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Everything posted by d_man1987

  1. ok, well from what i have done and seen... port back is best.... BUT it takes up more airspace since the box can't be right against back wall so sub up/port up correct volume is better than sub up/port back too small a box And if you do sub up/port up, i have found it best to have wide port(s) and as close to back glass as you can get. also make sure behind the area of your port you don't have any gaps, even though my box was all the way against my tailgate there was a bump on it about 3 inches from top and above that there was about a 1" gap all across-fixed it and gained .2-.3db
  2. OK, i am doing a system for a friend in a 1996 lincoln town car, the equipment i am getting is 2- 18" SSD's and will be powered off a Rockford Fosgate t1500-1bd . The problem is there are hydraulics in the car so i have very limited trunk space to work with. the measurements i have taken leave me with a max of 39" wide x 24.5"length x 14.5" tall . i think this comes out to be about 6.6 cu.ft. BEFORE any displacements . I know that this is WAY UNDER THE RECOMMENDATION, but i do not have any more room to spare. it will never be metered or compete it is just for show which is why he wants the 18's but even though it's, not going to compete it still has to be LOUD. I was planning on using those dimensions with 51.75" of port area @ about 15.75 to get to the 33hz recommended tuning which leaves me 6 cu.ft. BEFORE subwoofer displacement . so will this work????? any help would be appreciated.
  3. d_man1987

    2- SSD 18's in 6.6cu.ft. before displacement???

    ok, i talked to him this morning, he agreed to moving his pumps higher so they can be seen for his show factor which then gives me more room but still wanted the 18's since he was making room. But, I finally i got him to go with the 15's he is selling the 18's to some one thats works for him in a 2 dr blazer so hopefully they won't be wasted. so now i have 6.16 cu.ft. after port and woofer displacements to work with, so i went up in box size and down in subs which should put me where the 15's should fit. now that he is going to order the 15's i know we will do BP power and flatwind coil and blue logo, would this change my rms?
  4. d_man1987

    2- SSD 18's in 6.6cu.ft. before displacement???

    i kinda just wish i wouldn't have tried taking on helping him by doing the build...... hope he can be more flexable and it all works out ok, just knowing him i think he's gonna want the 18's so i might try sealed.... just kinda a losing situation in a way. thanks though guys
  5. d_man1987

    2- SSD 18's in 6.6cu.ft. before displacement???

    well i have the room for 18's, i might make him an offer and buy a third for myself, the have bp power, would the handle 1100rms each i i try and get them???? and if i try and get them i know he still wants to go big and at least 2, it i could get another 2 cubes would 15's work?
  6. d_man1987

    2- SSD 18's in 6.6cu.ft. before displacement???

    very true and thanks for the reply, but he has around 1600 rms..... would it really sound that bad, 1 ported would sound better even once you factor in all the extra cone area? and extra power that can be run when you have 2?
  7. d_man1987

    2- SSD 18's in 6.6cu.ft. before displacement???

    well thanks and yes i understand it will be on the "not recommended but try it" side but with what i have to work with it is the best i can doi guess so any help is appreciated... So on that basis what would you guys reccomend? should i make it one big chamber or two separate? should i use any fill? since the box is so small should i use bracing & 45's in corners? and should i fiberglass the inside of the box? And i know this is not a well thought out desicion, but thanks for your help on getting the most out of it
  8. d_man1987

    2- SSD 18's in 6.6cu.ft. before displacement???

    I prefer ported and never do sealed but i was worried that that was gonna be my only option... So if i do sealed.... should i make it one big chamber or two separate? should i use any fill? since the box is so small should i use bracing & 45's in corners? and should i fiberglass the inside of the box? and thanks for your help guys, i really appreciate it.
  9. d_man1987

    2- SSD 18's in 6.6cu.ft. before displacement???

    would they still play pretty low sealed or will the loose alot of that ability since the enclosure will be so small
  10. d_man1987

    2- SSD 18's in 6.6cu.ft. before displacement???

    Dang, so think they will sound that bad... and he wants to be able to see all the hydraulic pumps and everything in the trunk because the are chromed out and engraved( he's all about points, but want loud regardless ) , he used to have 2 infinity 12's off of a jl 500/1 in a shitty box and he wants it to blow that system away(which isn't really high standards), so it should blow that away by far shouldn't it????? And he didn't really think it through he just wants it done in the next couple weeks for a show. I have been saying i want to pull my system and run Fi 18's and i already run rockford power series amps so he said if thats what i wanted it must be good so that is what he got his heart set on and "had to have 18's". only thing he didn't figure(like most people who know very little car audio) is he has a trunk full of hydraulics for show and i have a yukon i would never waste that space on and have a huge box and could fit an even WAY LARGER box. So is there any hope, i'm gonna do the box and i am kinda hyped up by it because i wanted to pull my 6-12's and do 3- 18's( ) and now I'm gonna get to work with some Fi 18's but i'm disappointed because air space is WAY to small ... is there any hope???? I really want to make this work because he is a freind of mine who doesn't really know car audio and knows it won't be as loud as mine but still wants it really loud..... is there anything i can do with the airspace i have???? What if i add the other 39w x 19" x max 5" taller, would this help????? I know I'm not going to get what they are capable of out of them, but is there anything i can do with what i got to get more out of them???
  11. d_man1987

    2- SSD 18's in 6.6cu.ft. before displacement???

    He already ordered the 18's .... I really wanted to have them in more space because i know that they do need it but he wants the car more for show and if I "build the box any higher the judges can't see the hydraulics" That and he is set on the wow factor of the size of the 18's I anything i am trying to convince him to go higher on the rear end of the box because the pumps protrude into the area i want to build in and i could add another 39w x 19"(so i ca go around pumps) x max 5" taller than what i alloted before hand, but he is really against it and wants his to still pound pretty loud.... Basically,he just wants it to look good for show and be able to back up the look would that make enough of a difference???? and yes i agree IT IS TOO LITTLE OF SPACE. I know it would not sound optimal, but would it sound pretty good still even though i know they need ALOT MORE AIR. And, if this is all the space i get to work with i know the subs will have more in them, BUT would a WAY too small ported box sound better that a still small sealed enclosure????? If it's any consolation as soon as i have the funds i plan to do 3-18's and i have around 35cu.ft. of airspace to gived them
  12. d_man1987

    18" SSD's

    Dang, coincidence or what, I am barely starting a build in a 96 town car too and i'm doing the SSD 18's off of a rockford fosgate t1500-1bd . I am also unsure of box and setup as it will be my first time using these, i'm not trying to thread jack either just thought that was a weird coincidence.