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Everything posted by TechSys

  1. TechSys

    Step by Step Box Design

    I see you used sketchup, but what did you use for recording the screen? I used VLC to record. Seemed to come out pretty good. It says it's 1080p but I haven't tried it on the flatscreen yet. Keep up the videos man. They look great.
  2. TechSys

    King of Bass CD

    What are you tuned to? Right around 26 but peaks at 45
  3. TechSys

    Poor Peal N SEAL!!!!

    That is the reason why I said it may work for some and not for others. As far as my application. I needed a quick way to do my roof in the van (1989 chevy astro). When I first installed the system the roof looked like a tidal wave, when the bass hit. One layer of the stuff took care of that. Yes, it did still move but no where near what it was before. Plus it was a lot quieter after the installation of it. And I might be wrong on something. I did say I used Protect-O-Wrap. If I remember right it is a Hybrid Butyl product. I am not 100% sure on that and am looking for the specs to see. I am wrong.... Found the info on the stuff I used. I probably could have used the super stick building tape as it's a hybrid butyl and is 45mil.
  4. TechSys

    Poor Peal N SEAL!!!!

    You're right. There's the proper way to accomplish a goal, and then the improper way. PNS and equivalent products fall (pun intended) into the latter category. For you, yea. For me... it isn't a fall or fail if it lasted 3+ years and worked great while being where it was.
  5. TechSys

    Poor Peal N SEAL!!!!

    You should re-read this. Using it again will just be another waste of money as there are better techniques to yield the results you seek. I don't need to read it again. I understood perfectly what he was saying, however, I know what works in my van, has worked in my van, and will always work in my van. I don't really care about the opinions of others. I just gave my thoughts about it. It may not be suitable for you or somebody else, but it is suitable for me and does the job quite well. Competitors used to use it quite a bit BEFORE dynacrap came around. If I don't use it for the roof, I'll use a product under the soundstream name since it's better than most of the junk out there. There are other ways to deaden, people are just scared to try something different.
  6. TechSys

    Osama bin Laden No more

    Well, Mr. Palmer, you do have the right to think that. I, however, refuse to be a sheep. I don't want Obama Bin Laden dead. I just want him and all his cronies out of office. He is a wall street warrior, that studied marxism. He is a new breed of muslim. He is a piece of trash that this country needs to take out and destroy. And yea, we've heard that Obama was dead before. How do we, as civilians that are not over there, know this for a fact? We don't. We can only go by what Media Hype seem to be on the agenda for the day. But anyways, that is going off topic, so I'm gonna do a M5 and disappear for a while so I don't have to show my credentials. Wow, I'm sorry. I just had to do that to try to lighten the mood
  7. TechSys

    Osama bin Laden No more

    Don't get y'alls hopes up. 1. We've heard this before 2. He wasn't the one responsible, his right hand man was. 3. Our troops will still be over there. 4. Gas prices will not drop. 5. You do know Elections are next year? Coincidence? No, it's just something to bring his votes up 6. Can we get rid of the terrorist that's ruining our country now?
  8. This one isn't all that bad actually. Yea, some of the actors still suck at acting. Ain't no getting around that, they'll never be good at acting. The movie was actually pretty decent. I think it was better than the last 4. They did leave it wide open even before the credits. When the safe was empty. You know what's his name was pissed at that.
  9. TechSys

    Poor Peal N SEAL!!!!

