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Everything posted by Sir-Lancelot

  1. Sir-Lancelot

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy, Dad.
  2. Sir-Lancelot

    Separated my windshield !!!!

    Ha Ha, cool pic man.
  3. Sir-Lancelot

    Anyone into Yoga?

    Xanax? lol
  4. Sir-Lancelot

    SSD or BTL

    "It makes comen sence?" Seriously? Do they have schools where you are?
  5. Sir-Lancelot

    Calloused ear drums..

  6. Sir-Lancelot

    I'm on a roll ...

    You can put quite a bit more on those ID's. Just keep it clean.
  7. Sir-Lancelot

    2 ssd 12 vs 1 bl 15

    2 12" SSD's.
  8. Project destroy the Yuokn is in full effect. Order has been placed for 2 XCONS!!!! Let the games begin. WHOOT!!!!

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      @seugi - LOL, yeah you got issues too.

      Growing up is for pussys!

    2. sefugi


      Yep, I may grow older, but I'll never grow up!

    3. Mark LaFountain

      Mark LaFountain

      Subs are "In Transit"! Woot

    4. Show next comments  270 more
  9. Sir-Lancelot

    Mach5 Audio SPL 12

    Looks nice man!
  10. Sir-Lancelot

    New Bench Power Supply Setup

    Nice set up
  11. Sir-Lancelot

    hey fellow bass enthusiasts

  12. As above it depends on the bit rate. The higher the better. 250 and up and I doubt you could even tell the difference. I had 2 Kenwoods and they both allowed for different settings for different sources. (1 for radio, 1 for CD, 1 for USB, etc.)
  13. Sir-Lancelot

    96 Yukon Full Install 3 12's 8000w ect...

    Looking good.
  14. Sir-Lancelot

    6.5" comp recommendations ...

    ^ thats a good idea too. Forgot about those. Maybe get one set now and save up for the other. There is a nice review on here.
  15. Sir-Lancelot

    6.5" comp recommendations ...

    Up your budget a little bit and look at the ID CTX6.5's. Nice sound, silk tweeter, and can get loud too.
  16. Sir-Lancelot

    158.0 in a Mustang

    Damn, just damn.
  17. Sir-Lancelot

    Stocking Small Inventory on Hand

    Blow through? God I hope so. I wanna do one so bad, but would have to buy a truck first. lol
  18. Sir-Lancelot

    Stocking Small Inventory on Hand

    Fuck that. Those two 18's are minez bitches!
  19. Sir-Lancelot

    New Stuff for Sundown coming soon !

    Buy a 4ch = 2 in stereo & 1 bridged. Whamo instant 3 ch.
  20. Sir-Lancelot

    New Stuff for Sundown coming soon !

    Oh Shit!! Dad got his game face on now.
  21. Sir-Lancelot

    Tinting Taillight's And Headlights

    1. you can use vht nightshades 2.paint and clear mixture gives better results. It also is better to work with brand new lights. Don't know what it is about the old ones, but they don't turn out as good either way. I really don't suggest tinting your headlights. I would just buy the covers so you can remove them at night. Not going to look cool when you run head on into something because you cant see.
  22. Sir-Lancelot

    New box design

    The actual design is over my head, but it looks damn cool. What vehicle do you drive?
  23. Sir-Lancelot

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Looking damn nice Dad.