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Everything posted by 97maxima

  1. Ive honestly never heard anything good about them, not saying they are bad tho. Dc xps do good idle power
  2. Ok because stock specs look perfect for a 4th the way they are
  3. Yes sir!Nice! I'm getting some ethos soon too. I just need to figure out if 15s will fit, if not then definitely some 12sfrom my understanding they like a small boxYea they do! Quentin had designed them to work well in small boxes.Have you checked this out? http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/59904-ethos-bandpass-option/?hl=%2Bethos+%2Bbandpass I had looked into the option for a strictly BP option but found it was needed after final large signal Klippel testing. The stock spider pack does well in ~3.5 total cft with a passband of ~ 25-75 hz Is that was supposed to be a wasn't?
  4. Yes sir!Nice! I'm getting some ethos soon too. I just need to figure out if 15s will fit, if not then definitely some 12s from my understanding they like a small box
  5. Thanks, undecided on a amp atm for the ethos 15s. Have lots to do, more deadner, a little sq front-stage and hopefully some good numbers.
  6. 97maxima here from smd,team old skool, and a few others. figured id spread my time out over a few forums and not just smd.