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Everything posted by IceWaLL

  1. IceWaLL

    Funny Install Pic Thread

    i like gooooooooold :excl: :excl: that's the first thing I thought of... before I even saw him open the door, i just saw the rims. lulz. I guess I cant fugg wit it.
  2. IceWaLL

    Next Outrageous Deal | 12-15-2011

    regardless of what it says it should be up as it is the stated time - after 7pm EST
  3. IceWaLL

    Next Outrageous Deal | 12-15-2011

    server problem or just not loaded yet i guess?
  4. IceWaLL

    SA12 bottoming out

    sounds like more investigation is needed.
  5. IceWaLL


    I got to try out the saz-3000d just for 5 minutes at 2 ohms and can't wait till my sax-125.2 gets here.
  6. How does everyone like their sundown amps? I've always heard good things but would rather ask here where I'm sure many have them right now.
  7. IceWaLL


    good to hear as I purchased a saz-3000d (coming tomorrow) and a sax-125.2 (replacing my very beat up alpine 4 channel)
  8. IceWaLL


    I guess I will find out myself soon enough. I purchased a used saz-3000d should be perfect as I like to have options. I could run 1 high powered sub, 2 mid-grade or even 3 (been kicking around the idea of 3 SA-12's in the back of my tacoma but will have to see how much of a beast this amp is on my electrical system first to see what needs to be done and what will be possible (budget wise as well))
  9. I think what matters is whether or not the amp to be used is quality or not. it's easy to find a bunch of cheap class d amps but it pays to spend more and get a quality amp. and that doesnt just mean it wont break on you, real world performance (not just sine wave tests) is key.
  10. IceWaLL

    Hey everyone, from Taipei!

    Thats what makes the internet great. Need something that your area doesn't have, just log in
  11. IceWaLL

    Win my gear contest nobody else in the world can do this

    I read this thread and
  12. IceWaLL

    Hello from NJ!

    Been into car audio since 1998 (didnt even have my liscence till 2001) by the end of 2001 I had upgraded to 2 mtx 81000d's and a DD9515. Go big or go home! Have been just trying to enjoy my music lately but the bass just keeps pulling me back in
  13. IceWaLL

    Hello from NJ!

  14. IceWaLL


    How odd is that. You want a 3500, and a friend of mine on this very forum is selling a 3500. What are the chances of that. Edit: I see you already saw that. lol thats right... lol if not I was looking at the saz-1500d, but if I can get more power I can have a hand full of options when it comes to what setup I want to go with. either way. I think 1500 watts or more i'll be happy
  15. IceWaLL

    Hello from NJ!

    being nuts is ok, as long as you let everyone around you know it
  16. IceWaLL

    Hello from NJ!

  17. IceWaLL

    Hello from NJ!

    oh ok I know where that is. You are only about 35 minutes from me, good to know! always nice to meet local car audio nuts
  18. IceWaLL

    SAE-1200D V.2 burnt resistors/capacitor burnt?

    this reminds me of the time that one of my mtx 81000d's wasnt grounded properly (painted surface, OOPS!) and the amps was smoking and I mean SMOKING!!! white smoke filled my entire car. I turned it off and let it all cool down. Tried it out an hour later and the amp still played just fine. Used it for another 3-4 months and then sold it to a friend after he had listened to it working fine. took him 1 day to break it.... how??? who knows, but I found it funny
  19. IceWaLL

    Pricing structure

    ok that makes sense
  20. IceWaLL


    that's just sad. One of the reasons I have an internet connection is to get better service at places like ssa, not worse. not surprised though.
  21. IceWaLL

    Hello from NJ!

    EB? I'm in clark.
  22. IceWaLL

    Pricing structure

    shipping is extra, correct?
  23. IceWaLL

    SAE-1200D V.2 burnt resistors/capacitor burnt?

    looks like they sent you the wrong cap in that amp. That's a suicide bomber cap LOL. maybe his name was achmed because he failed to kill the amp?
  24. IceWaLL

    Hello from NJ!

    sweet! where from in NJ?