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Everything posted by Sir-Lancelot

  1. Sir-Lancelot

    got box built but not sure if its right help me

    Well that changes things quite a bit. You didnt say there were 2 ports. lol That looks good. No problem. Sorry I scared you like that.
  2. Sir-Lancelot

    2 12's or 2 10's for small 4 dr sedan?

    Does your HU have a sub level? Kinda depends on you man, but if it was me i would get the biggest i can and just turn them down. At some point you may want to rattle the trunk. It takes a little more to get loud in a trunk.
  3. Sir-Lancelot

    got box built but not sure if its right help me

    Volume looks ok. Looks to be tuned too low and prolly wont get as loud as someone with 18" BTL's would like. Create a imageshack or photobucket account and unload it there. copy the direct link and paste it into the post using the insert image icon on the post toolbar.
  4. Sir-Lancelot

    got box built but not sure if its right help me

    Post up a pic of the box.
  5. Sir-Lancelot

    got box built but not sure if its right help me

    Box is tuned much lower than 32, more like 21. What sub? Subs?
  6. It wont help you in your case. You are already at 1 ohm. even if you sent wire from each sub coil to each amp terminal the best the amp could do would be to give you what you have now.
  7. You only have one sub? the internal bridge is for hooking up 2 subs. For example I have 2 D1 coil subs, I wire my subs to 2 ohm and hook both pair of speaker wires to the amp and it bridges it to 1 ohm internally.
  8. Sir-Lancelot

    Crescendo Audio?

    LOL! Looks like an excellent bang for the buck. Jewelry, not so much. lol
  9. Sir-Lancelot

    car off, impedence=.9-1.1...car on impedence= -23. wtf

    So she needs a new bf not a new sub. Lol. jk bro. Glad you fixed it.
  10. Sir-Lancelot

    order status

    They will send you an email when it ships with a tracking number. Patience young grasshoppa.
  11. Sir-Lancelot

    Crescendo Audio?

    Cause you a pimp JayCee!
  12. Sir-Lancelot

    Crescendo Audio?

    I feel you on the gold.
  13. Sir-Lancelot

    Crescendo Audio?

    The 3000 internals looks exactly like the old Sundown 3000D. Which if i am not mistaken is the same as the Atomic.
  14. Sir-Lancelot

    Whats The Dimensions For A 15" Fi Q Ported Box

    What are the odds that someone else's dimensions will fit in your buddy's car? Your going about this all wrong son.
  15. It should be easy to set the highs on just music. Keep turning it up until the vocals break up then back it down untit it sounds just as clean on low volume as it does on high volume only louder. If you notice it sounds harsh or different at a higher volume turn it down. IMO, You want it set a good bit lower than max output to cover the peaks. I always try to buy way more power than I need on my front amp just so I can keep the gains down and not clip or make the highs get harsh. Play around with it OP you will hear clipping. You may not want to hear it because you want to be louder, but you will hear it. Setting gains means you have to be brutally honest with yourself and with the capabilities of your set up.
  16. Sir-Lancelot

    How much can a DCON 10 really take???

    The optimum volume is listed in the description. There are even box plans. Do you not trust the people who have their name on the subs? Come on man.
  17. Sir-Lancelot

    How much harm could it really do?

    Tune anywhere 30 to 34 be happy.
  18. You set the gain to match the voltage of your headunit. You use bass boost to fry your subs coils. If it's not loud enough more gain wont help you, buy a bigger amp.
  19. Sir-Lancelot

    New from down south!

  20. I dont understand the question.
  21. You are pounding these out lately.
  22. Sir-Lancelot

    How much can a DCON 10 really take???

    ^ this. Get the dcons, you will be happy.
  23. Sir-Lancelot

    H/U and 3-way active

    I hope you get some help here, I have been thinking about going active with my 3 way set up. Hard to find a HU that will for 3way plus sub unless you are willing to drop some serious coin. I only know of the Clarion DRZ9255 and the new Pioneer. I really like the Eclipse CD7200 mkII , but I believe it would still need additional processing. I am going to sit back and watch. I hope you find something and dont mind me tagging along.