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Everything posted by Sir-Lancelot

  1. Sir-Lancelot

    2009 Malibu *Update*

    Good Luck!
  2. Sir-Lancelot

    W7 vs XCON

    Good point ^. Also a good point about the odd ball coils by S.DeYoung. XCON You will not be disappointed, they are really badass subs!
  3. Sir-Lancelot

    W7 vs XCON

    Both are great subs and that is a nice price on that W7. Like Julian said, W7 has cone advantage and Xcon has the power handling advantage. Both sound damn good. I am a SSA homer, so I vote xcon. lol
  4. Sir-Lancelot

    The unboxing

    Looks like a beast!
  5. Sir-Lancelot

    Hello from north carolina

  6. Sir-Lancelot

    TeamRamRods SSA JIMMY Build Log

    Moving right along. Looking good bro.
  7. Sir-Lancelot

    Need some advice with sq setup

    LOL! You want a SQ install and you will have 4 15's Havoc's and 2 Mmats 3500.1's? Back to the drawing board buddy. What is it you really want? What do you not like about what you have now? I see more midbass, but what else?
  8. Wow, just saw this one. Nice job bro, looks very clean. More pics!
  9. Sir-Lancelot

    Missing Sub

    It's the Christmas Holidays bro, I am sure they will get back to you.
  10. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelots 18" Xcons

    Finally. My first video of the Yukon and this is a lot harder that it looks. lol Hopefully after some practice I can make a little better one.
  11. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelots 18" Xcons

    I actually tried to get one of the subs in action, but it's so dark inside my truck with the windows blacked out, it looked like pure shit. I will try to get one with the windows rolled down and see if that is better.
  12. Sir-Lancelot

    2 18" Xcon - SAZ-2500D New box + other goodies

    Looks good murdered out bro! More pics!
  13. Sir-Lancelot

    Best 12s for the $

    Dude, you are all over the place. Didnt all this start with 2 18" xcons? Slow down and do some reading/research, you are seriously about to waste a bunch of money!
  14. Sir-Lancelot

    Prototype Picture

    BTL on roids. ?
  15. Sir-Lancelot

    XCON on 1k

    Email Aaron if you must have his authority to power a damn speaker.
  16. Snowing in FLorence! WTF? BUilt a snow man with my kids today. Well a little midget snowman, but still. lol

  17. Sir-Lancelot

    XCON on 1k

    Do it. no problem
  18. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Thanks! She loves it man. I wanna put some rims on it, but she aint trying to hear that. lol Thanks buddy! Yeah, I think it will be okay I see lots of people that I know are not legal. Against the white I think it would just look WAY better blacked out. Maybe I need to get my eyes checked with a little sum sum in my hand for the Dr.
  19. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Thanks a lot Troy. I really appreciate that! Thanks so much for your help with the alt and the bracket !! It is working out great! I will hit you up after the first of the year and get another one of the HO alt from you. ^ Good guy here folks.
  20. Sir-Lancelot

    Unhappy Christmas

    Damn sorry bro, glad you are all okay!
  21. Sir-Lancelot

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    So, some new items to add in here. Put on a dual triple alt bracket and a second alt from tejcurrent. This bracket allows me to run dual alts now and add a third later, which is good since I am BROKE from Christmas spending. Here are some pics..... Looks DAMN nice and works great! Also got my rear windows tinted. Added 5% over the factory tint to keep peeping eyes from seeing what all is inside. The front is 27% as that is what the law allows, but I am going to go darker here too. Maybe I will be ok, maybe not. It would look better, so hell with it..... I am going to do it. You get a better price when you bring them two to do on a slow day. lol
  22. Sir-Lancelot

    1 out of 2 strapped 3500d won't power on

    Correct, for the most part.. The master only turns on. Go get a relay Dom and start over from the deck with your remote wire. Wire it up just like I said above. A 30 amp relay is like $2.50. Thats where I would start
  23. Sir-Lancelot

    1 out of 2 strapped 3500d won't power on

    Eh, I reread your last post and that is some strange shit. If I read that right you have no remote wire from the HU and only one from 3500 to 3500 and they cut on? Yes? No?
  24. Sir-Lancelot

    1 out of 2 strapped 3500d won't power on

    Does not sound like it is remote, more like constant 12v. I would rewire your remote wire to a 12v source that is only hot when ignition is on or make sure your relay you are using now only reads 12v when the radio is on. I always use a 30 amp relay when I have 3 or more amps. Relay - 4 pins 85,86,87,and 30 87 is power 86 is ground 85 is source (remote wire) 30 is output (goes to amps)