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Amir G

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Everything posted by Amir G

  1. Amir G

    SALE - Refurbished Sundown Amps @ db-R

    How much for the Refurbished 3000d posted including everything to the UK?
  2. Amir G

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    Yeah I know Dave lol, just wanted to know price difference lol.. been quoted approx $1,050.62
  3. Amir G

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    Out of interest what would it cost to ship to the UK taking everything into consideration what would the final cost to me be? Also "E-marking" is just a UK/EU legislation found usually in aftermarket electrical equipment in cars more than anything. I think some amplifiers do have this marking on it but there hasn't been any major emphasis on this from my research at all.
  4. Amir G

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    Never mind, I was thinking more CEA rated I think which they aren't which is ok. Pre-Order is only for people in the states?
  5. Amir G

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    That's great! One last thing are these "E" Marked?
  6. Amir G

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    What will the dimension for this amplifer be has it been confirmed? I am more bothered about the thickness incase my boot lid doesn't close. Any idea how many inc thick?
  7. Amir G

    New to Sundown - UK member

    Thanks Dave, just seen your post now. That's very helpful. Like I say I will get the sundown off you whenever you can get hold of them in the UK. Run it off my current power supply depending on how much it's dropping I will decide how big of a second alternator I need or if one at all!
  8. Amir G

    New to Sundown - UK member

    Hi, I have just sold my Mmats 3500.1 amplifier as it didn't have the subsonic option and I just wanted a change... I was looking into a Sundown 3000 amplifier but after speaking with our UK dealer (DirectIce) I have been advised they are being replaced with the 3500 version. He is still looking into if he can get hold of the 3000 for me, any ideas and prices for both? In