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Everything posted by sqjeep

  1. sqjeep

    hello from alabama

    Welcome to SSA. There is a lot of good info here. Stick around and enjoy.
  2. sqjeep

    CD Contest Winner

    Congrats tommy.
  3. Here is the manual for the Clarion.... VZ409
  4. sqjeep

    death row + aero port?

    Need a little more info to totally answer your question. Did you build the box already?? If not what are the dimensions of the area you have to work with?? As well what do you want to have the box tuned to??
  5. sqjeep

    I want to play a game....

    Awesome good luck to everyone. Nick i can't wait to see what other surprises u have in store.
  6. sqjeep

    Whats Up guys

    Welcome to SSA. You will love it here.
  7. sqjeep

    Box design/help

    Well provide me with both that way you can weigh which one you like better.
  8. sqjeep

    Box design/help

    Couple of questions i have for you. 1. Could u get the measurements of the area you have to work with?? 2. A pic of the area could help as well?? If you have the room for a properly built box the 2 10's would be louder cause of the more cone area, motor force, etc.
  9. sqjeep

    So i work at Best BUy need sugestions

    I would recommend looking around here. At the top of the page is a tab that says store. Click on that and look at the subs and package deals on there. Also check out fi another great company. Here is there website ... Fi Car Audio. There will be a box that pops up click on no to view the true page.
  10. Thanks denim but it not quite the entire line. The others im missing yet is the 75.2, 120.2, 275.1, and the 475.1 but these are by far the most rare. Still on the look out though.
  11. When it shuts off do u lose sound??
  12. Here are my ESX's Heres my like new in box 120.4
  13. sqjeep

    Pictures of your new equipment

    Ok here is my newly aquired ESX's
  14. How many amps is the fuse that is in the inline fuse holder??
  15. sqjeep

    Need wiring help

    Jay-cee beat me to it.
  16. sqjeep

    ZED Audio amplifier group buy

    In the manual it says 8Awg to 4Awg
  17. sqjeep

    ZED Audio amplifier group buy

    I don't know if ssa will carry them but you could go to zed's website. He will be updating it soon so you can order them . If you decide to get the amp and he hasn't updated his site you could always email him. His email is [email protected].
  18. sqjeep

    Smallest possible sealed box for Q 18?

    would you mined running 6 15 instead of the 18's?? I looked at Fi's site and the Fi q 18 would need a min of 4cuft and the Fi ssd 18 would need the copper coils to run it sealed and the box would need to be in a 5cuft. Now the 15q would need 2.8cuft min and the 15ssd would need 2cuft min. I don't know the sizes for the AA series but i would believe that they would be close to the fi subs.
  19. sqjeep

    Amplifier/Sub Ohm question

    here are the diagrams for dual 1 and dual 2 subs D1 - 2ohm D1 - .5ohm D2 - 1ohm D2 - 4ohm
  20. sqjeep

    Amplifier/Sub Ohm question

    First you can't wire a dual 1 ohm sub to a 1 ohm load. A d1 can only be wired to see a .5 ohm or 2ohms. Also if the amp is the KX series than yes the amp can handle the 1ohm load, but the sub would have to be a d2.
  21. sqjeep

    I want to play a game....

  22. sqjeep

    Fi SSD 15 - Copper Coil

    I would start at 800watts first then work your way up, if you'd like. You'd be surprised how loud 800watts is compared to your old setup. Also you would hear absolutely no difference between 800 - 1000 watts. Setting the gains with a dmm is a good start. With the equation you would use the ohm load presented to the amp which in your case is 1ohm.
  23. sqjeep

    Fi SSD 15 - Copper Coil

    800 to a 1000 watts. But if you go above 800 you will have to use your common sense. You have to use you ears to listen and especially use your nose these two sensory options are key. I have mine sealed on 800watts and when i want to pound it shakes the shit out of my truck. If you really want brut force you should have look at either the bl or btl. Also you shouldn't have choose the copper coils if you wanted power you could have gotten the flatwound coils as well as bp power than you could have given the sub more power.
  24. sqjeep

    fi ssd power handling

    I think the ssd's would be fine but i would put the Bp power option on them. But how come u decided to use the ssd line over the rest of their subs?? Also what are you trying to accomplish with your system??