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About shadowslayer666

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  • Birthday 05/28/1990

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  1. shadowslayer666

    ICON 10 box question

    The Khaotik box. I know it falls a little below optimal but is within the guidelines for volume. Just wondering how the ICON performs in that box, specifically the low end. I would like to regain some trunk room :] getting older and priorities change
  2. shadowslayer666

    ICON 10 box question

    I was wondering if anyone has any experience with a 10 inch ICON in the single ported enclosure sold in the ssa store? It seems to be a little small for the ICON
  3. shadowslayer666

    looking for a new receiver

    My dad is replacing his 15 year old receiver, but we have no idea at what brands to look at, or really all the features we need. We need about 100 watts for the front 2 channels at 8ohms and 75 watts for the rear channels at 8 ohms. His set up is old, so no center channel yet or dedicated sub, but we have two large towers each with a tweet, a mid, and a woofer with internal crossovers. We will be upgrading to a true 5.1 system, but as of now we are keeping the old speakers, probably for another year. Inputs will be from our PS3 and out digital cable box. Im not sure if you need anymore info, if so please let me know. Budget is around 250-300
  4. shadowslayer666

    New line from IA?

    yes please tell us!
  5. shadowslayer666

    My Sa-12 testing session

    haha 600 watts my a$$. great ending for that vid
  6. shadowslayer666

    new DP

    maybe it helps to concentrate the magnetic field to where they want it,around the coil. Makes it stronger there with less material. Just a guess though
  7. shadowslayer666

    Results Are In

    well ill be available thurs through sat for sure anytime
  8. shadowslayer666

    Results Are In

    i start august 30th, but im moving in this sunday
  9. shadowslayer666

    Results Are In

    haha lets see his sub scores...probably barely 120. Actually he probably never got it metered because it isnt even loud enough to warrant spending time to do so i bet your 187 would be him hands down...even in its current condition cuz IA is awesome edit: his box is probably ported and tuned to 45hz too tell him to have fun with his one note wonder
  10. shadowslayer666

    Results Are In

    it does kinda suck when he has multiple woofers and 1800 watts, and you have a 15 on 500 watts and your numbers are pretty close
  11. shadowslayer666

    Results Are In

    who had the TL
  12. shadowslayer666

    Results Are In

    AWWW SH!T!!!! Cant wait to hear this
  13. shadowslayer666

    SAX-200.4 Prototypes In

    im sure it will be 200x4 @ 4 0hms. Thats just how he always names his products. Maybe 300 - 350x4 @ 2ohms. I have no idea on the bridged output though
  14. shadowslayer666

    Sneak Peak of New Setup

    well ill be in kent in august and going to school there, so ill be a little closer...just mapquested it (if thats a word). Your about 2 hours from kent, so canton, dover, or new philly are ok for me. I have never been around any of these areas, so sticking to main highways...77 would be best for me
  15. shadowslayer666

    Sneak Peak of New Setup

    nice!!!! im thinking when i kill my subs...if that happens i would just get a death row too...or a flatlyne. Since i got my comps in i have my subs turned way down anyways so a sq sub might be more what im looking for I hope i can see this in person