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Everything posted by acousticguitar

  1. acousticguitar

    EQing help in NorCal

    I am looking for anyone in NorCal who might have a mic and whatever software needed for EQing my car that would like to help me out. or if you know of any local shops that are good about doing this sort of stuff cheap/free, that would be cool.
  2. I have the option of using either amps for my components (Rainbow) and rear fill (JBL mids): Alpine MRV-F302 V12, 4x50 @ 4 ohm @ 14.4 Planet Audio P450, 4 x 50 @ ohm Anyone have exp with these or similar amps from the Alpine and PA lines? Which one will get me better SQ? Advice appreciated. Thanks!
  3. Looking for good SQ. I had heard that PA amps were nice, but then I ran into this review: http://www.elitecaraudio.com/forums/showth...?threadid=80567 Of course, I am not sure if this is just one person w/ golden ears and I won't be able to tell the diff...