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Everything posted by Sir-Lancelot

  1. Sir-Lancelot

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Someone is going to be sanding his ass off. You needed one of these Works great to smooth down bondo when it's not fully hard. I hate bondo, but not as much as I hate sanding it.
  2. Sir-Lancelot

    T-nuts or huricane nuts

    Hurricane nuts are better. T nuts are a pain in the ass and dont really bite into MDF very well.
  3. How bout those Fighting Damn Gamecocks!

    1. klee7013


      Yup. tore up that swamp tonight!

    2. Sir-Lancelot


      I gotta think even Gator fans were pulling for one of their own a little bit tonight.

  4. Sir-Lancelot

    What to do what to do......WALL BUILD 97 Malibu

    What amp? For Competition or just showing off?
  5. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    My buddy came over and took a couple for me then had to go to work. They are stored on the digicam memory not the SD card and he didnt leave the cord.
  6. Sir-Lancelot

    LED's connected to Amp outputs?

    I would put them on a switch and hook up to the battery. I would want to turn them on and off personally.
  7. Sir-Lancelot

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Lookin good brah!
  8. Sir-Lancelot

    Chevy Cavalier 04 Audio System Build Log

    Looks nice Doo! Looking forward to the day I can help my children with some car projects. Dads FTW! lol
  9. Sir-Lancelot

    Need to deaden doors, but I need your help

    Find a 4ch and bridge it. I always buy 4ch amps. Way more flexibility in the long run and usually less expensive for the power you get. One thing about midbass, from my experience is it takes power to make it come to life.
  10. Sir-Lancelot

    18" subaru outback build

    Looking good man. That amp kit wore was a joke. Someone brought one of those kits to the house the other day. I didnt want to hate on his 4ga but damn. My 12ga wire for the mids and highs had more copper in it. lol
  11. Sir-Lancelot

    Hove's Rebuild #3

    Looking for some updates.
  12. Sir-Lancelot

    BanginGMC's Build Log | The Rebuild

    Um.........the pics? Sec, day, month'?> LOL
  13. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    I agree. It is still very musical and shakes everything in the truck on the low notes. I do not notice any drop off from my lower tuned boxes.
  14. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    I will show you mine if you show me yours. DOH!
  15. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Thanks man. Tuned to 33hz. Thanks Bro. I love them man. Very surprised how loud and clear they are even with all that bass. I even have the gains on my MB Quart amps turned ALL THE WAY DOWN. No shit! Took a while to tune, but you would dig them.
  16. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Thank you Randal. I would like to meet up at a show with John, Rich and yourself. Maybe clean a case or two of aluminum cans.
  17. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Thank you Mark! Yes Sir, I will try to make a good one. Ha Ha
  18. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Thanks man, I appreciate that. Come on down man, I am about 60 miles from Myrtle Beach. Everyone from Ohio comes to the beach for vacation. lol Seems that way, I see lots of Ohio tags. I sure will buddy. Hopefully tomorrow I can clean her up and tie up all the wires and such. Voltage is dropping to low 12's high 11's on full tilt. Going to be easy on her until my second alt and dual bracket is ready, then I will really put a beating on her. lol
  19. Sir-Lancelot

    Kid's first time seeing window flex! lol

  20. Sir-Lancelot

    Streetbeat Customz - Back at it ;)

  21. Sir-Lancelot

    Bravox CS-603CF Kickpanels

    Looking really nice Sir. I am going to line my door pods with clay now. Seeing that was one of those why didnt I think of that moments.
  22. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Ha Ha, Thanks John. Good news, I have bass. Lots of Bass. I will wash her up and take some pics for you guys. I'm sure you do!! Would you mind pointing that thing the other way next time you fire it up. Heh Heh, I have more lights too. I am the mother ship. That was you in the energizer bunny commercial, wasn't it! All your base are belong to us.
  23. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Thank you Buddy! It worked out great. I think it helps that the weight is spread over the axle now vs. all on the tailgate like it was. I sit nice and level now. I will take a shot of it in daylight for you. Got my seat covers yesterday too. Whoot!
  24. Sir-Lancelot

    help on sub $800 system for 34 chevy sedan

    Dcon in a ported box would be kind to your budget. I would build Kick panels for it before I cut up the door cards. I want see pictures, right now.