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Everything posted by jessyp

  1. I have a 90 amp alt and will be driving a 12 btl with a dtr1 2200d soundstream amp that as a 200 amp fuse and a audiobahn a6601t that as 80 amp fuse i have a 3 farad cap and im going to buy a back up battery but i dont know wich one yet i will also buy an isolator but im wainting to see if i have to change my alternator...everything is going to be wired with 0 gauge and i changed my car battery ground and my motor ground for 0 gauge and added a extra wire from my alt to my batt. wainting for ya reply to get this thing loaded
  2. jessyp

    box design fo btl 12''

    thanks for the hook ive ordered a design from fisher custom
  3. jessyp

    box design fo btl 12''

    since some of you knows very well this product i though it might be a good thing to ask before making a choice... i got a btl 12 that will run on a soundstream tarantula trx2000d... ive done the big 3 and im wondering how to maintain a constant 14.4 load to my amp?? plus a need a box desing. im gonna be using this sub daily for mostly hip hop and got a mazda protege 1999 with enough space in the trunk . i also heard that a square box aint the best option since the sound produced by the woofer would hit the back panel then bounce back troughout the cone area and produce distortion(by the way sorry for my english im french) is it true???? and thats about it thanks for your time
  4. jessyp

    perfect amp for btl 12

    hi i just bought my fi sub yesterday and took the dvc 2 ohm and was wondering if a hifonics brutus bxi2010d would do the job or should i go with a more powerful amp like the bxi 2408d or simply another brand.. please let me know whats your opinion on that issue
  5. jessyp

    perfect amp for btl 12

    thx for the infos