions all day for me haha nice work!!!
  17. be careful with the w3s, they arent as durable as some think they are...
  18. davidg121

    What kind of ports ?

    Well, audibel customs have done a buncha peoples boxes already, and all that ive seen are happy with them. I am buying my two 12" lethal injections, and a box with a flared port from him also
  19. davidg121

    Ported Enclosure Tuned Frequency

    Pound that sound, or audibel customs
  20. Yet another question by me hopefully you guys can help me out Would i be able to run an SAE-1200d for my two 12" Lethal Injections and a RF p5002 for a pair of Re Audio components (it will run at 4 ohms, 125watts each) on a stock alt (110amps) with the big three done?
  21. heh yeah thats what i figured... Now please correct me if im wrong... but adding another battery would only increase the amount of time i can use my system when the car is off right... I never play my system with my car off, so would this really even be necessary?
  22. now im not sure of this... but ive heard that putting batteries in a trunk releases gas's and what not and is dangerous to do... Is this true or is it just certain batteries that does it
  23. and also do you think that thats too much to be putting to the re components?
  24. Hehe, i kinda hear yah there, i do web design myself, but i dont necessarily think the 4 monitors is needed . cmon u gotta admit ud be fine with 2 monitors perhaps even 1. deep down u wanna be able to say oh... you have a 30" apple monitor...? oh... okay well i have 4 monitors...