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Everything posted by Sir-Lancelot

  1. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Thanks buddy. You guys are killing me with the paint. They may end up painted but not until i fuck up with the vinyl first. LOL HaHa, you know I would, come on down. Should have them done by Christmas. lol
  2. Sir-Lancelot

    Need advice on speakers

    I like where you are going with this. I second Duran's suggestion. Good price on those right now. Dont worry about the rear. Just get a nice set for the front.
  3. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Another little update for you bassheads. Got my box design from the master last night. Thank you Dylan, you are the MAN!~ How about that shit? Hope to start on this next week!
  4. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    See now, this ^ is not helping. I am going to try the vinyl because I have not done it before. I am hard headed like that. If it turns into an epic fail, well paint it is. lol
  5. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Thank you Sir! I really appreciate the kind words. Thanks Bro, should be interesting that's for sure. Hopefully I can pull it off. if not, there's always paint............
  6. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Here we go with the rear doors. Going to wrap these today hopefully. I was planing to try and install tomorrow, but my speaker wire didnt show. Damn you USPS. On with the pics: The pods With drivers Loaded On the door And for tonight Go Gamecocks, Fight, Win, Kick Ass!
  7. Sir-Lancelot

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

    Damn nice job man!!! I wish you were my neighbor. lol Those subs are moving. I bet it's a monster on the lows.
  8. Sir-Lancelot

    I hate thieves

    That sucks man. I am right there with you. I hate a damn thief.
  9. Sir-Lancelot

    SQ Subs

    Watch the gain and listen to the woofer for stress. Goes both ways for either sub. If you clip the amp or play it below tuning you can blow either one of those subs on that power. I personally dont see any problem and it would be a nice set up with either combo.
  10. Sir-Lancelot

    SQ Subs

    Yes Sir.
  11. Sir-Lancelot

    4- sa-8 enclosure

    Looks good man. I kinda like the bolts. I would leave all the metal parts unpainted and polished up with a sander. Would be a cool contrast I think.
  12. Sir-Lancelot

    SQ Subs

  13. Sir-Lancelot

    SQ Subs

    was that for me?? Nah bro. Just saying from personal experience with the xcons.
  14. Sir-Lancelot

    Mark LaFountain's SPL Build *Vid3 p.15*

    Truth!!! It's too pretty. lol
  15. Sir-Lancelot

    Mark LaFountain's SPL Build *Vid3 p.15*

    I just hope it does what I was thinking, it's very close to the roof, not sure if thats good or bad yet. I forsee, my sunroof shattering! Truth be told I really want to see you shatter that sunroof! lol
  16. Sir-Lancelot

    SQ Subs

    If it's in your budget, have the space, and you want a driver that will be loud and flat across the lower frequencies get a 15" XCON and port it low to SSA's recommendations. You will love it and your amp would work great with it too. I am obviously biased, but I am not talking to you out of my ass either. All that said, there are PLENTY of nice subs in the SSA store that will make you happy!
  17. Sir-Lancelot

    how do you do fiberglass

    This ^ or put some grill cloth over the hole.
  18. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    That is the exact stuff I bought. Cool deal. Can I get high on this one too? lol
  19. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Thanks guys! I bought a heat gun at harbor freight on the cheap so I got that covered As far as glue I bought some 3M in a spray can, but I am not sure that is what I need. What do you guys use for glue? I don't have an air compressor or spray gun, so it would have to be can or brush on.
  20. Need to wrap door pods in vinyl and they are DONE!!!!

  21. Sir-Lancelot

    SQ Subs

    Does that make you sad?
  22. Sir-Lancelot

    battery problem

    Dude, I fucking told you. Make ONE list of all the stupid questions you have and I'll answer them. LMAO
  23. Sir-Lancelot

    SQ Subs

    Does a hobby horse have a wood dick?
  24. Sir-Lancelot

    Amp Recommendation

    if you run it @ 2ohm
  25. Sir-Lancelot

    Sundown sa-12s = 157.5db @ 32hz no-wall

    LOL, that excursion is moving man!