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About StripperMan

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  1. StripperMan

    SAZ-2500D Prototype Is Here !

    are u ready yet??
  2. StripperMan

    Congrats Jake!

    great show and awesome number!!! congrats!!
  3. StripperMan

    Sundown 1500 and a Nightshade 12d2

    i also have a 06 scion xb. i am running 2 nightshade 12's and a 3500d. do not know what the scores with this setup will be but i can tell u tomorrow evening. other that that. i have had multiple setups in my toaster. all have been with an upgraded 170amp alternator from ohio gen. stinger 1/0 hyperflex, a 2400 and an 1800 kinetik, and 2 laters of fatmat on everything but the floor. with one 15" fi btl and a memphis mojo 4k. the loudest i burped was a 145.2 @47hz. and 30 sec avg 144.6. with 2 ma audio hk15x2 and a ma audio hk4000. burped a 148.0 @ 47 hz and 60 avg 145.8. i will let you know tomorrow about what kind of scores i am putting up with this new setup.
  4. StripperMan

    Win a Sundown 1500

    cant wait!!!
  5. StripperMan

    Duran's 12" Sundown Nightshades (Vids)

    what do u normally do on the dash with ur current setup
  6. StripperMan

    Duran's 12" Sundown Nightshades (Vids)

    duran, what are the dimensions to your box including port dimensions. i just picked up 2 nightshade 12's and i need an idea of what other people are running. thanks
  7. StripperMan

    NEW Nightshade Pole Plugs

    woohoo i got the first set!! eat your hearts out!!
  8. StripperMan

    Trade-In Program

    jacob u got email!