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Everything posted by Spencerk

  1. Ok well I sat in the owner of the local shops car and I was hooked, he had 8's in each door 4'' speakers and tweets on the A pillar and it sounded SWEET. If I closed my eyes you could hear every instrument and its location on the stage it was the next best thing to being their live.. after I got back in my car to leave I was totally not in love with my sound anymore. SO now I come to you guys for advice and insight on how to achieve Beethoven's symphony in my car. With a CH for each speaker would I ditch my crossovers and use the amps to tune each speaker to that frequency range
  2. OK I messed with the network mode and I turned it back bc it moved all the mid rage to the front and the highs to the back. Which was fine but all I could hear was highs no voice at all the mid range was non existent, plus I had tweeters up front that were doing nothing.... Pardon my ignorance but what do you mean my passives??? Speakers I assume??? If its not too much to ask what would be the ideal set up be for speaker placement in my car (placement, size, number of them) I had a local shop tell me I would benefit from losing my back speaker and moving all 4 ch to the front of the car. any truth to this??
  3. Well as I get older my years of high school are dwindling away and I am not so much impressed by that fact that someone can shake there car and flex the roof. I am slowly making the transition to the SQ world. So when I was reading online about processors, they said they can make your system sound more full and rich with greater depth and width, so naturally i was interested. Is their anything that I could do with the equipment I have to obtain more depth width etc. Simple tips for a beginner like myself...... I don't know much about the world of SQ
  4. Ok the big 3 will not "Push" power but you amp will "draw or pull" power from you batt.... All you are doing in lowering the resistance or making it easier for you amp to obtain that power from the source. Your amp will put out 1kw only as long as it has the resources to do so... If you are looking to make 1kw for extended amounts of time then you will need an alt that can provide 105% of the total current draw of your amp and vehicle needs. Then you will be able to produce your peak power anytime on demand. You MAY notice some audible difference with short bumps over stock but for test tones you're going to need an alt and batts (just the short of it we could go on for hours on quark theory's and molecular electron transfer..... but yeah
  5. Spencerk

    System For My Girl

    I have a Rockford fostgate T1 15 it only needs 2.5 cubes. Im running the 600 wrms so no alts or mutable batts in that back of my gf 2000 grand am and she can roll up on those stupid best buy/ circuit city high school tarts and out bump them for her its good and it dosnt take up her whole trunk idk just my .02
  6. Spencerk

    Need more BOOM!!

    OK I have one of the last old style 08' FI BL's......yes it shakes my car get lots of window flex yada yada I WANT MORE! SO I was thinking about getting another Nine.1 and strapping them together giving me bout 2800 wrms @ 2 ohms and getting another BL 15, but my question is, Do ya think I will be OK with mixing a new fully loaded BL with the old Fully loaded BL...are they that much different from each other?? any input is appreciated
  7. Spencerk

    Need more BOOM!!

    Yeah I was thinking about getting rid of this one and getting a fully loaded BTL and pushing the full 2800 to it and just make a stupid loud single 15 set up. maybe wall the thing behind my fold down seats??? What do you guys think I could make off this set up on the mic if I put it in about 4 cubes tuned to 35 htz??
  8. Spencerk

    Need more BOOM!!

    Hmmmm this is quite a bummer...I will email FI they might have some old style motors lying round.......one can only hope, thx a lot guys...fast reply's and good info
  9. Spencerk

    Need more BOOM!!

    WOW that was fast....can I have my old one re-coned or are the motors totally diff??? man this sub isn't even 2 months old, I dint really want to buy two more already......
  10. Spencerk


    I was jw but will this be going in your dodge ram??
  11. Spencerk


    if ur not going more than 20 feet and ur nominal power is only 1000 watts than you should be fine. If you are Really on a buget I would try and run the set up on all stock and see were you end up. if you get a voltage loss then go with the 4....in my experience most trucks have some pretty stout grounding in them stock and even some German cars
  12. Spencerk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Damn... fudgeing Maximus Prime couldn't take that chit down Was that MIG or Arc looks too clean to be arc but i do think I see some 1/8 7018 layin on the bench their
  13. I used to have the 9887 with the imprint mic.... the T/A on it was sub par I threw that out and got a Pioneer DEH-P800PRS it still comes with 24 bit burr brown DCA's, 16 band EQ. 5 volt pre outs are clean and clear, and you can turn off the internal amp if you are running a 4 ch. PLUS it comes with a mic and has its own built in T/A at no extra cost like the 9887... it also has a 3way network setup so you can adjust each of the 3 amp pre outs independent from each other. You can tune this thing till ur blue in the face
  14. Spencerk

    About configure the speaker.

