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Everything posted by Sir-Lancelot

  1. Sir-Lancelot

    recommendation for convertible mustang

    Going to be hard to get a convertible loud.
  2. Sir-Lancelot

    New Woofas

  3. Sir-Lancelot

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

    Its close. I think it may be choking it a little. Its roughly 8" on the floor from the box to the hatch. But it gets to 4" at the glass. I was stupid and didn't account for this. I haven't metered it yet, but I think a new box will be coming soon. Overall it sounds good but I think it can be better. Sounds like my old box when I was running 2 almost exactly, tho you do have a good bit more port area than I did. (180") If you can fold your seats and push the box, try that first to see if it helps. When I moved that box, it changed the peak frequency from 36 to 37 but didnt do anything for the score good or bad. That said it did help my new box a good bit. Try it both ways. Hard to know what it is going to do really.
  4. Sir-Lancelot

    SSA needs to step up there shipping!!!

    You guys are buying custom built subwoofers. Give it 3 weeks to a month then ask what up. I know it's hard i have been there too, but it is what it is. VERY VERY seldom will you find any of these subs in stock ready to ship. So either wait it out or go buy a Kicker.
  5. Sir-Lancelot

    Sundown Audio Rebuild - Blowthru to WALKTHRU!!!!!

    Feel free to PM me a price shipped to 29501 for 2 and 4. Build looks great, hurry up with those vids. lol
  6. Sir-Lancelot

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a pair of Double Dees

    Very Sexy!
  7. Sir-Lancelot

    New Woofas

    Thanks! How are those XCONS treating ya? Numbers? :morepower1:
  8. Sir-Lancelot

    TeamSSA member ICON, team members check in

    Sweet! Cough * T-Shirts * Cough
  9. Sir-Lancelot

    1992 volvo 240 wagon build log

    Looks Good Mang. Nice and clean. Hit me up later, I wanna hear it.
  10. Check your grounds and that everything is tight.
  11. Sir-Lancelot

    '10 Nissan Frontier / SA-8s

    Damn that 8 didnt last long. Sorry to hear about that Bro. Make sure you set your gains right next time so you dont have to go bass/less.
  12. Sir-Lancelot

    First build log

    one big battery in back should be enough for that AQ. You got a mess Bro. Keep posting pics of your progress.
  13. Sir-Lancelot

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

  14. Sir-Lancelot

    New Woofas

    HAHA. Trust me, I am picking up what your putting down and wanna get it done too. The wife went out of town with her Mom for the weekend, so I just chilled with the kids. Love them to death, but I am ready for some adult conversation. For once, I am actually ready to get back to work tomorrow. I will be doing some things here and there when I get home this week, then balls to the wall next weekend to get it done.
  15. Sir-Lancelot

    New Woofas

    Yes Sir, all gone. Mark has a side by side shot somewhere on here.
  16. Sir-Lancelot

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a pair of Double Dees

    Nice job. Getting so close now man. Hurry up and come help me.
  17. Sir-Lancelot

    New Woofas

    Thanks! I will be sure to post my thoughts. I will say this........... the bar was set pretty high with the Xcons so these moofers better bring their A game.
  18. Yeah, that's kinda what I thought, but worth a shot to ask. I will shoot Mike an email and ask.
  19. Is the RCA out on the slave amp still live or is it defeated along with the other functions IE: gain, LPF, subsonic, etc.? Reason I am asking is with the RCA lengths and the way my amps are installed is it would give me a cleaner look if I could use the RCA out on one my slave amp to the RCA in of the other strapped pair's master. Here is a pic, I want the top 2 amps to be the master and slaves on bottom. I want to run RCA under and between amps rather than on top. I have nothing working right now so I cant check it for myself and dont want to get that far and find out it wont work. Cliffs: does the RCA output of the slave amp still work when strapped? Thanks!
  20. Sir-Lancelot

    New Woofas

    Here you go Mark. I will get some better shots in good light when I start putting these in. The family portrait.
  21. Sir-Lancelot

    New Woofas

    June 24,25,26 I will be here in June to hang out with friends. How is that for a road trip?
  22. Sir-Lancelot

    Four 15 Xcon's, backseat of a grand am o.o

    I know he had two 15's because he bought them from me, but I believe his plans changed on the 4 15's.
  23. Sir-Lancelot

    Four 15 Xcon's, backseat of a grand am o.o

    I don't think he even has these subs anymore.
  24. Sir-Lancelot

    a few SBN vid's

    nice job on the vids Mark