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Everything posted by Sir-Lancelot

  1. Sir-Lancelot

    Phatmat Vs. Dynomat & Other Brands

    It will help you from asking a question to where there are multiple answers on this forum already for that question, why have 30 pages with the same information on it or 30 different topics asking the same question with the same results. Almost every possible car audio question has been asked at some point with exception given to someone really thinking outside the box. People just pick and choose when to play the search card on someone. Fact is, things change with the times. What people have a hard on for today wont be what they have one for 6 months from now. Sorry to crap this guys thread.
  2. Sir-Lancelot

    Phatmat Vs. Dynomat & Other Brands

    I really hate that answer. A search is always very helpful, but can also brings up some really stupid chit too. Yes you should search first, but what does it harm to ask? Makes more topics to read for the next search and no one is obligated to reply to a post. I have personally used Dynamat Extreme and SS Damplifier Pro. The Damplifier pro was considerably thicker, but both did the job. My situation was a little different when I purchased or I would have given SDS (Don) a shot. The man knows his chit and doesn't try to suggest many multiple layers of product to pad his pocket. What ever you use, follow his advice on coverage. This stuff ain't cheap and if less = more then save yourself some $ and do the minimal coverage to get the job done.
  3. Sir-Lancelot

    Which Mids/Highs amp?

    I just bought a MB Quart DSC 4125 from an ebay seller for less than $140.00 shipped. Hooking it up this weekend, will let you know how I like it. Specs and features are great and the guts look very nice also. 125 x 4 250 x 4 @ 2 500 x 2 bridged Not my pic
  4. Sir-Lancelot

    1200d v.2 not putting out like i think it should

    1200w vs 600w would only be a slight increase in volume. Sucks but that's the way it is. Maybe you were just expecting more and it didnt live up. Get you electrical and wiring up to snuff and make your set up as effecient as possible.
  5. Sir-Lancelot

    I almost forgot about posting pics

    Well done. Thanks for the pics.
  6. Sir-Lancelot

    just receive a 15" Xcon : what to do?

    Bang on that bish right out of the box. It will just start to sound better when it loosens up some.
  7. Sir-Lancelot

    Ordered but never received my shipment

    I am sure at this point you are just getting on their nerves with the emails. Not throwing rocks, just that buying from smaller internet sights that make to order takes a little longer to get your stuff.
  8. Sir-Lancelot

    Component Set Help

    Look into Image Dynamics CTX65 $180 shipped from Woofersetc. Loud and clear. That would save you some money for deadener and materials to seal up those doors. Very nice set of components for less than $200, IMO.
  9. Sir-Lancelot

    bigrank916 MLI-65 project

    You did an excellent job. Way to jump right in and make it work. Hell, here's another Thank you for sharing your progress. You have given me the courage to try this myself, once it warms up. LOL!
  10. Sir-Lancelot

    Sub box builing help

    pair of 8's or one 12 with the correct size box, ported can get pretty dam,n loud in a truck cabin. What amp do you have?
  11. Sir-Lancelot

    Second Skin Promotion - 10 free Door Packs

    Have them ship it to me and I will make good use of it. I just put some DynaX on this past weekend. Froze my ass of, I did. As a comparison, the SS dampro I put on some months prior was a good bit thicker then the brand X. Better bang for the buck too.
  12. Sir-Lancelot

    Order Status??

    Plan on 2 weeks wait minimum, which is par for the course with the smaller woofer builders on line. SSA does not have 100's or 1000's of these built/boxed/ready to go like XYZ woofer company, but the wait will be well worth it in the end.
  13. Sir-Lancelot

    Rear View Mirror

    Don't look back, keep looking to the future. The past is the past. Sorry, good luck.
  14. Get the most power your budget can handle. You can turn the gains down and have overhead for peak. Remember just because an amp says 100w does not mean it is sending your speakers 100w continuously. Only for a fraction of a second more likely. I am running 250w to comps rated for 150w. The cleaner your signal, the more power the speakers can take. Clipping is death, but power is good.
  15. Sir-Lancelot

    The wife got me good.

    I have to hide money from my wife and yours gives you woofers with a nice big red bow on them. I have a lot to learn.
  16. Well don't tell that to members of other forums. I swear reading some posts on one forum especially, had me wanting to drop big money on an Audison, Arc, and McIntosh. They are so warm and bla bla bla....next best thing to pussy. One quick check of my checking balance brought me back to reality.
  17. Sir-Lancelot

    bigrank916 MLI-65 project

    Tuned in to watch your progress. Looking good.
  18. Sir-Lancelot

    new box for AA Mayhem 18's

    Looks nice !
  19. Sir-Lancelot

    What is your favorite breakfast?

    I am the Bojangles steak & egg biscuit type, but my wife makes a breakfast casserole when we have a lot of company that is very good. Eggs, sausage, cheese and what not in a big pan. Pretty easy to make and you wont have a big mess to clean up, feeds a bunch too. I can ask her how she does it if you want. She makes us one when we go to 12:00 kickoff games and have to start early. Bloody Marys and fresh juice recommended.
  20. Sir-Lancelot

    Opinions on sealed box for 15" XCONS

    Either way you are going to love the XCON. I liked them ported, the only reason I sealed them up was because I had to do something since my box was coming apart. I am more pleased with them sealed up every day and I am glad I did it. They are amazing subwoofers, NO DOUBT! Merry Christmas to you too!
  21. Hi everyone. I need to build a new enclosure for my pair of 15" XCONS. My ported box is coming apart and replacement is unavoidable. I want to build a sealed box and try them out that way for a little while to see if I like it better. If not, I will build a larger ported box later. The recommended optimal volume as listed on the SSA storefront is 2.75 - 3.0. I believe, and correct me if I am wrong, the smaller box will yield a tighter bass, but I am open to all suggestions and opinions. Space is not an issue. Box is going in a Yukon XL and the subs will be powered by a GP3000D, so 1500w to each. My listening preference is rock/metal , but I do listen to R&B/Hip Hop and some Country occasionally. Questions, What box will give me the tightest/lowest bass without sacrificing too much output? Which direction should I face the subs? (my box now is subs up/port back and it gave me the most output) I think it would be louder if I fired them off the rear glass, but personal experience over opinion. I will be bracing the hell out of it and potentially doubling up everything. Thanks in advance for any help. Lance
  22. Sir-Lancelot

    I need help picking out a demo vehicle

    Loud as clear with smallest subs that fit the bill. 4- 8's 2 - 10's then you could say Mr. Customer, just think how loud you will be with those 15's in your car. 20 subs says Mr Customer, you sir will never be this loud.
  23. Sir-Lancelot

    RF POWER T30001BD

    Or get two 1500 watt amps and strap them together for the power you need at 2 ohms. So many options, all better than .5 ohm.