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Everything posted by krazzyboy44

  1. krazzyboy44

    12 cubes!

    the amp im looking at is the IA 40.1
  2. krazzyboy44

    12 cubes!

    $3000 for amps and subs...i want a daily ground pounder
  3. krazzyboy44

    box problem for a 85 cutlass...too close?

    so what will be a better choice 4 ported 12's or three ported 15's
  4. krazzyboy44

    box problem for a 85 cutlass...too close?

    i have a 89 caprice do you guys think i will be able to get four ported 15's in the trunk???
  5. krazzyboy44

    cars or suvs

    damn dats good!!!
  6. krazzyboy44

    cars or suvs

    will it be harder for cars to get into the upper 140's or 150's than suv's?
  7. krazzyboy44

    cars or suvs

    what subs. did u have?
  8. krazzyboy44

    cars or suvs

    well in my car i have a thin piece of sheet metal seperating my back seat and my trunk
  9. krazzyboy44

    two IA 40.1's

    1.5 ohm so i can give each sub about 3k..or will it do that @ 1 ohm
  10. what will i need to power these two beasts?
  11. krazzyboy44

    two IA 40.1's

    right now i have a stock 2003 surburban and im looking to get four btl 15's in the near future
  12. krazzyboy44

    Fosgate subs

    alright guys other than the huge price margin on the T1 and T2 subs,why everybody dislike fosgate subs
  13. krazzyboy44

    Fosgate subs

    how do they sound compared to L7's, because they dont sound all that great
  14. krazzyboy44

    Fosgate subs

    other than the price what so bad about the T2's
  15. krazzyboy44

    people with Solo x experience

    can someone tell me a little about the solo x's and why people dont lke kicker
  16. krazzyboy44

    BTL owners

    i know a lot of people has the btl because i hear everyone talking about those subs but i never see any scores, so if you have your numbers can you post them so i can get an idea on how good they are 1.sub size 2.amp
  17. krazzyboy44

    SX or ?

    Alright i decided to do a wall of four 15's in my carand im pretty sure that i can get 4 sx 15's for $300 a piece or is there anything else that will get louder within a $1200 price range
  18. krazzyboy44

    BTL daily

    will two btl 18's last a while ran off two warriors (4000 watts daily)
  19. krazzyboy44

    BTL and MT power question

    i was told by re that the mt really dont need that much power to bump why do the btl need so much power if their just about the same woofer
  20. krazzyboy44

    BTL and MT power question

    well its going to be mainly for daily but for neighborhood comps every now and then
  21. krazzyboy44

    BTL and MT power question

    Read what I said on CA.COM to your exact same question... nG i post the sam question on different forums to get more opinions
  22. krazzyboy44

    Exterminator Line

    How good is the exterminator line amps and do ther do their rated power
  23. krazzyboy44

    Exterminator Line

    how much does it do cause a couple places i looked it says 1500 and 2000