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Everything posted by Sir-Lancelot

  1. Look at the horn loaded tweeters. Selenium makes some that i am sure you could blend with Selenium mids. They would be damn effecient and get loud, but I dont think you know how loud 4 sets of these pro drivers and horn tweeters would be in your truck. The Selenium tweeters can take 75w and are 111 dB 1W/1m. Dude, thats loud as fuck.
  2. Look at the 6.5" pro audio drivers on parts express. I feel sure you can find loud from that bunch, maybe even clear if you set it up right. You wont need 4 of them in each door either.
  3. You could look in to pro audio stuff. Like Eminence & Selenium. They get damn loud and price is pretty low. B&C too, but they are a little more $. How could the horns not get loud? Are you selling the ID mids and horns?
  4. Sir-Lancelot

    A couple of questions

    I would get the d1 coils and wire to 1.5 then you can get a bigger alt and couple more bats and rewire to .67. Hell you could even wire to 1.5 for daily and change to .67 for comps so there is less wear and tear on your shit. Prolly wont tho, I know I wouldnt. lol Nice choice on the xcons ! Ha Ha. Yeah, couple of my buddy's are State Troopers so I hear ya.
  5. Sir-Lancelot

    A couple of questions

    I bet that 4500 is going to need double the electrical the 3500 will. Something to think about. If you got D1 coils you could wire to .67. That amp can take it, but again you will need one hell of an electrical set up to back it up. Couple of questions 1. why 3 12's and not 2 15's? 2. Will you write yourself a ticket each time you crank it up? lol
  6. Yeah I've also come to the conclusion that they suck. So what don't you guys like about them? Compression fitting? Or don't they tighten enough around the post? They dont tighten up on the post and if you try to give it half turn more it strips.
  7. I use those same terminals and got them from Autozone. I bought a set of Kukonceptz Konfused trying to make it all pretty like and they were pure shit. Total waste of money. Like mr.sagat said above get the marine grade terminals from the parts store. They work perfectly. I solder my terminals on.
  8. Sir-Lancelot

    Slovenia sound

    Looks like some loud ass little cars man.
  9. Sir-Lancelot

    Does anyone have these?

    Naw I didnt get these kind, way to harsh to my ears but to each its own. Like said before you wouldnt need 4 at all, since they are so sensitive you would actually need a lot more component sets than what you have just to keep up with one of these tweeters. My bad. Sorry about that.
  10. Sir-Lancelot

    Yet again, another gain and filters question(s)

    With your comps, I would set the HPF at 80 same for the LPF on your subs. This is always a good starting point. I just don't see how a single test tone and a DMM can tell you more then your ears can. There is too much going on up front for that. Subs play (-) this much of the music and your comps are playing (----------------------) this much. How can a single test tone and a DMM cover all that? It cant. Music has peaks and when it does I will bet the farm it will clip your amp and sound like shit. Set the gains on your Alpine with the subs off so you can really hear whats going on with your components. The highs and vocals will sound harsh and become sibilant. Really listen to the vocals, if they are breaking up they are telling you to back off the gain. This calls for you to be completely honest with yourself. If they sound bad turn the gain down until they sound good again at a high volume. They should sound just as clear and crisp as they did at a moderate volume only louder. Don't try to fool yourself. If it sound bad turn it down. If you experiment and really listen your speakers will tell you exactly what is going on. If you need more volume buy more efficient speakers or buy a larger amp.
  11. Sir-Lancelot


    ^ this is what I was getting at before some seriously stupid shit was being posted.
  12. Sir-Lancelot

    Yet again, another gain and filters question(s)

    DAMN PHONE! I dont see how anyone can set gains with a MM for their highs. It's just not possible to do it correctly. You are going to have to trust your ears. It's not that hard. Just be honest with yourself. If it sounds bad turn the gains down.
  13. Sir-Lancelot

    Yet again, another gain and filters question(s)

    I agree with jaycee. Don't see how it is even possible to set the amp you are using for muds and highs
  14. Sir-Lancelot


    Thats ignorant. That Alpine is a fine amp.
  15. Sir-Lancelot


    Whats your voltage look like at full tilt. Check your ground.
  16. Sir-Lancelot


    What does clips off mean? Is your sub bottoming out?
  17. Sir-Lancelot

    Does anyone have these?

    If you put 4 of those in your truck you will be deaf and quickly. If you want to run those, get you some pro auido mids. Like some selenum, B&C, or eminence. Will be screaming loud if thats your goal. Dont add them to a comp set tho
  18. Sir-Lancelot


    turn down the gain.
  19. Sir-Lancelot


    I am not following your question.
  20. Sir-Lancelot

    Does anyone have these?

    jaycee has some of these on their way to him. I am sure he will post his thoughts when they arrive. SPL @1w/1m: 109dB+ They ought to be loud.
  21. Sir-Lancelot

    Ryan J's build log

    Coming along now man. Nice work. Cant wait to hear how you like the dcon.
  22. Maybe the alien head is actually giant 500 amp fuse.
  23. Sir-Lancelot

    got box built but not sure if its right help me

    Yeah, that box will work fine.
  24. Sir-Lancelot

    2 12's or 2 10's for small 4 dr sedan?

    Nothing! You can use the gain to blend them with your front stage too. I just like the level controll on the deck because there are times I want to turn the bass up and break shit.
  25. Sir-Lancelot

    Crescendo Audio?

    Well there you go. Thanks for posting up your thoughts. Would like to see your pics.