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Everything posted by Sir-Lancelot

  1. Sir-Lancelot

    First video of this kind!

    Bieber called, wants his haircut back. I keed, keed.
  2. Sir-Lancelot

    From: Sundown Neo-Pro 8 / 10 Pre-Order

    It makes sense to not care how a speaker sounds in actuality rather than how the paper says it sounds. Seriously?
  3. Do they have a voltage regulator on the backside?
  4. Sir-Lancelot

    Zcon No Longer A ProtoType!!!!!!!!&#33

    If that happens just get a N2 and watch it demolish that sub. idk how you would come up with that pricing but if it is so... why would you buy a lesser Fi built sub for a higher price?? The BTL & ZCON are meant to do different things. Totally different subs. Were you trying to make a point? If so, please try again.
  5. Sir-Lancelot

    XCON 15 sealed

    I already "guessed" at an enclosure which sounds great and sends my car into a state of destruction but ate my trunk area in the process. So this time around I am trying to think a little more about it so I do not have to redo it again. Honestly Lance, I do not want to have to spend hours/days/weeks tuning this and changing box volumes. I would rather use a little math and help form you guys to do it right the second time aorund. I really do not want to drop $250 for Term-pro either. I do not have the knowledge just yet(!) to predict power handling based on vb and to be able to accurately guesstimate frequency response. I do have Winisd but ehh.... Your experience helps alot, as you stated 3 cubes (qtc of .6) is a start but could be better. OK, how much better.... 1.75 cubes (qtc.7), is better yet. Optimal? I wish I had the answer for you Buddy. I am old school and just build and build again until I like it. Hopefully someone with some good modeling software will chime in and give you some guidance. I aint your man for that, but feel sure someone will help out shortly.
  6. Sir-Lancelot

    new **** fail

    Didn't he pull this same shit on another forum he owns? If so, I swear I will never go to another one of his forums. Not even to lurk for some used shit.
  7. Sir-Lancelot

    new **** fail

    No facespace account for me so I have no idea what this is.
  8. Sir-Lancelot

    XCON 15 sealed

    Why not build a box on the bigger side (3cf) and add mdf to the inside until you get what your after. Then you can rebuild to that size to reduce the space. Best I can tell you is 3cf sounded very good, but could have been a little smaller with no issues.
  9. Sir-Lancelot

    DCON's Going Hammer (bammer , bammer , bammer!)

    Very nice Mang!
  10. Sir-Lancelot

    Whats the deal with

    5 anonymous users Come on guys, a screen name is pretty anonymous as is no?
  11. Sir-Lancelot

    Zcon No Longer A ProtoType!!!!!!!!&#33

    Yes, you are special to be able to hear my subs and you will only hear them at 155 so I dont have to argue with you about wire. LOL STOP IT! You are not making these next few days go any faster.
  12. Sir-Lancelot

    King of Bass CD

    Nice. New music or ?
  13. BS Eric... You were told exactly what was going on time after time, and when I finally gave you an exact date it would be done, guess what? It was done.. You just pitched a fit the day before, demanded a refund and I GAVE someone else the alt I built for you. Shitty thing is man I bent over BACKWARDS to get that done for you too because of how things went down and how bad you needed it. Too bad for you though man, the XP's for the Hyundai's turned out pretty freaking SICK. You could have had your alt and would have absolutely loved it too... Get over it and move on bro... I don't care how good your alts may be, or how bad your suppliers have stiffed you with delays. You act like a complete douche to customers on the internet forums. This is not the first time I've seen you spout off with smart-ass comments towards a customer on here. It actually seems to be a pretty common reaction from you when a customer says something you don't like. I'm not arguing that you don't have a right to respectfully defend your company. But for fuck's sake, handle it with a little dignity. There's a right way and a wrong way to handle a situation, it seems more often than not you chose the latter. There's always two sides to a story.....but given the way you conduct yourself on here, I'm not surprised by all of the negative things said about the CS from your company given you can't even remotely conduct yourself in a professional manor when interacting with customers here on the forum. Proving a customer wrong isn't winning. DC isn't the first company in history to have supplier issues and unhappy customers.....however a shit load of those other companies are capable of handling the situation with far more dignity, professionalism and respect. From what I see (no personal experience) I have to agree. A phone call or email unsolicited from the customer goes a long way. People just want to know they have not been forgotten when you have their $.
  14. Sir-Lancelot

    Zcon No Longer A ProtoType!!!!!!!!&#33

    So I am not special? Some AirLa something another guy said I was. LOL I was just lucky. Nothing more nothing less.
  15. Sir-Lancelot

    XCON 15 sealed

    I don't think you would need any man. I ran a pair of 15" Xcons in 6cf and the box was maybe a little too big. If anything you could go smaller on the box and stuff it with pollyfill. NP on that power either IMO. I will say this, they will freaking pound in a sealed box and sound excellent doing so. You will be VERY surprised with the output you will get. Excellent choice for sealed boxes and it was prolly was more their design even though everyone ports them.
  16. Sir-Lancelot

    Zcon No Longer A ProtoType!!!!!!!!&#33

    I wish I could say the same! Weekend trips are cramped enough with my fiance, my daughter and myself loaded in my sedan. Did you order your ZCONs yet? It was easy Bro, All I had to do was buy the wife a car with 3rd row seating and she said oh honey....please continue to ruin your truck as you please. HaHa Hummmm, Scheduled Delivery Updated To: Friday, 04/01/2011, By End of Day - Multiple Packages: 4 -
  17. Sir-Lancelot

    Whats the deal with

    Well what do you have to hide? lol I don't like people knowing when I'm reading a thread, which threads I've read and when I'm on/off line. Fair enough. I can prolly guess at why that is in your case.
  18. Sir-Lancelot

    Whats the deal with

    Well what do you have to hide? lol
  19. Sir-Lancelot

    Whats the deal with

    Hummmm.......maybe, but there are also guests. Wouldn't those be the google guys.
  20. Sir-Lancelot

    SubSonic Filter

    This ^ I will also add...........Bleh! What a waste of a great driver to play that mess. lol J/K Bro.
  21. Sir-Lancelot

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

    Hey just noticed this build has been moved. :drink40:
  22. Sir-Lancelot

    SubSonic Filter

    If you are going to play below tuning then yes, you will need one.
  23. Sir-Lancelot

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

  24. Sir-Lancelot

    Daily Driver Lumina

    Looks really nice Sir! Good job, as always.
  25. Sir-Lancelot

    how does this box plan look?

    It's going to be tuned a good bit higher than that says.