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Everything posted by Optimus_Prime

  1. Optimus_Prime


    Check out the SSA supporter section on the team shirts. Titled, "How about some..." Edited previous post thanks.
  2. Optimus_Prime


    Ill order a couple next week to add to my SSA clothing collection.
  3. Optimus_Prime

    The Newb to SSA

    to SSA!
  4. Optimus_Prime

    XS Power D3100 v/s the competition's Group 31 battery

    Only bad thing i found about the XS batts especially the D3100 is their availability. Other than that i have never ran one, or any XS but hear great things about them, and would have them in my car now if i could have found them. Nice comparison I wonder how the D3100 stacks up against my Hc3800.
  5. Optimus_Prime

    15s in the DTS

    Some pics of the 02 Deville
  6. Optimus_Prime

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Looking forward to the vids.
  7. Optimus_Prime

    15s in the DTS

    Sweet I had almost identicle setup in my 02 deville looks like you could use more port area though
  8. Optimus_Prime

    For people waiting for quotes. (Pics of new location!!!&#3

    Well I hope I can get the box before I move in beginning of May!
  9. Optimus_Prime

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    Thanks man, I should be getting it sometime this upcoming week Andrew just needed to paint the port and finish carpeting and then should ship it out monday and hopefully have it be end of next week.
  10. Optimus_Prime

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    voltage stayed solid on the 4 ohms but i can see that needle moving around when i knock it down to 1ohm.
  11. Optimus_Prime

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    its like a signal clipping indicator i personally think its a lil off
  12. Optimus_Prime

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    Running the amp at 4ohms and not really tuned
  13. Optimus_Prime

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    Uploading vid of first time firing up the amp and on the Xcons temp box used for testing!
  14. Optimus_Prime

    which amp choice? Sundwn 2500 or T2500.1?

    Well i was in the same boat and I Chose the Fosgate, Reasons: The constant power feature is nice as hell, you get 2 digital needles for voltage and signal, small ass footprint, and mine will do 2000rms at 4ohms and nearly 3500rms at 1 or 2 ohms. Whichever amp you decide on you cant go wrong, sundown and fosgate (AMPS) are both top shelf stuff. Get what is in your budget the Fosgate is not cheap and neither is the Sundown.
  15. Optimus_Prime

    2 12" XCONs Sampler

    Very nice, Looks nice n loud, I cant wait till my box arrives to see what my Xcons can do.
  16. Optimus_Prime

    For people waiting for quotes. (Pics of new location!!!&#3

    I was hoping to see or hear about the progress of my enclosure by now. Oh well all I can do is wait.
  17. Optimus_Prime

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    More coming soon! Here is where i put the dvd bypass switch temporarily And this is most likely where it is going to go.
  18. Optimus_Prime

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    ya i may have to grind some of the rear wheel well when all this goes in for clearance when she squats. Though about doing a eibach spring kit to lower it but i will have to wait and see how far down the car will sit.
  19. Optimus_Prime

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    LOL ya i saw that, i can imagine how much that bish weighed with them SMD's when i put my Xcon 12's in a small dual 12 enclosure i had from a long time ago it got heavy as shit, Imma have to be careful putting in the box so I dont mess up the leather of suede.
  20. Optimus_Prime

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    Thanks man, I will deff make a vid of the box going into the car when it gets here but ill have to have my brother come and help me out with that, ill see about getting a vid of my brother rolling up in my car when its all done and playing so i can show the wheels choppin and some flex.
  21. Optimus_Prime

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    Made a quick vid of a little walk around of what i have going so far.
  22. Optimus_Prime

    TeamSSA member ICON, team members check in

    Sweet, Thanks Mark!
  23. Optimus_Prime

    TeamSSA member ICON, team members check in
