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Everything posted by tech2332

  1. tech2332

    Precision Port in AA Cabinet

    For a precision port you need to add 1" to what is calculated from a regular non-flared port
  2. tech2332

    Precision Port in AA Cabinet

    5" Length? That would give you over a 50 Hz tune... Try this website for a Flared Port Calculator. PSP-Inc.
  3. tech2332


    He'll build a box for it, based on your preferred dimensions.
  4. tech2332

    aero port size!!!

    2 4" Ports will not be sufficient port area. It's only 25.13 area of port. You need 60-80 Area of port.
  5. tech2332

    Steve meade got nothing on this.

    Posted the same thing in SMD Forums and who knows where else.
  6. Great Customer Service. I Just sent out my amp and he is sending out a new one. Oh I wasnt downing the customer service, just a general rule of thumb when it comes to getting things for free; either you lose it or it breaks. But yeah great customer service, thats why I love these companies that arent that main stream like (rockford or kicker). I got you. Yea small businesses are usualy great products & great to deal with in every industry.
  7. So my amp has been acting up since the day I got it.(Diablo Audio Technologies HellFire 1000.1) The problem is that it plays for a few minutes after I turn on the truck and goes into "Alarm Mode". (If I restart the truck it will come back on for a few minutes as if it had a clock inside telling the amp to only turn on for a few minutes(3 or 5 min.)) At first the ground was a little loose so I tightened it. It still kept on doing it so I bought some Sandpaper to make a nice, clean ground and it still does it. Can someone help me? P.S.- As I've mentioned before I did a direct swap with my MTX amp. In fact, the only thing I changed was the ground which is alot better now. Here are details on my setup -10" SSA Icon Wired to 2 Ohm -Ported Box tuned to 34 HZ 2008 Single Cab Silverado At Amp Voltages -Voltage 12.6 (Truck Off, Music Off) -Voltage 14.6 (Truck On, Music Off) -Voltage stays above 13.2 when amp is hitting hard. -Amp isn't overheating, nice and cool Tell me if I missed any additional info.
  8. Great Customer Service. I Just sent out my amp and he is sending out a new one.
  9. tech2332

    Bing Search Engine

    X2..Pretty fast too
  10. I talked to David and he said that some of the first few amps had problems with a few bad resistors on the thermal protection circuit. He said he would be happy to fix or replace it. Good Customer Service.
  11. tech2332

    Anyone seen the dustcap colors for Fi subs?

    Search... I think its even stickied on one of FI's forums. x2.. Here is the link Dustcap Color Options
  12. tech2332

    2002 Ranger Build (opinions wanted)

    Its 2000 watts at 1 ohm. Edit: Max ratings mean nothing. Look at RMS.
  13. tech2332

    2002 Ranger Build (opinions wanted)

    If those measurements are correct you have plenty of space for 2 12's. But instead of the Pioneer Amp I suggest getting a Better amp. Sundown SAZ-2000D. Sundown Amp
  14. tech2332

    2002 Ranger Build (opinions wanted)

    If you don't have enough room for 2 12's then don't get them. If you put 12's in enclosures smaller than recommended specs than you'll lose output and will be better off getting the right size subs in their right space requirements.
  15. tech2332

    SSD louder than l7?

    The 2000 is the presale price right now.
  16. tech2332

    Time for upgrade!

    How about an SSA Xcon?
  17. tech2332

    2004 IS300 Lexus Setup

    Sign up here. Photobucket Account Then upload your photos and after you upload them there copy & paste the "Img" link here.
  18. tech2332

    Dark Skin

    I think I like the IP.Board Default better.
  19. tech2332

    is anyones website/screen screwed up?

    Yup. It looks cool. Can't wait for it to be done.
  20. tech2332

    is anyones website/screen screwed up?

    Yes the Website is being upgraded. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=29319
  21. Is each quantity for a 17" Long tube? What if it needs to be longer? 4" Port Tube
  22. tech2332

    Flared Port Tube (PartsExpress)

    What does the "kit" come with? ( If I just put 1 Qty, what will I be getting?)
  23. With only ~600 Watts @ 2 Ohms,...It sounded great!
  24. Finally got around to taking pics of my HellFire 1000.1 Pics & Test Results From Diablo Audio Technologies Forum.