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Everything posted by Optimus_Prime

  1. Optimus_Prime

    Ohio Generator?

    Ill keep you guys posted i had to send them some photos to see how the + post is positioned and see if it will plug and play.
  2. Optimus_Prime

    Getting Packed for SBN

    Will the Z cons be making a special appearance at the show. Anyhow as mentioned above looking forward to some awesome SSA footage.
  3. Optimus_Prime

    Getting Packed for SBN

    Oh man are those some "C"cons i see there. LOL
  4. Optimus_Prime

    For people waiting for quotes. (Pics of new location!!!&#3

    What amp u going to get, Well looks like i have some time so ill get an HU before then. going to between pioneers 3200bt or the 4300dvd not sure yet.
  5. Optimus_Prime

    For people waiting for quotes. (Pics of new location!!!&#3

    Thanks man i sent him a message need to be on the V.I.P list lol.
  6. Optimus_Prime

    For people waiting for quotes. (Pics of new location!!!&#3

    @ Andrew. Any updates.
  7. Optimus_Prime

    From: Hey Guys

  8. Optimus_Prime

    Hey Guys

  9. Optimus_Prime

    Need help with an enclosure design

    check with Bromo or Jblcamry
  10. Check out the beginning of this build. I used closed cell foam as a gasket and the trim ring will not work with my mounting bolts. Thanks for looking! My bad its hard to keep up with all the action going on around here, I was thinking of using the allen wrench style screws myself after using them with my old P3's when fosgate supplied them with their subs.
  11. Optimus_Prime

    '10 Nissan Frontier / SA-8s

    Sexy lil 8's, bet those sound really clean and get surprisingly loud.
  12. sweet build loving the box, tuned in for vids, any reason for mounting the sub without the trim ring?
  13. Optimus_Prime

    Getting ready for the BTLs

    Sweet, thats how i set up my enclosures i have the same brass bolt and wingnut setup so much easier to use and change up the final imp on the fly.
  14. Optimus_Prime

    For people waiting for quotes. (Pics of new location!!!&#3

    I spoke with Andrew yesterday he has passed inspection and just need to do some painting and a few other things and hopes to be up and running in a week or so, should not be much longer. He said he will post as soon as he is open for business.
  15. Optimus_Prime

    Big Daddy Series 12's are in and BANGIN!!!!!&#

    Beat on them bad boys and report back, how much they cost.
  16. Optimus_Prime

    XCON trunk numbers

    To be honest im expecting around 146+ with a pair of 12's, Xcons Ill let you know when i get em up and running. Like Aaron said not going for numbers really i will have low tuning so id say 146 is a fair estimate for me as i will be running 3.5 krms+
  17. Optimus_Prime

    Big Daddy Series 12's are in and BANGIN!!!!!&#

  18. Optimus_Prime

    For people waiting for quotes. (Pics of new location!!!&#3

    LoL Our builds logs are stalled because the monsters cant move in till their homes are built. Yeah, has Andrew started your box yet? xcons xcons xcons Na have not heard from him yet, Im gonna call him later on today.
  19. Optimus_Prime

    For people waiting for quotes. (Pics of new location!!!&#3

    Yeah, has Andrew started your box yet? xcons xcons xcons Na i have not heard from him yet im gonna call him later on today.
  20. Optimus_Prime

    For people waiting for quotes. (Pics of new location!!!&#3

    LoL Our builds logs are stalled because the monsters cant move in till their homes are built.
  21. Looking into running a stinger SPP1200 up under the hood and a SPP2150 in the rear. Are these batteries reliable and strong enough to support 3000 - 3500rms on stock electrical with big3 and 130amp alt. And how do these compare to the others like Powermaster Kinetik etc. Any and all info would be greatly appreciated thanks.
  22. Optimus_Prime

    Stinger SPP batteries

    Would this be a great batt to run in the rear. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_17672_Kinetik-HC-3800-KHC3800-HC3800-KHC-3800.html?utm_source=froogle&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=froogle
  23. Not sure if the pb does rated i have heard they do rated and in some cases a lil more, but i have no personal experience with the pb stuff, but it seems that those that run them seem to like them, but one thing about buying car audio equipment is you get what you pay for.
  24. it would be either the regular t1500 or the t1000-bdcp. would i be any louder switching to either, and if so which would be loudest overall Oh ok then i would have to say not worth the swap in this case the difference would be next to none and not worth the extra money. Only advantage the fosgate would have over the pb in this case would probably be a tad better efficiency.