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Everything posted by Notorious97200

  1. Notorious97200

    strange sound on my N2

    Sorry Rédneck, but it's not my first ! Don't let idiots kill you !!!
  2. Notorious97200

    strange sound on my N2

    I totally agree with you Sir Lancelot. But I had the same gain setting with my Xcon and my L7 (both in the same box). This is a new sub, with a new box, so it must need a new setting. I will play with it and I'm confident, it will good !!!
  3. Notorious97200

    strange sound on my N2

    When we heared the noise, we took off the sub to check all the bracings, we put the wires in another way. Then we understood it was the sub and not the box. Honestly it sounded like clipping! And that's what my installer told me. He works in the pro audio world and has a very big system for live events. He knows his business. I never said the sub is not good. I simply asked for more advice.
  4. Notorious97200

    strange sound on my N2

    Sorry for all this...but it's the first time this happens to me on a sub. I turned the gain down this morning and no noise at all. So Nick must be right. I will cross the sub lower later and test it. I did not play long with the noise. A few...seconds since I noticed something. I will NOT blow anything !
  5. Notorious97200

    strange sound on my N2

    When I said "high" I meant way under 80 Hz (LPF @ 80Hz on the hu). Maybe the gain setting moved alone! I did not touch it. I will turn it down today. I'll let you know how it works. It's only when I play at 40 on 63 max volume on the hu. At 36 : no problem at all. Thanks.
  6. Notorious97200

    Extremely Disappointed

  7. Notorious97200

    Box for a BTL N2 12"

    Thanks. Need to take pics of it in my car now. I hope to find some sun when I left my office !
  8. Notorious97200

    2-15inch NS v1

    Thanks ! I will
  9. Notorious97200

    Box for a BTL N2 12"

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS : When I came to put the box in my car, the builder told me he was amazed by the "résonnance" of the sub / box. He told me that when he pushes the cone the sound is so impressive : he never saw that with any sub he has built box for. He runs 2 SSA Xcons 15" on 4000 w rms ! He was sure that this combo would go doooown !!! We hook it to my Sundown saz 1500 and WOW !!! This thing is sooo loud, and goes soooo low. Incredible !!! I need to listen to it a little more to really give you my opinion. My car is shaking like crazy; and I found new rattles. I never felt my doors moving like that. On heavy bass notes, a lot of air is coming from the inside doors and escape through the window opening ! amazing !!! Now I have 2 xcons to sell because my box builder wants 2 BTL's 15" now !!! 5 minutes before he told me that; someone called me to buy 2 SSA subs !!! We will talk about it tonight on "our" friday night parking lot meeting if the rain don't bother us too much.
  10. Notorious97200

    Box for a BTL N2 12"

    Carpeted and finished ! I like the grey carpet finally, it matches my car ! Port is has been painted in blue to match the sticker of the sub !!! and it's nice. Even the little piece of wood we add to reinforce the port has been painted in blue.
  11. Notorious97200


    From the album: My 12" Btl N2

  12. Notorious97200


    From the album: My 12" Btl N2

  13. Notorious97200


    From the album: My 12" Btl N2

  14. Notorious97200


    From the album: My 12" Btl N2

  15. Notorious97200

    2-15inch NS v1

    That box is complex ! Do you like how it sounds ?
  16. Notorious97200

    Box for a BTL N2 12"

    Thanks Young Gun ! Gotta find what is "speckled spray" !!
  17. Notorious97200

    Finally joined the SSA Forum

    You'll love this forum. I learnt soooo much here, and I'm still learning. I go to esse emme dee just to see different kind of installs. But the infos are HERE !!!
  18. Notorious97200

    Box for a BTL N2 12"

    Dam... I did it twice. I saw it did not work, then it works twice !!!
  19. Notorious97200

    Box for a BTL N2 12"

    Ok that's my last try !! the sub : Inside the box again : Second baffle for a flush mount : Quite finished : We need to add the terminals, another small piece of wood in the port to make it stronger, and the dark grey carpet I found for cheap. More pics to come tomorrow, with the sub & box in my car ! Cyannnn wait !!!!!!
  20. Notorious97200

    Box for a BTL N2 12"

    Thanks again I'll try in a moment. I thought I did it like that last time, but Wrong I am !!! and yes, I use Firefox !
  21. Notorious97200

    Box for a BTL N2 12"

    Once again Sorry guys. I need to know how to post pictures. Iknew how, but I can't remember. I will search. All the pics are in my SSA gallery here.
  22. Notorious97200

    Box for a BTL N2 12"

    the "little" beast Nuff bracing ?!!! Yes, flush mount. I love it ! It will be my fist box with a flush mount sub. Quite finished. Need a little piece of wood to brace in the port, bolt terminals to install and a dark grey carpet I found for cheap ! That's all for now. thanks all for looking Make some comments , negative or positive. I'm here to learn !
  23. Notorious97200


    From the album: My 12" Btl N2

  24. Notorious97200


    From the album: My 12" Btl N2

  25. Notorious97200


    From the album: My 12" Btl N2
