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About sodfamily

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  1. sodfamily

    Will this 4th order work?

  2. sodfamily

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    this has turned out nice.. I am doing a wall with 8 sa12's. What are the specs of the box?
  3. sodfamily

    Will this 4th order work?

    Will be doing a 4th order for a single 15" Q. Was going to make the sealed chamber 1.8cubes and the ported chamber around 4 cubes and tune around 44-48 with 16-20" of port per cube. Does anyone see any issue with this...
  4. sodfamily

    Box recomendaiton for 8 SA 12's

    Okay, I have gone ahead and built the shell in my car and I have between 23-24 cubes total. My plan is to run 8 sa12's off 4 saz1500's. My main concerns are with port. If i do all 8 on a flat wall i can get about 187" of port. If i go down to 6 subs I can get upwards of 320" of port. If you go with a smaller port do you want to go with a smaller box? or Would it be better to go big box small port? I usally go with a 14" per cubes on port area with most boxes i build, but this one I just cant get the entire 14" with 8 subs. I had also spoken to DJ and he was said 187" in 14 cubes should be good, but i woundering if there is any rules about port area-vs-box size... Just tryign to learn here guys. thanks
  5. sodfamily

    midwestspl loud and low champs!

    Nice scores eric... I should have just went for it. When i got home I tested and was doing a average of 146. 140 (20hz) 146 (25hz) 150 (30hz) and 151 (35hz). Not as good as your 150 but I would have held my own. Also Travis teh rango is sick as well. Cant wait fo the ned build in it..
  6. sodfamily

    SAZ3500 and 6 SA12's

    Well i guess my math was a bit off, .29 is a little low. LOL On the other hand this amp is a beast. It ran at that low ohm load for almost 6 months. Great product Jacob When i get it back i think I will series then up to get a .6 load. Also I will be adding a second 3500 and 2 additional 12's, what would you guys think would be the best way to wire them up.
  7. sodfamily

    SAZ3500 and 6 SA12's

    Okay so I got my build done about 5-6 months ago and wired it up and have been running it at .4-.5 ohms with no issues. All of the sudden last Friday it just cut off, no smoke no obvious burn marks. Just went into protect and would not come back out. I know that running it this low can cause issues and so I just went ahead and sent it off to db-r and they think i fried the drive board or the input. My question is can anyone think of what may have caused this. Is it just because i was running it at the .4-.5 ohm load, or can it be something else that i can fix and prevent this from happening again. My electrical is as followed. Big 3 in 2/0 2 250 amp Mechman alts 2 runs of 2/0 + and - front to back XS Power 5400 up front and 3 D3100 in the back Voltage rests at 15.3 and will rarely drop below 14.2 Just checked all of my speaker connections and they were still tight, I ohmed them all out and I am reading 2.5 per sub. I have D4's and parelled them together. So I would have three wired together for a .83 load and the other 3 to a .83 load. and hooked one set each term to give me the .4-.5 load on the amp, if that makes sense. I knwo this was alot of rambling, but just lookign to see if anyone has any opions.
  8. sodfamily

    Fl Bl 15

    I ran a pair of 15" Bl's off a sz3000 and a saz 3500. Box was 7.5 tuned to 33. If this is a daily set up then i would not suggest putting more then 1500 on them. Se the amps up correctly and leve the gain knob alone. If everything is set correct you should be able to turn your head unit up all the way and not have any issues other then it being to loud.
  9. sodfamily

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Found this Sundown web site from SMD and ended up buying 3 Sundown amps. Thought it would be a good idea to get signed up on this forum also since I plan on running all Sundown POWER...