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Everything posted by Sir-Lancelot

  1. Sir-Lancelot

    1997 honda accord build log

    For a 10?
  2. Sir-Lancelot

    1997 honda accord build log

    Looks nice man. Good job for your first time!
  3. Sir-Lancelot

    Since everyone seems to want Neo...

    Send it to me and I will tell you and everyone else how I like it.
  4. XS Power VCM and Clarion HU on my door step today when I got home. Whoot!

    1. j-roadtatts


      New toys!!!SWEET!!!

    2. Sir-Lancelot


      Shits stacking up man.

      Selenium mids & tweets, 50' of 0/1, another amp, now this. The wife is starting to think I am hiding money form her. LOL

    3. Mark LaFountain
  5. Sir-Lancelot

    So you think your system is big?

    Wow. That is impressive. Do you do this for a living?
  6. Sir-Lancelot

    What is my setup worth?

    About a hundred dollars.
  7. Sir-Lancelot

    So you think your system is big?

    well of course we want pics.
  8. Sir-Lancelot

    this look alright?

    ? right for what?
  9. Sir-Lancelot

    need new basket UPS need i say more

    That sucks man, hope you get it sorted out. But look on the bright side, those are some nice Jimmy Johnson PJ's you got there.
  10. Sir-Lancelot


  11. Damn it man, what a beast this will be. 18+ put em up or didnt happen.
  12. Sir-Lancelot

    BL 12 or 15?

    Only you would know that. This is not a Sentra forum. lol I would doubt it, but go measure your trunk and come back.
  13. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Build Log - Updated July 17th - Page 8

    I found these online. It's an option if my painting experiment does not work out. Should be easier to paint over paint. $140.80 - not too bad
  14. I have been a busy man the past month and thought I would share the results. It's been cold and wet so the pics are going to be limited. Work was more important since time was a factor. Next house will have a BIG garage. Working in the elements has it's challenges. Lets get this party started. I decided I wanted to try the XCONS out sealed and I sure am glad I did. I still have HUGE output and the SQ improved in a big way. Nice tight bass that you feel in your gut. Amazing. Dont listen to that bullchit that you need a big ported box to get the XCONS loud. That is just not true and the people saying it have no experience actually doing it. These MF'ers wang in a sealed box. Here is the original box I got from Quentin at Audible Customs as part of his initial free box with woofer purchase. It was a great enclosure and the man has serious skills. I would recommend him to anyone. Little over 6cf ported to 34hz Out with the old / In with the new 6cf sealed Going to paint the box with the same paint I used below on my door pods. Next up was the challenge of getting some real mid bass up front. I have experimented with various component sets over the past year and spent a ton of cash only to be left with the same feeling. No mid bass. Finally, I found an excellent deal on a gently used set of Dynaudio 362's and had to jump all over it. I had no problems buying these used because I figured anyone who had these would have taken care of them. After some serious debate as to cutting up the doors in order to fit the 8" mid bass and watching BigRank's door pod build, I decided to jump right in and make myself some door pods. I had purchased a set of Q logic kick panels already so I went the easy route and used those. The door pods are another story. The woofer was too big to fit comfortably in the stock hole as one side had a dip and I didn't feel I would get a good seal to the door and baffle. Jumping right in with both feet. Sealed the doors. You can see the dip in the door to the right of the opening, it's about 3/4-1" deep. I have used a bulk pack of Damplifier Pro and a bulk pack of Dynamat Extreme so far, but all 4 doors and the rear hatch is solid. Masking off the door Laying the first layer of glass Setting up a skeleton The fleece. I was the only male in Hobby Lobby. Next challenge was getting a good seal and venting the door pod into it factory 6.5" hole. Home Depot plumbing department to the rescue. Toilet base drain FTW. Finished product, somewhat. The color is much closer in person that the picture suggests. I may end up changing this up a bit and trying the woofer and mids in pods and tweeters in the pillars, but if that happens, it will be spring. BIG BIG BIG think you to BigRank for posting his build log. It was his progress that made me jump right into this. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. The passive crossovers are huge, but I found a nice little spot to tuck them away safe and sound. Put the under the cup holders in the center console. The amps under the 2nd row seats. Going to cover this in vinyl eventually. Crunch GP3000D and MB Quart DSC125.4 bridged to 2ch. 500w x 2 on tap to the front stage. I dare a musical peek to clip my signal. I was going to take some shots of my battery bank, but it's raining like crazy today so that will have to wait. I will get some pics of that when I do my HO alternator install. Thats about all I have for pics. Still got lots to do. On the to do list: I need to deaden my roof and stop the headliner from vibrating. This is driving me crazy! I need to add a layer of MLV or Ensolite to the front doors. I have an Iraggi amputator 260 amp alternator on the way that will need to be installed. I am very pleased with the way everything turned out. I have HUGE bass in the front doors now and the overall sound is very flat and crystal clear. I crossed the subs over at 50hz and let the Dynaudio take over from there. The only thing right now is my stage height is not as high as I would like. I need to do some EQ and see if I can help that out some, if not I will move the mids and tweeters up. Now that I have popped my cherry with fiberglass I am not afraid to take some risks and move the speakers around a bit to get a better sound stage. I am always open to criticism and suggestions so please do not hold back. If you see something I missed and can offer some advice I am all ears. I learn by doing and I have thick skin so don't bite your tongue if you know something I don't. Thanks for looking.
  15. Sir-Lancelot

    jay-cee's Build Log

    Thanks! I was going to play around with the 8's and the 6's the other day, but I was sold a F/U crossover. Maybe this coming weekend I can experiment. I did put the 8 in my door pods and just run them off the amp, they have a nice snap/punch to them and got loud. Going to need a good bit of EQ tho I imagine. Did the Crescendo's get as loud as the Selenium? Good to hear on the Crescendo's. If I dont like these Selenium, I will give them or the B&C's a go.
  16. Sir-Lancelot

    jay-cee's Build Log

    Come on bro, you know i want to hear what you think about the Selenium Vs. Crescendo. Spill it.
  17. Sir-Lancelot

    White Sundown Amps

    I like it! Let us know if your amps get warmer then before.
  18. Sir-Lancelot

    Help please, small rip on foam ring on fi sub

    silicone would be best. Try a small amount on both sides. Your sub will "prolly" be okay.
  19. Huh? So you are on the fence with this topic?
  20. Sir-Lancelot

    SAX-200.4 Prototypes In

    Dayum, that thing is massive!
  21. Neighbors kid backed into my truck. Broke tailight and put a sweet little dent in the rear, Nice!

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      @nem? I wish, I will be down there next week, but it will be for work not to goof off like you. lol

    2. nem


      We are having a good time for sure.Hope all goes well with your truck.

    3. Mark LaFountain
    4. Show next comments  285 more
  22. Sir-Lancelot

    Xcon tuned to 35hz

    Wants to tune closer to his cabin peak for that turbo bass on the meter I would guess.
  23. Sir-Lancelot

    Broken windshield....2 Crecendo 3K's and 4 Hypnotic 15's

    LOL! All in a days work.
  24. Sir-Lancelot

    Anyone running pro audio?

    Dont really have to give them a ton of power. Buy a 4ch and bridge it, that's what I am going to do with mine.
  25. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Build Log - Updated July 17th - Page 8

    :drink40: Back at ya! I know it's not Euro, but that's how us southern boys roll. lol