    O.k. I've had my Peal-N-Seal, well Protect-O-Wrap (same company as AudioWrap, but same a PNS) in my van for over 3 years. It has just now started to come down. All I did when applying it was clean the metal with alcohol, then wiped it down again with windex. Did it work? 1 layer cut the rippling of my roof to about half of what it was beforehand. But, I would not recommend it for overhead or sides of a vehicle. If not applied right it will come off within a week after applying it. If anybody is going to use it, use it on the floors only. It also will not work for everybody. For some reason some vehicles it will stick to and may never come down, others it'll come down real quick. You can use a better glue, in a spray, that will make it adhere better. I can't remember what it's called right off the bat now. A lot of people have used it and have had success with it. Usually those that haven't had success with it have installed it wrong. Sometimes, like now, there'll be a person that installed it the right way, and had no luck with it. Which I am sorry to hear about. And btw, there ain't no damn smell from the stuff. Well, in my case there hasn't been. Maybe that can be different for everybody also. And yea. I'll be using it again. Why? Well, since I redo my system aprox every 4 years, I can redo the deadener also, if needed. 4 layers of PNS or Protect-o-wrap for my whole van would cost about 1/4, maybe 1/2, the price of anything else. 4 layers will give me the same as 2 layers of anything else. I can spend the left over money on other things my needs (a v8 swap) I forgot to mention. When I first bought Protect-O-Wrap I had a 1991 Chevy Beretta GT. I put 1 square under the car, right where the trunk is. Now this was back in 2002/3. That same piece is still under the car and you can not remove it. Just figured I would mention that. Oh, and that area was not cleaned before I put the stuff in place.
  10. TechSys

    steve's anti-cliiping device

    How can you make something clip free when every CD you buy from the store already has clipping on it? Just a question. Looks like those that chase clipping are fighting a useless battle.
  11. TechSys

    4th order build continued (M5)

    i lold. its obvious that its not the first time he's bashed something like this. hes like.. what? 8 thousand posts less active than his total. something tells me hes started a lot of shit storms just to simply shut them down when he feels like hes losing control. if you actually read the thread, you would have seen that he's planning on posting the vid as soon as he gets access to a termlab. as for stirring the pot, m5 jumped out and ditched. us bashing him isnt stirring the pot. its chasing the poor bastard with a stick and further pointing out his worthlessness. Grow up fellas. You guys don't know what being the bigger man is? (M5 does..that's why he left.) Shyea right. I got a bridge to sell you.
  12. TechSys

    Is it human nature?

    The whole thing could have started in a much better way just by a little bit of rewording. The first comment that M5 made me think M5 is one of those people that think his shit doesn't stink when it comes to car audio. That is not a way to get a first impression of somebody, not a good first impression at least. Why do I mention first impressions? When it comes to customer service you want to create a good first impression in the customers mind. Let's say SSA is a car audio shop and M5 was the owner. If I walked into that shop and told M5 exactly what I wanted done and he spouted off a first comment like he did in that topic, I would have turned around and walked out. That is a good way to lose business. Instead of trying to work with the customer to achieve what the potential long-term customer wanted, he spouted off in negative way right off the bat. I know I pointed out M5 in what I said above, but, it is not just him. This is happening quite a bit on car audio sites by a lot of people that like to think they're god when it comes to this stuff. Thing like, "use the f'ing search", and such. People need to relearn how to communicate in a positive way, even with criticism. I'm not going to hold my breathe on that though.
  13. TechSys

    New BTL not very loud...

    Recheck everything 3 times or more. Make sure everything is right. Reason I'm saying this, well, I'll tell you a little story. A couple weeks ago I changed out my old enclosure for a 4th order. After going through all the rewiring of the subs, amps, and back battery (only had 1 battery in the back of the van at the time), Rival904 and I went to test the new enclosure. Got to the spot we wanted to test it, turned on the system, very little of any sound came out. The subs subs were hitting about as much as a person could do with their fingers tapping on mdf. The mids and highs were very low. We spent some time trying to figure out what was wrong. I the RCAs (rival had a spare set), still nothing. We messed with the wiring between subs and amps, still nothing. Afte about 2 hours of total confusion I found the problem. When I installed the back battery, I forgot to connect the ground wire to it. Everything was powering up, just not fully. I'm actually surprised I didn't burn something up. Connected the ground wire, went back to test, and the system came alive. Was the most confusing day I have ever had in car audio. Something that simple that I forgot to do to cause so much problem. So, like I say, recheck everything with a fine tooth comb.
  14. TechSys


    Yea, it'll only help in the lanes, maybe. To the ear you'll notice very little, if any, difference.
  15. TechSys