    yes I am aware that the BTL will due more with less due to the extra slug on it giving the motor a higher gause rating, BUT he has already said he is sorta new to audio and I am just tryin to save him money by having him not buy a lambo to take dear ole grams 100 yards to get the mail...The BTL is going to be more than he is probably ready for at this point.
  15. Spencerk

    Boston Acoustics Pro60 SE

    I have a set of pro60 in my car right now and I love them. They are bright and clear highs are crisp, the mid bass leaves a bit to be desired but I just have them thrown in the stock location, no custom pods or serious imaging done here. They realy shine when you start to put on the power, that is when they come alive. im sure some ppl on here have sets that will blow these away but for the price i think they are a good driver
  16. Spencerk

    headunit issue

    hmmm???? I duno, some decks allow you to have different settings for tuner, i pod, CD....maybe the seating position is set to the far back for those input modes?? or other settings are off for those modes? proly not but just a suggestion
  17. Spencerk

    About configure the speaker.

    Here let me re-word this...... since some ppl just get on these sites to try and prove their level of knowledge to them selves by means disagreeing with everyone...............to use those woofers to their full potential you will need that kind of power otherwise dont waist your money on a woffer that you will only use to half its potential whitch brings me back to my suggestion of maybe one BTL or maybe 2 Qs.
  18. Spencerk

    About configure the speaker.

    Laurel medalist 35 hu?? I we dont have those here in America but I googled the car and looked a the trunk....IF you are really set on BTLs the trunk will be 90% taken up by the box and amps.....i dont want to sound like im tryin to talk you out of your choice but I just want you to be fully aware of what this will involve. One BTL will be a serious step up from the other subs that you have had in the past in your cars. I would look into just on BTL or one BL I have seen single a 15 push 140 db at the dash and still be a daily driver. - The gap in the SPL woofer is much tighter and FAR less forgiving in comparison to the Daily option. The Daily option simply gives the coil more wiggle room inside of the gap to deal with the non-linearity tendencies that you can get into when you are using a sub in a daily driving scenario. Typically SPL applications deal with 1 note and it does not change, therefore we can make the gap much tighter and get all of the motor strength that we can out of it.

  19. Spencerk

    About configure the speaker.

    Well if you are sorta new to the audio thing then I dont think BTLs are what you are guna want. they are totally stupid loud and will attempt to pound you brain right out of your noodle. I wish I could better answer your question could you give me some info about the car you intend on putting them in???? YOU DO NOT WANT THE SPL OPTION that has a very tight tolerance in the motor gap choose daily unless this will be a pressure vessel only. To make those things happy your going to need a min of 4k rms that's CLEAN if you get them fully loaded the ur guna need 5k of clean power and that will involve extra batteries, 300 amp alt, 0 gauge wire...etc....bottom line if you get those just beware that your in for a LOT upgrading and work PS the box is going to be big like 7cubs ported only, they wont run sealed
  20. Spencerk

    Blown sub

    If the thing Omhs out and it still moves freely with no scratching or rough spots then I dont think the sub is bown. If you are still hearing bass them their is a complete circuit in through the coil. only thing I cold think of is if something crazy happened like the magnent cracked in half but if that was the case you would not be ordering a recone so im guna say no... I am proly wrong if I am someone help me here
  21. Spencerk

    Finally got my system working!!

    Hey congrats man, enjoy it and be proud to rock what ya got
  22. Spencerk

    basic headunit

    Was just pokein round online ran into this, but it is a pioneer so becareful of the cheap perouts, they have a micro fuse that tends to go and then you get a hiss. I dont know if the Premeer comes with better ones or not I know my prs880 has good 5v pre outs not sure of this model tho. this problem can be fixed if you ground the sheilding of the RCA in the even it happens http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_17693_...DEH-P510UB.html
  23. im with casedawg350 If that BL is just a basic it will proly take 1200 if its fully loaded it will handle 1600 with out breaking a sweat. I would go rockford, but even then ur still on the low side of things Ive got an elemental desings NINE.1 that only ran me 300 from the factory and im puttin down 1582 @ 1ohm and I ran it a half ohm for a couple weeks she took it with little heat and thats no company hype that was my own personal bench test.... i duno just a thought
  24. Spencerk

    Nine.1 amps on Btl 15s

    I have a ed nine.1 on a fully loaded 15 bl eh its OK but my windshield hasn't blow straight out of the car like a god damn bomb went off in my front seat yet so its ok, i think could be louder but thats not the amps fault. Mine was bench tested at 1572 wrms @ a solid 14.5 volts so they are under rated. I have not had to call on my warranty yet but every time I emailed them they were fast to reply to my questions.
  25. Spencerk

    Comp sets and sound deadening

    used to have a set of focals b4 the Bostons I have now.... they were sexy smooth I liked them a lot. that's just my thoughts on it tho... my vote goes to the focals