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About BJD3

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  1. BJD3

    BJD3's Build

    This is my third time posting this, so you may have already seen it. But I also want more feedback. It isn't a large build by any means, but its my first, and I'm completely satisfied. It isn't as loud as most of my friends (most have L7s, one has a MTX 9515, and another has a couple 15 inch MOJOs), but NONE of them can hit as low as loud as me. 12" DC Level 4 1.65 cubes tuned to 28 DD M1a 4ga. Stinger HPM wire I'll start off with what I posted a couple weeks ago, and follow up with how it stands now (or stood up until about 6 this afternoon). The car: CD3200 (sticking out about a cm. Damn shallow dash): Hidden knob: Look Ma! No Wires! 1.65 cubes tuned to 28 (probably should have gone higher, but I wanted an really low box in case of new vehicles) M1a. Secksy little amp if I say so myself So update.My knob doesn't work. I don't know if the problem is in the amp itself or the remote. I say eff it. I'll just use the HU. (now it works...and I hate it. Still using the HU.) On to the pics! A new challenger appears! One heavy little fugger. I don't know how you people with 18s and such do it. And installed pics...
  2. BJD3

    Noob question

    As long as you don't drive the amp into clipping (which you shouldn't be doing anyway), you'll be fine. (I so didn't realize I haven't posted here yet.) 0_0