    King of Bass CD

    I get a hell of a lot of compliments playing track 5 - kind of bass and one of the 7 bass race tracks. It's a pretty cool cd. Not as good as the old style bass mekanik, but still darn good.
  16. TechSys

    Anyone know how to get

    So i do have to bend them up. Cool just didn't want to force it. And it doesn't have screws holding them tech. I just noticed that. Sorry for the bad advice. I had to look harder at the pics (those ampguts pics pretty much sucks) to notice they were actually clips and not screws. Maybe I need to go get my eyes checked again. I don't know
  17. Make sure your wireless router is secured. Use a browser like Firefox. IE is just full of flakes. The only other alternative, and is the best antivirus next to never turning your computer on, is change over to Linux. Even though I love linux, it's just not time for it and doing some things I have to do.
  18. TechSys

    Anyone know how to get

    You've got the screws out of the transistors that screw into the case? If so it should just slide out one side or the other. It doesn't lift out, I don't think
  19. Poor rabbit. At least it got some relief before it passed. And you said ketchup and mustard, not blood and mustard
  20. TechSys

    King of Bass CD

    So it's just 7 songs with different bass frequencies? or are those 7 part of the CD as a whole? The first 12 songs are different songs. The next 7 are the same but the bass frequencies are different. The higher the track number, the higher the bass frequency. Then you have test tones ranging from 20Hz to 99Hz in 1Hz increments.
  21. I use AVG pro, malwarebytes and microsoft security essentials. I also do an online scan once a month, just to be sure. If my systems gets a virus it's usually due to me being stupid.
  22. TechSys

    4th order build continued (M5)

    Mr. Palmer, all you had to do is ask. I can easily get you a copy of it. See, you never think of us little people up here in Jax. You think we ain't loud or something? hehe, just kidding man. Seriously though if you need a copy of it or other old school music like that contact me on the other forum. I think I have a couple copies of every CD that has the word bass (or warning, or subwoofer) anywhere on or inside the case.
  23. TechSys

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    V8 swap by chance?
  24. TechSys

    4th order build continued (M5)

    I have come to a conclusion and I know my math is correct with it. We are not going to get any where with this topic, or any other topic. M5 and his nuthuggers are going to keep sidestepping questions. They will not ever answer, honestly, any of the questions asked. Knowing the math does not mean shit. Reality is where is is at. the reality is the build is done, the build sounds great, and the build is kicking ass. You cannot defeat reality with bits and pieces of paper that say it won't work for whatever reasoning. Period. With that being said, and with all the other drama that has been going on with this one build, I hope to fuck I get banned from this forum. Nothing against the owners of it, I have respect for them, but if a tech team such as this exists here, I'd much rather go somewhere else. Their (tech team) opinions are pretty much like SMD and other shit holes like that. If you don't agree with them, you're a piece of crap. If I wanted that kind of crap I would go back to SMD. I believe the owners need to tighten the noose on the admin around here. In all honesty they are nothing but a bunch of nuthuggers and ass kissers. They got butthurt and raped on more than one occasion and can't do a damned thing about it. Until they can suck it up and get rid of their pride for once, they will be unable to answer the questions at hand. I was going to write a reply to something Shizzon said, but, I have respect for him. Why? Hell I don't know, maybe credibility. That is something I don't see the band "M5 and the nutthuggers" having one bit of. So fuck it, fuck the tech team, fuck the nutthuggers. Ban me, please. It will give me a reason to flame your asses on each and every other pucking forum I see you on. I'm out
  25. TechSys

    4th order build continued (M5)

    Asking for credentials on the internet is just like going into a shop to have some work done. You want to know what that shop is capable of doing and if they have experience in doing the work you want. They don't give out personal information. As shop that refuses to let you see past work and experience is a shop I'll never visit. A person that refuses to prove his/her experience on the internet is a person that I will not take any advice from. I really like how M5 is sidestepping the questions. I really like how others are pretty much taking up for him. But.... I don't care is there is a whole city that refers me to one certain shop, or person, if I can't see the past experience I won't do business there. And that is a fact of life.