I recently bought a 15' Bl and had a enclosure in mind. The enclosures dimensions would fit inside my car, so I went ahead and bought the 15' Bl with the cooling option. It arrived a few days ago and I was super siked. Then I realized how would I get this box into my 99' Grand Am GT. The box will not fit. (This one http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...=1218009774927). Now I'm in a pickle. I have found another box that is ported,that i think will fit in my car. It is on the small side as far as cubic feet wise though. link to it --->http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9026797&st=15+in&lp=4&type=product&cp=1&id=1218009790168 Will this box satisfy the needs of this awesome sub? Any recommendations as far as places that sell enclosures? In the worst case scenario, could i send this sub (which is still in the box) back? Ugh...i feel like an idiot Thanks