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Everything posted by ramos

  1. ramos

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Adrian wins
  2. ramos

    Work... what ya do and for who?

    I be stripping on the weekends , slanging the rock week days I am a logistics manager for Home Shopping Network Fullfillment
  3. ramos

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Getting a little tired ........................... I think I need to go to walmart and get a new life
  4. BITE ME !!! get a life please... i saw em on sale @ walmart buy 1 get 1 free !!! You know I'm getting about as tired of hearing your corny ass joke ( it's the same damn one over and over ) as I am of seeing your hooters slut pics. Have some respect for some people. You piss and moan all the time about people dissing you. You ever think you bring it on yourself ? Respect is like a paycheck my man............................ You got to earn it
  5. 1. There are bills right now up for vote in several localities wanting to ban saggy pants . Schools in my area have just passed dress code restrictions on saggy , baggy , or what ever you want to call walking around with your ass hanging out of your pants. 2. There is a law in the communist wealth against flicking a cigarette butt out of the window. It is punishable with a $250 fine Your logic is kind of screwy man. And I will leave it at that
  6. ramos

    Let us not forget

    Just remember your the one that asked for them
  7. ramos

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    Bah , I hate pictures I'll wait till the keeper of the oompha loompha's brings one by
  8. ramos

    FI vs SSA

    I took it as sarcasm..... at least I hope so 3 pounds ? for a funky pup ? What else was sitting on the scale when it was weighed lol
  9. ramos

    just a simple center console amp rack

    There will be a third teamssa vehicle next season.
  10. ramos

    FI vs SSA

    Yeah they did , the drivers with the funky pup logo were sold under a few different brands. They were just the only idiots to use a puppy logo
  11. ramos

    Let us not forget

    believe me it was way past camel toe , heading towards the moose knuckle stage.
  12. ramos

    Let us not forget

    I don't care too look at the girls that usually come to local shows, much less take pictures. There is an example of the Anorexic trailer trash brought to our shows And that's the winner of the bikini contest
  13. ramos

    FI vs SSA

    Liar , you know something that looks like something else has to be the same
  14. ramos

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Awwww, its not that uncomfortable Nothing greater than having to wear a mouthgaurd while your under power . I'll stick to the bass boats and wave as I blow by
  15. ramos

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Don't think I have . Went fishing with a friend the other day in his new allison xb-21 pro . Good lord that thing is fast Hit any rough water with it? Probably not as rough as you see up there, but it was pretty rough for here. The wind was blowing 35-40mph causing 2-3 foot chop in the main channel . It handled it well. We were able to run 65 through it
  16. ramos

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've noticed shit smells pretty much the same everywhere, too. Except perhaps in the bathroom of an Indian or Mexican restaurant. Hell of a hobby you got going there Jim Going to different places to smell shit ?
  17. ramos

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Don't think I have . Went fishing with a friend the other day in his new allison xb-21 pro . Good lord that thing is fast
  18. ramos

    Component Set Recommendations?

    Now your thinking. You could actually go smaller than 5 1/4's in the kicks if needed
  19. ramos

    Component Set Recommendations?

    Gonna take a damn good driver and some big arse kicks to get better midbass out of them than IB mounted ( in your doors ) 6.5's.
  20. ramos

    Screws vs. Brad Nails

    I have never messed with biscuit joints in mdf. I have a biscuit cutter and use it for mostly ply like you said. Have you tried it with mdf ?
  21. ramos

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wonder if the electrons get confused by that . All the right channel heading to the left and vice versa. You know how those electrons are. they just go willy nilly like that
  22. ramos

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I see cabling on the floor, ran next to power wires , oh my god the auidophools are turning in their graves right now Jim
  23. ramos

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Who is zane ? Zane is more than a man but less than a god . One of the og members
  24. ramos

    Screws vs. Brad Nails

    AIght I'll throw my two cents in . A proper joint made with glue in mdf is structurally just as strong as the surrounding mdf. But there are times I use screws on certain applications not so much to keep the glue joint together but more to support the mdf itself and hoepfully keep it from splitting and just crumbling to crap. High power situations mainly. But most of the times I'm slinging brads as it's so much easier. Is a joint mechanically fastened with a screw stronger than a joint fastened with a brad ? Sure, that's why the screw was invented in the first place, better holding power over a nail. But in normal everday situations a glued and brad nailed joint is more than sufficient.