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Everything posted by reaper68

  1. reaper68

    Why not make a LMT 18?

    Just have them build when requested then you wouldn't have to worry about over head you could even do a no warrenty deal I waited about 2 weeks for my first 18, 3 months for 4 15 3hps with the tall thin suround and about 3 months on the last 18 waiting is not a problem. I really not seeing that huge of jump in production lets say maybe max 50-100 over a 15 least wise if you use pretty much off the shelf parts Pretty sure TC has all the parts at hand. Just a thought and wishful thinking
  2. reaper68

    Why not make a LMT 18?

    Price wouldn't scare me I already have two 4hp's one built be Stephen and the other by Thilo at tc thats kinda why I was wondering why not an lmt it would up sd and should help with efficiency even if the mms goes up. That and I would like to flex some stuff and I should have room with the install I'm doing right now and power from two tru SH-1's
  3. reaper68

    Whats in the future for USAmps?

    So are their plans for another 6000 or DD in the works I would like to play with a couple of those By the way nice to see some info about the change over I was rather concerned that US would fall victim to the sell out bug and end up like so many others out thier.
  4. reaper68

    SS-S Demo Ring

    Hmm is the demo ring still open cause It looks like I'm one of the only people who could throw over 2000rms to it. hmm Anyways these sound like they are going to be some serious ground pounders.
  5. reaper68

    Crystal PRO Subs

    Those are failry decent I put one in a sealed box with an mtx 2160 in the trunk of the my X's car and it did a fairly good job it would rattle the car pretty good and sounded pretty good doing it. For that price you can't go wrong.
  6. reaper68

    PG Ti Elite 12"

    I had a pair but never really got any indepth listening I traded them for my 15's from SDP, I will say this they do wang big time case in point http://www.realmofexcursion.com/videos/Pho...d/elite12.1.wmv Also there are a few assembly options for them strict spl cone/spider setup, mo bass setup, and the Normal setup Built quality wise they are one of the best looking subs I have ever owned I'll probably buy another set some day but the 15's suit my needs better nothing like 4 15's
  7. reaper68

    rl-p w6?

    Xmax wise yes the posts above are correct you will have cleaner output and the ablity to play low freqs as these type of freq require more excursion. As far as power is concerned its not going to really matter remeber double power only equals a 3 db gain in a perfect world Anyways it should get fairly loud off that power you could also make a little larger sealed box and pick up some efficiency. Again I prefer TC product over almost every single driver except for my ppi pros which are on par sq wise but not out put wise. Anyways there you go buy the SS
  8. reaper68

    rl-p w6?

    The closest I can get to this comparison is an Audiomobile EVO-R and a 12w6v2 out of those two driver I would take the Audiomobile or most any TC driver of similar design and output. Anyways reasons for this choice are based on power each driver can take and the ablity to get really low with great output. Along with the fact that you will have a great jump in linear travel with the SS driver. Also tonality atleast to me is alot more pure from the TC product atleast to me all the jl's have pretty much sounded the same ot me over the years and have a some what destinctive sound to me. I have used their w1,w3,w4, and the w6v2, I have also ran Audiomobile evo-r both 15&12 along with 10 evo's, I also have a few onther tc products but no real listening time. So based in general on tc's product and their build quality I would choice the SS, by the way also think about recone price JL is pretty nuts as far as that goes. By the way not saying the jl's are bad in any way they get the job done and will take alot of power I have had everything from a ppi pro mos 25 to a SS tarantula and Tru SH-1 power them and they took the abuse very well Although I did start to seperate the joint at the based of the W cone hmm mmats d200hc with three six mafia after over a year of abuse in 90 degree weather in the 140 db range will do that to ya
  9. reaper68

    How similar is SoundSplinter to Audiomobile

    True Matt was a (well lets not go that route) anyways just looking to see if anyone has played with both drivers. I really enjoyed the EVO-r's over the years I have had them(except the waiting for a month and a half to get them). Thats why I traded SDP my PG TI Elites for the 4 15's he built me Anyways it looks like these SS drivers fairly similar and improved in some areas, I will be trying to pimp them out to my friends if that is the case.
  10. Just wondering I have owned a fair portion of tc designed and built drivers and I was wondering how close the Rl-p's are to the old audiomobie evo-r's. They look and I stress look very similar don't know about your coil choice or if you use shorting rings etc. Just wondering because if this product is similar I think I will suggest everyone I know to deal with you since any of the tc product I have had is awsome product with the evo-r's being one of my favs as I have owned a pair of 15's and a 12, also along with evo 10's. All did a great job and this SS gear looks to be on the same page so it should be very good stuff. Thanks for any input
  11. reaper68

    How similar is SoundSplinter to Audiomobile

    Very true, I currently have 4 3hp's that I had built to be very similar to my old EVO-r's with a little more umph spl wise, when SDP was still working over there. Just wondered how close part selection was. I would say that on the face of it they are fairly similar but they may have some tweaks. Over all I'm very happy to see a company making a driver like this as if its an improvement over the EVO-r's it will be a very awsome driver indeed.